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European Definitions

CBRN is an acronym for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear issues that could harm the society through their accidental or deliberate release, dissemination, or impacts [1]


CBRN: chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear

chimique, biologique, radiologique et nucléaire. [2]

химический, биологический, радиационный и ядерный [3]

National Definitions


Lyhenteet CBRNE ja CBRN tulevat englanninkielisistä sanoista chemical (kemiallinen), biological (biologinen), radiological (säteily), nuclear (ydin-) ja explosive (räjähtävä, räjähde). [4]


CBRN ist die Abkürzung für „chemisch, biologisch, radiologisch und nuklear“. [5]

CBRN unterscheidet zwischen nuklearen Gefahren (N: Gefahren durch Kernbrennstoffe und die Auswirkungen von nuklearen Kettenreaktionen) und radiologischen Gefahren (R: Gefahren durch alle anderen radioaktive Stoffe)


Nucleare biologico chimico radiologico (Nbcr): Sostanze nucleari, biologiche, chimiche o radiologiche in grado di provocare gravi danni a persone, animali o cose, e di diffondere il contagio. Questo tipo di sostanze può essere disperso in seguito a incidenti industriali, incidenti stradali, errata manipolazione da parte dell’uomo, impiego a scopo terroristico, o in seguito a terremoti, alluvioni e altri fenomeni naturali. [6]

(States of) Jersey

CBRN is a term used to describe chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear materials. [7]

CBRN is often used associated with terrorism.


CBRN: Chemisch, biologisch, radiologisch of nucleair. [8]


CBRN: chemiczną, biologiczną, radiologiczną i nuklearną. [9]

United Kingdom

A term used to describe Chemical, Biological, Radiological or Nuclear materials. CBRN is often associated with terrorism. [10]

See also

