Crisis Management

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According to securipedia [1], Crisis Management is a continuous process with typically four cyclic phases following a crisis:

  1. response
  2. recovery
  3. mitigation
  4. preparedness

The Netherlands crisis management structure recognises an additional phase: aftercare ('nazorg'), e.g. to take care of the long-term socio-psychological impact to citizens, and to identify and learn the lessons.
Different from Emergency Management, Crisis Management has also a long-term strategic aspect.


European Definitions

Other International Definitions

NATO Definition

The coordinated actions taken to defuse crises, prevent their escalation into an armed conflict and contain hostilities if they should result. [2]

National Definitions


Manejo de Crisis: Acciones conjuntas para facilitar el proceso de toma de decisiones orientadas a evitar, neutralizar o disuadir hechos graves de perturbación del orden público o una situación económica, social, política o catástrofe natural que por sus efectos inmediatos pongan en grave peligro la estabilidad institucional, la seguridad del Estado o de la comunidad y sus recursos. [3]

Czech Republic

Crisis management shall denote the summary of management activities of crisis management authorities focused on analysis and evaluation of security risks and planning, organization, implementation and control of activities performed in connection with:
1. preparation for crisis situations and their solution or
2. protection of critical infrastructure. [4]

Krizové řízení: Souhrn řídících činností orgánů krizového řízení zaměřených na analyze a vyhodnocení bezpečnostních rizik a plánování, organizování, realizaci a kontrolu činností prováděných v souvislosti s přípravou na krizové situace a jejich řešením, nebo ochranou kritické infrastruktury. [5]

Crisis management: Collection of management activities of the bodies of crisis management aimed at the analysis and evaluation of security risks and planning, organization, implementation and verification of activities conducted in connection with Preparation for crisis situations and their solution or protection of critical infrastructure. [6]


Crisis management is national arrangements that are prepared and implemented by governmental organisations in cooperation with local governments, private enterprise and non-profit organisations in order to guarantee public safety during an emergency.


Kriisinhallinta: suunniteltu kansainvälinen toiminta kriisin estämiseksi, rajoittamiseksi, aiheutuneiden tuhojen korjaamiseksi ja normaaliolojen palauttamiseksi.

Crisis management: planned international actions to prevent and limit a crisis, to repair caused damages, and to restore normal conditions. -unofficial translation- [7]


Crisis Management is any measure taken to prevent, prepare for, identify and cope with crises including post-event analysis. [8]

Crisis management is the establishment of conceptual, organisational and procedural basis to support the process of restoring a normal state of affairs as quickly as possible after the occurrence of an exceptional situation. [9]

Creation of the conceptional, organisational and procedural prerequisites required to manage the abnormal situation which has arisen and restore things to normality as quickly as possible. [10]

Alle Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung von, Vorbereitung auf, Erkennung und Bewältigung sowie Nachbereitung von Krisen. [11]

Krisenmanagement: Schaffung von konzeptionellen, organisatorischen und verfahrensmäßigen Voraussetzungen, die eine schnellstmögliche Zurückführung der eingetretenen außergewöhnlichen Situation in den Normalzustand unterstützen. [12]


Wet Veiligheidsregio's
Crisisbeheersing is het geheel van maatregelen en voorzieningen, met inbegrip van de voorbereiding daarop, dat de overheid in een crisis treft ter handhaving van de openbare orde, indien van toepassing in samenhang met de maatregelen en voorzieningen die op basis van een bij of krachtens enige andere wet toegekende bevoegdheid ter zake van een crisis worden getroffen.

Crisis management comprises the set of of measures and means (incl. preparations) by the public authorities during a crisis in order to maintain public order, and -if appropriate- simultaneously with measures and means activated on basis of another law or mandate during the crisis. [13]

Handbook Crisisbesluitvorming
Crisisbeheersing staat in het kader van dit Nationaal Handboek voor coördinatie en besluitvorming over het geheel van maatregelen en voorzieningen dat de rijksoverheid treft in samenwerking met betrokken publieke en private partners in een situatie waarbij de nationale veiligheid in het geding is of kan zijn of bij een andere situatie, waarbij van een grote maatschappelijke impact sprake is of kan zijn. [14]

This definition is wider than the definition from the Wet Veiligheidsregio's (Wvr art 1).


Zarządzanie kryzysowe (CM): Skoordynowane działania podejmowane w celu rozładowania napięcia kryzysowego, niedopuszczanie do jego eskalacji i przekształcenia w konflikt zbrojny oraz powstrzymanie od wrogich działań, jeśli zachodzi taka potrzeba. [15]


Gestionare crize: Ansamblul măsurilor şi acţiunilor de administrare a unor manifestărilor unor dificultăţi (economice, politice, sociale etc.), a unor momente critice în evoluţia care precede rezolvarea unor probleme, ale unor perioade de tensiune constând în izolarea, blocarea şi stingerea (soluţionarea) conflictelor care alimentează criza (conflictul), este un proces care implică organizare, planuri şi măsuri menite să aducă sub control situaţia, să oprească evoluţia negativă a acesteia şi să proiecteze o soluţie acceptabilă, căci principalul scop îl reprezintă găsirea căilor de menţinere a stării de normalitate în societate. [16]

Managementul crizelor: Ansamblul mecanismelor, procedurilor şi activităţilor prin care factorii de decizie, abilitaţi prin lege, stabilesc şi pun în aplicare măsurile necesare pentru prevenirea şi controlul crizelor, precum şi pentru înlăturarea efectelor acestora, în scopul revenirii la starea de normalitate. [17]


Crisis management: The process by which an organisation deals with a major event that threatens to harm the organisation, its stakeholders, or the general public. [18]


Krízový manažment: Súhrn činností vecne príslušných inštitúcií určených na analýzu bezpečnostných rizík a ohrození, na monitorovanie rizikových činiteľov, na prevenciu vzniku krízových situácií a na plánovanie, organizovanie, uskutočňovanie a kontrolu činností určených na vytváranie podmienok na riešenie a na samotné riešenie krízových situácií. [19]


Krizno upravljanje je proces v sistemu nacionalne varnosti s katerim se vzpostavljajo enotna načela, postopki, mehanizmi in ukrepi za usklajeno in učinkovito odzivanje na krize. [20]


Krisenmanagement: Systematische Vorsorge für Krisen sowie deren Bewältigung. [21]

Krisenmanagement beinhaltet die Krisenorganisation, die Identifikation und Analyse von Krisensituationen, die Entwicklung von Strategien zur Bewältigung der Krisen sowie die Einleitung und Verfolgung von Gegenmassnahmen. Das Krisenmanagement umfasst sowohl die Vorbereitung auf die Krisensituation als auch die Steuerung in der Situation selbst.

Gestion de crise: Préparation systématique aux crises ainsi qu’à la maîtrise de telles situations. [22]

Cette notion englobe l’organisation de crise, l’identification et l’analyse de situations de crise, la mise au point de stratégies visant à maîtriser les crises ainsi que la mise en marche et le suivi de contremesures. La gestion de crise englobe tant les dispositions prises pour affronter la situation de crise que la gestion de la situation en elle-même.


Crisis Management – This is the law enforcement aspect of an incident that involves measures to identify, acquire, and plan the resources needed to anticipate, prevent, and/or resolve a threat of terrorism. [23]

United States

The ability of an entity to manage incidents that have the potential to cause significant security, financial, or reputational impacts. [24]

Other Definitions

Ontario (Canada)

Crisis management refers to the overall coordination of an organization’s response to a crisis in an effective, timely manner, with the goal of avoiding or minimizing damage to the organization’s profitability, reputation, and ability to operate. [25]

Gestion des crises fait référence à la coordination globale, de façon efficace et opportune, des mesures prises par une organisation en situation de crise dans le but d'éviter ou de minimiser les répercussions négatives sur sa profitabilité, sa réputation et sa capacité à poursuivre ses activités. [26]

Standard Definition

ASIS SPC.1-2009

Crisis Management: Holistic management process that identifies potential impacts that threaten an organization and provides a framework for building [resilience]], with the capability for an effective response that safeguards the interests of its key stakeholders, reputation, brand, and value-creating activities – as well as effectively restoring operational capabilities. [27]

Note: Crisis management also involves the management of preparedness, mitigation response, and continuity or recovery in the event of an incident – as well as management of the overall program through training, rehearsals, and reviews to ensure the preparedness, response, and continuity plans stay current and up-to-date.


Crisismanagement: Gecoördineerde activiteiten om een organisatie te leiden, te sturen en te controleren met betrekking tot crisis. [28]

See also



  2. NATO Glossary AAP-06(2014)
  3. Glosario Policia Colombia
  4. No. 240/2000 Coll. on Crisis Management and on amendments of certain acts (Crisis Act) as amended (2000)
  5. Výkladový slovník kybernetické bezpečnosti (2013)
  6. Act No. 181 of 23 July 2014 On Cyber Security and Change of Related Acts (Act on Cyber Security)
  7. Vocabulary of Comprehensive Security. Helsinki (TSK 47) (2014)
  8. Civil Protection in Germany, BBK, 2012
  9. Protection of Critical Infrastructures – Baseline Protection Concept: Recommendation for Companies, BMI.
  10. IT Emergency and Crisis Exercises in Critical Infrastructures, BMI - Federal Ministry of the Interior (2007)
  11. Glossar BBK
  12. BSI Glossar
  13. Wet Veiligheidsregio's article 1 (Wvr art 1)
  14. Handboek Crisisbesluitvorming, Rijksoverheid, Den Haag, 2013.
  18. Foresight: A Glossary, Civil Service College, Singapore
  20. Vojaška doktrina, Slovenia, 2006
  21. Leitfaden Schutz kritischer Infrastrukturen 2015 / Glossar der Risikobegriffe, Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz BABS, 29.4.2013
  22. Guide pour la protection des infrastructures critiques 2015/Glossaire des risques, Office fédéral de la protection de la population, 29.4.2013
  23. National Contingency plan for managing the Emergency Consequences of Terrorist Incidents, Rwanda (2015)
  24. NFPA-1600
  25. Province of Ontario’s Emergency Management Glossary of Terms
  26. Province of Ontario’s Emergency Management Glossary of Terms
  27. Organizational Resilience: Security Preparedness and Continuity Management Systems - Requirements with Guidance for Use (2009) - SPC.1, ASIS SPC.1-2009, Americal National Standard
  28. Cybersecurity Woordenboek 2021