Gait Analysis: Enhancing Parkinson’s Care

Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer’s, characterized by the progressive loss of nerve cells. As the disease progresses, both motor and non-motor symptoms become more severe. The...

maphera: Plug and Research

Collecting high-quality physiological data is fundamental to applied research and the broader field of personalized healthcare. Quality data – such as ECG, pulse, EEG, and EMG – is also essential for training AI algorithms. A key factor in obtaining...

Spoilt for Choice: Measurable Modalities in Studies

Who would have thought that my sweaty palms could ever be relevant for a study … I am Anna, a working student at Fraunhofer IIS, and that’s what I’m thinking to myself as I’m sitting wired up on a chair in a set-up box with...

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