MIKAIA: Build H&E Analysis using Multiple AIs

MIKAIA® is specifically designed for researchers in academia, CROs, biotech, pharma. One of the challenges is that researchers by design do unique things. For this reason, MIKAIA® apps do not represent individual side-by-side analyses that stand in...

MIKAIA: Differential IHC Cell Detection by ROI

This article is based on a our presentation “IHC Cell Analysis — More than just Cell Counting: A proposed Workflow” at the European Conference for Digital Pathology (ECDP) 2024 in Vilnius, Lithuania. The IHC analysis workflow in...

WSI and Annotation File Format I/O Support in MIKAIA

MIKAIA® supports various I/O formats, find out which ones. Importable whole-slide-image file formats Format / VendorCommentsOME-TIFFBrightfield and fluorescence. Z-stacks and timelines supported (mutually-exclusive). No multi-file support.DICOM...

Category - MIKAIA University

The MIKAIA University is the central learning and resources portal for MIKAIA users. It contains a list of App Notes, incl. video tutorials, that demonstrate various use cases where MIKAIA can be useful to life science researchers.