List of acronyms
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Acronym | Domain | Meaning |
ACE | ICT | Adaptive Communication Environment |
ADSL | ICT | Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line |
AFAP | Organisational | As Fast As Possible |
ALARA | Risk | As Low As Reasonably Achievable |
ALM | ICT | Application-Layer Multicast |
ALMI | ICT | Application-Layer Multicast Infrastructure |
ALSP | ICT, Simulation | Aggregate Level Simulation Protocol |
API | ICT | Application Programming Interface |
ATC (1) | Transport | Air Traffic Control |
ATC (2) | Transport | Automated Train Control |
ATM (1) | Financial | Automated Teller Machine |
ATM (2) | ICT | Asynchronous Transfer Mode |
ATO | Transport | Automated Train Operation |
ATP | Transport | Automated Train Protection |
BTP | ICT | Banana Tree Protocol |
CBM | Organisational Security | Confidence Building Measure(s) |
CBR(S) | ICT | Constant Bit-Rate (Service) |
CBRN | Threat CIP | Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear |
CBRNE | Threat CIP | Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosives |
CBRNED | Threat CIP | Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives and Digital/Cyber |
CC | ICT | Communication Controller |
CCB | CIP ICT | Cybersecurity Capacity Building |
CCF | CIP | Common Cause Failure |
CE | ICT | Communication Element |
CEII | CIP Energy | Critical Energy Infrastructure Information |
CEIP | CIP Energy | Critical Energy Infrastructure Protection |
CEO | Organisational | Chief Executive Officer |
CER | CIP | Critical Entities Resilience Directive (EU) 2022/2557 |
CERT | ICT Security | Computer Emergency Response Team |
CI | CIP Security | Critical Infrastructure |
CICI | CIP ICT Security | Cybersecurity Innovation for Cyberinfrastructure |
CII | CIP ICT Security | Critical Information Infrastructure |
CIID | CIP | Critical Infrastructure Incident Database |
CIIP | CIP ICT Security | Critical Information Infrastructure Protection |
CIIP | ICT | (in this context avoid confusion with) Civil Initiatives for Internet Policy |
CIIPR | CIP ICT Security | Critical Information Infrastructure Protection and Resilience |
CIIR | CIP CIR ICT Security | Critical Information Infrastructure Resilience |
CIP | CIP Security | Critical Infrastructure Protection |
CIPI | CIP Security | Critical Infrastructure Protection Information |
CIPMA | CIP | Critical Infrastructure Critical Infrastructure Program for Modelling and Analysis |
CIP PoCI | CIP Security | CIP Point of Contact |
CIR | CIP CIR Security | Critical Infrastructure Resilience |
CIS | ICT Security | Cybersecurity Information Sharing |
CISA | ICT Security Organisational | Cyber Information Sharing Agreement |
CISO | ICT Security Organisational | Chief Information Security Officer |
CIWIN | EU | Critical Infrastructure Warning and Information Network |
CL | ICT | Communication Layer |
CMF | CIP | Common Mode Failure |
CNI | CIP | Critical National Infrastructure |
CNII | CIP | Critical National Information Infrastructure |
COMAH | CIP | Control of Major Accident Hazards |
COTS | Organisational | Commercial off-the-shelf |
CPN | ICT | Cognitive Packet Network |
CPS | CIP | Cyber Physical System |
CRM | Organisational | Customer Relationship Management |
CSIP | ICT Security | Cybersecurity Strategy and Implementation Plan (USA) |
CSIRT | ICT Security | Computer Security Incident Response Team |
CSO (1) | Security Organisational | Chief Security Officer |
CSO (2) | Water | Combined Sewer Overflow |
CTI | ICT Security | Cyber Threat Intelligence |
CTIP | CIP ICT | Critical Telecommunication Infrastructure Protection |
CyCLONe | EU CIIP | Cyber EU Cyber Crisis Liaison Organisation Network |
DCI | CIP Security | (US) Defense Critical Infrastructure |
DCS (1) | ICT | Digital Communication System |
DCS (2) | ICT | Distributed Control System |
DDoS | ICT | Distributed Denial of Service |
DES (1) | ICT Security | Data Encryption Standard |
DES (2) | Simulation | Discrete Event Simulation |
DFS | ICT | Depth-First Search |
DIESIS | EU Simulation | Design of an Interoperable European federated Simulation network for critical InfraStructures |
DIS | Simulation | Distributed Interactive Simulation |
DOC | Organisational | Direct Operating Cost |
DORA | EU CIIP | Digital Operational Resilience Act EU 2022/2254 (financial institutions) |
DoS | ICT | Denial of Service |
DSS | Organisational | Decision Support System |
DVE | ICT | Distributed Virtual Environment |
DVMRP | ICT | Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol |
ECI | EU CIP | European Critical Infrastructure |
ECIC | CIP | Exceptionally Critical Infrastructure Conditions |
EII | ICT | EISAC Interoperability Infrastructure |
EIII | ICT | EII Interface |
EIIM | ICT | EISAC Interoperability Infrastructure Middleware |
e-IRG | EU | e-Infrastructures Reflection Group |
EISAC | EU Simulation | European Infrastructures Simulation and Analysis Centre |
EMP | Threat | Electromagnetic Pulse |
ENISA | EU | European Network and Information Security Agency |
EPCIP | EU CIP | European Program on Critical Infrastructures Protection |
ERA | EU | European Research Area |
ERNCIP | EU | European Reference Network for Critical Infrastructure Protection |
ESFRI | EU | European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures |
EUCI | EU ICT | EU Classified Information (do not confuse with ECI) |
EWE | Threat CIP | Extreme Weather Event |
FACTS | Energy | Flexible AC Transmission Systems |
FAN | ICT | Field Area Network |
FC | ICT | Federation Controller |
FCM | Simulation | Federation Control Module |
FMS&A | Simulation | Federated Modelling, Simulation and Analysis |
FOM | Simulation | Federation Object Model |
FONT | Simulation | Federation Ontology |
FTP | ICT | File Transfer Protocol |
GIS | ICT | Geographical Information System |
GNSS | Transport ICT | Global Navigation Satellite System (GPS, Galileo, Beidou, Glonass) |
GPS | Transport ICT | Global Positioning System |
GSM | ICT | Global System for Mobile Communications (Groupe Spéciale Mobile) |
GSM-R | Transport | GSM for Railways |
GUI | ICT | Graphical User Interface |
HAN | ICT | Home Area Network |
HARA | ICT | Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment |
HAZOP | Risk | Hazard and Operability Study |
HILP | Risk | High Impact, Low Probability |
HLA | Simulation | High Level Architecture |
HMI | ICT | Human-Machine Interface |
HMTP | ICT | Host Multicast Tree Protocol |
HTTP | ICT | Hypertext Transfer Protocol |
HTTPS | ICT | Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure |
HVAC | various | Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning |
ICE | EU CIP | Infrastrutture Critiche Europee |
ICS | ICT | Industrial Control System |
ICT | ICT | Information and Communication Technolog(y)(ies) |
IDT | CIP | Infrastructure Data Taxonomy |
IEMI | Security | Intentional Electromagnetic Interference |
IONT | Simulation | Infrastructure Ontology |
IP (1) | ICT | Internet Protocol |
IP (2) | CIP | (DHS) Office of Infrastructure Protection |
IPC | ICT | Inter-process Communication |
ISAC | ICT Security Organisational | Information Sharing and Analysis Centre |
ISAO | ICT Security Organisational | Information Sharing and Analysis Organisation |
IT | ICT | Information Technology |
JESS | ICT | Java Expert System Shell |
JIMP | Organisational | Joint, Interagency, Multinational and Public |
JVM | ICT | Java Virtual Machine |
KBS | ICT | Knowledge Base System |
LAMPS | Simulation | Language for Agent-based Modelling of Processes and Scenarios |
LAN | ICT | Local Area Network |
MAC | ICT | Media Access Control |
MAIFI | Service, Power | Momentary Average Interruption Frequency Index |
MANET | ICT | Mobile Ad-hoc Networks |
MISP | ICT Security | Malware Information Sharing Platform |
MPLS | ICT | Multiprotocol Label Switching |
MS | EU | Member State(s) |
MST | ICT | Minimum Spanning Tree |
MS&A | Simulation | Modelling, Simulation and Analysis |
MTBF | Service | Mean Time Between Failures |
MTTR | Service | Mean Time To Repair |
NAC | ICT | Network Access Control |
NAT | ICT | Network Address Translation |
NATECH | CIP, EU | Natural Hazard Triggering Technological Disasters |
NCI | CIP | National Critical Infrastructure |
NCI&KA | CIP | National Critical Infrastructure and Key Assets |
NERC | Energy | North American Electric Reliability Corporation |
NGI | CIP | Next Generation Infrastructure |
NIS | ICT CIIP | Network and Information System |
NIS 2 | ICT CIIP | Network and Information System Directive 2 (EU) 2022/2555 |
NNCEIP | CIP Energy | non-Nuclear Critical Energy Infrastructure Protection |
NSA | Security | National Security Agency |
NSTISSI | ICT | National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Instruction |
NTP | ICT | Network Time Protocol |
OGSA | ICT | Open Grid Services Architecture |
OS | ICT | Operating System |
OSP | CIP Organisational | (CI) Operator Security Procedures |
OWL | ICT | Web Ontology Language |
P2P | ICT | Peer-To-Peer |
PCII | CIP | Protected Critical Infrastructure Information |
PCS | ICT | Process Control System |
PDES | Simulation | Parallel Discrete Event Simulation |
PDU | ICT | Protocol Data Unit |
PESTLE | Organisational | Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, and Environmental |
PLC | ICT | Programmable Logic Controller |
PN | ICT | Physical Node |
PNeT | ICT | Physical Network |
PNT | Transport ICT Service | Positioning, Navigation and Timing |
POCBS | Threat CIP | Power Outages Caused By Squirrels |
PoC | Organisational | Proof of Concept |
PPC | Organisational | Public-Private Cooperation |
PPP | Organisational | Public-Private Partnership |
QoS | Service | Quality of Service |
QRT | ICT | Queue Reader Thread |
RA | Risk | Risk Assessment |
RfO | Service | Reason for Outage |
RNN | ICT | Random Neural Network |
RO | ICT | Receive Order |
RP | ICT | Rendezvous Point |
RPC | ICT | Remote Procedure Call |
RTI | Simulation | Run Time Infrastructure |
RTT | ICT | Round-Trip Time |
SAHARA | ICT | Secure-Aware Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment |
SAIDI | Service | System Average Interruption Duration Index |
SAIFI | Service | System Average Interruption Frequency Index |
SCADA | ICT | Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition |
SLA | Service | Service Level Agreement |
SLO | CIP Organisational | Security Liaison Officer |
SOA | ICT | Service-Oriented Architecture |
SOAP | ICT | Simple Object Access Protocol |
SOAP-RPC | ICT | SOAP Remote Procedure Call |
SOC | ICT Security Organisational | Security Operating Centre |
SONT | Simulation | Simulator Ontology |
SPT | ICT | Shortest Path Tree |
SQL | ICT | Structured Query Language |
SSA | CIP | Sector-Specific Agency |
SSL | ICT | Secure Sockets Layer |
SWRL | ICT | Semantic Web Rule Language |
TAO | Rail | Trein Aantastende Onregelmatigheid (Train disturbance event) |
TBCP | ICT | Tree Building Control Protocol |
TCM | ICT | TCP Communication Module |
TCP | ICT | Transmission Control Protocol |
TCP/IP | ICT | Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol |
TETRA | ICT | TErrestrial Trunked RAdio |
TIC | ICT | Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (ICT in Spanish) |
TLP | Organisational Security | Traffic Light Protocol |
TLS | ICT | Transport Layer Security |
TMM | ICT | Time Management Module |
TNCEIP | EU | Thematic Network on Critical Energy Infrastructure Protection |
TPoC | EU | Technical Proof-of-Concept |
TSO | ICT | Timestamp Order |
UDM | ICT | UDP Communication Module |
UDP | ICT | User Datagram Protocol |
UML | ICT | Unified Modeling Language |
VN | ICT | Virtual Node |
VNet | ICT | Virtual Network |
VSF | CIP | Vital Societal Functions |
WAN | ICT | Wide Area Network |
WARP | Organisational Security | Warning, Advice and Reporting Point |
WP | EU | Work Package |
WSDL | ICT | Web Services Description Language |
XML | ICT | Extensible Markup Language |
XSL | ICT | Extensible Stylesheet Language |
XSLT | ICT | XSL Transformations |
Yoid | ICT | Your Own Internet Distribution |