This MIKAIA® App Note shows how to quantify tumor in proximity to nerve fibers (perineural invasion) in a IHC duplex-stained tissue section, where nerves appear red (antigen: S100) and tumor brown (antigen:...
2022 and 2023 have been breakthrough years for AI in digital pathology. Many new startups, backed by lots of venture capital, as well as established vendors have released AIs cleared for clinical routine. As of today...
The first step to creating a supervised Digital Pathology AI is to annotate whole-slide-images. MIKAIA® uses various annotation concepts. Working with MIKAIA® is easier when these annotation concepts are known and...
AI is on the rise in pretty much every scientific field (at least it feels that way). We talked to Nathalie Falk, one of the voices behind the MIKAIA University application notes, molecular biologist with a PhD in...
The TherVacB project, led by Helmholtz Zentrum München, received a five-year funding within the Horizon 2020 program. With TherVacB, a therapeutic vaccine to cure Hepatitis B, the project’s aim is to provide a...
When designing a new immunohistochemistry (IHC) assay, a quantitative assessment of how it “responds” in different tissues of various organs is insightful and helps optimizing the assay in an objective way...
Dear Travel Diary…. The European Congress on Digital Pathology 2023 (ECDP23) took place in Budapest, Hungary, from June 14th-17th in the beautiful Corinthian Hotel. ~600 delegates shared their latest experiences...
MIKAIA® University Application Note: Analyzing multiplexed immuno fluorescent (mIF) slides MIKAIA® has good support for viewing, annotating and analyzing multi-plexed (aka high-plex, aka hyper-plex) whole-slide images...
The 2023 congress of the German Society of Pathology (DGP) was hosted by Tübingen’s Pathology Director Prof. Dr. Falko Fend. It took place June 1st-3rd in the congress center in sunny Leipzig. Last I’ve...
Two of our closest clinical partners, Prof. Dr. Arndt Hartmann, head of the Institute of Phathology, and Adjunct Professor Dr. Carol Geppert, head of cytology and digital pathology at the University Hospital Erlangen...