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Recovery of physical infrastructure and objects after a major disaster is also called reconstruction.


European Definitions


Disaaster recovery is the process of restoring a system to full operation after an interruption in service, including equipment repair / replacement, file recovery / restoration. [1]

Other International Definitions


The restoration, and improvement where appropriate, of facilities, livelihoods and living conditions of disaster-affected communities, including efforts to reduce disaster risk factors. [2]

According to UNISDR, the recovery task of rehabilitation and reconstruction begins soon after the emergency phase has ended, and should be based on pre-existing strategies and policies that facilitate clear institutional responsibilities for recovery action and enable public participation. Recovery programmes, coupled with the heightened public awareness and engagement after a disaster, afford a valuable opportunity to develop and implement disaster risk reduction measures and to apply the “build back better” principle.

Redressement: La restauration, l’amélioration, l’installation de moyens de subsistance et les conditions de vie des communautés touchées par des catastrophes, y compris les efforts visant à réduire les facteurs de risque. [3]

Восстановление и, в случае необходимости, улучшение объектов, средств к существованию и условий жизни пострадавшего от бедствий населения, включая работу по снижению факторов риска бедствий. [4]

Recuperación: La restauración y el mejoramiento, cuando sea necesario, de los planteles, instalaciones, medios de sustento y condiciones de vida de las comunidades afectadas por los desastres, lo que incluye esfuerzos para reducir los factores del riesgo de desastres. [5]

التعافي : الترميم والتحسين، عند اللزوم، للمنشآت وسبل المعيشة والظروف الحياتية للمجتمعات المتأثرة، بما في ذلك بذل الجهود للحد من عوامل مخاطر الكوارث. [6]

Pemulihan: Restorasi - dan perbaikan jika perlu - fasilitas, penghidupan dan kondisi hidup masyarakat yang terkena dampak bencana, termasuk upaya-upaya untuk mengurangi faktor-faktor risiko bencana. [7]

Pemulihan: Proses baikpulih dan peningkatan yang bersesuaian, terhadap fasiliti, punca pendapatan, dan juga kehidupan komuniti yang dilanda bencana, termasuk langkah mengurangkan faktor risiko bencana. [8]

复原 - 根据可持续发展和重建得更好的原则,恢复或改善受灾害影响的社区或社会的生 计、卫生、经济、实体、社会、文化和环境资产,以避免或减少未来的灾害风险。 [9]

[10] بازتواني و بازسازي
بازگرداندن و بهبود وضعيت متناسب با امكانات و زيرساخت ها، معيشت ها و شرايط زندگي جوامعي كه متاثر
از بحران ها قرار گرفته اند ودربرگيرنده تلاش هايي به منظور كاهش عوامل خطرپذيري بحران مي باشد.


Reconstruction: actions taken to re-establish a community after a period of rehabilitation subsequent to a disaster. [11]

Actions would include construction of permanent housing, full restoration of all services, and complete resumption of the pre-disaster state.

Reconstrucción: Acciones tomadas para restablecer una comunidad después de un periodo de rehabilitación, subsecuente a un desastre. [11]

Reconstruction: Actions entreprises pour réinstaller une communauté après une période de rehabilitation succédant à une catastrophe. [11]

National Definitions


Recuperación: Conjunto de acciones posteriores a un evento adverso que buscan el restablecimiento de condiciones adecuadas y sostenibles de vida mediante la reconstrucción y rehabilitación del área afectada, los bienes y servicios interrumpidos o deteriorados y la reactivación o impulso del desarrollo económico y social de la comunidad. [12]


Recovery is the coordinated process of supporting emergency-affected communities in reconstruction of the physical infrastructure and restoration of emotional, social, economic and physical wellbeing. [13]

Recovery are measures which support emergency-affected individuals and communities in the reconstruction of the physical infrastructure and restoration of emotional, economic and physical well-being. [13]

Actions taken following the commencement of a disruptive event to return the organization to routine management. [14]


Recovery: the cost factors which will be very critical as efforts such as rebuilding the infrastructure, food, medicines and clothing may be required in emergency or disaster situations. [15]


Actions taken to repair or restore conditions to an acceptable level after a disaster.

Activités visant à restaurer ou rétablir les conditions à un niveau acceptable après une catastrophe. [16]

Cape Verde

Recuperação: Restauração e melhoria, se for caso disso, de estruturas, dos meios de subsistência das comunidades afectadas por um desastre, incluindo esforços para reduzir os factores de risco de desastres. Recuperação engloba tanto a reconstrução de activos físicos danificados ou destruídos, incluindo melhorias adequadas para reduzir o risco e reconstruir melhor; e recuperação dos fluxos afectados. A restauração das actividades socioeconómicas é considerada também parte do processo de recuperação (No contexto de uma ANPDPDNA). [17]

El Salvador

Recuperación: Proceso de restablecimiento de condiciones adecuados y sostenibles de vida mediante la rehabilitación, reparación o reconstrucción del área afectada, los bienes y servicios interrumpidos o deteriorados y la reactivación o impulso del desarrollo económico y social de la comunidad. [18]


Toipuminen; elpyminen: toimintakyvyn palautuminen kriisin, häiriötilanteen tai poikkeusolojen jälkeen.

Recovery is recovery of the working order after a crisis, incident or emergency. -unofficial translation- [19]


Recovery: The restoration, and improvement where appropriate, of facilities, livelihoods and living conditions of disaster-affected communities, including efforts to reduce disaster risk factors. [20]


Recovery is the process of restoring and rebuilding communities, infrastructure, buildings and services. [21]


החזרת מערכת שניזוקה מתקיפת סייבר לרמת פעולה המאפשרת את המשך קיומה של רציפות התפקוד של הארגון [22]


Rétablissement: Procédure globale qui consiste à soutenir les communautés affectées par une catastrophe dans leurs efforts pour reconstruire des infrastructures physiques et restaurer un bien être social, émotionnel, économique et physique. [23]


Recuperación: Proceso de restablecimiento de condiciones aceptables y sostenibles de vida mediante la rehabilitación, reparación o reconstrucción de la infraestructura, bienes y servicios destruidos, interrumpidos o deteriorados en el área afectada, y la reactivación o impulso del desarrollo económico y social de la comunidad bajo condiciones de menor riesgo que lo que existía antes del desastre. [24]

New Zealand/AOTEAROA

Recovery is one of the ‘4 Rs’ of Emergency Management: Recovery means the coordinated efforts and processes used to bring about the immediate, medium-term, and long-term holistic regeneration of a community following an emergency. [25]

Republic of Trinidad & Tobago

The restoration, and improvement where appropriate, of facilities, livelihoods and living conditions of disaster-affected communities, including efforts to reduce disaster risk factors. [26]


Recovery – Recovery, in this document, includes all types of emergency actions dedicated to the continued protection of the public or promoting the resumption of normal activities in the affected area. [27]

Saint Lucia

Recovery: Decisions and actions taken after a disaster with a view to restoring or improving the predisaster living conditions of the stricken community, while encouraging and facilitating necessary adjustments to reduce disaster risk. [28]

Recovery (rehabilitation and reconstruction) affords an opportunity to develop and apply disaster risk reduction measures (from: UN DRR).

Recovery: The restoration of basic services and the beginning of the repair of physical, social and economic damages. [29]

Recovery: Short term rehabilitation and longer-term reconstruction measures taken to achieve a rapid and durable recovery. [30]


Die Regeneration ist eine Phase im integralen Risikomanagement im Bevölkerungsschutz und umfasst die Auswertung eines Ereignisses und den Wiederaufbau. [31]

Phase de la géstion intégrale des risques englobant l'évaluation d'un événement et la reconstruction. [32]

Rétablissement: la rigenerazione è una fase del ciclo di gestione integrale dei rischi nell’ambito della protezione della popolazione che comprende la valutazione dell'evento e la ricostruzione. [33]


Recovery: Those activities necessary to provide a rapid return to normalcy both for the affected community and for those involved with the response. [34]


Recovery: Decisions and actions taken after a disaster to restore the normal living conditions while encouraging and facilitating adjustments to reduce disaster risk. [35]

United Kingdom (UK)

Recovery is the process of rebuilding, restoring and rehabilitating the community, both physically and socially, following an emergency. [36]

United States

Recovery: the activities after an incident or event to restore essential services and operations in the short and medium term and fully restore all capabilities in the longer term. [37]

Presidential Policy Directive PPD-8
Recovery is those capabilities necessary to assist communities affected by an incident to recover effectively, including, but not limited to, rebuilding infrastructure systems; providing adequate interim and long-term housing for survivors; restoring health, social, and community services; promoting economic development; and restoring natural and cultural resources. [38]

Recovery is the development, coordination, and execution of service- and site-restoration plans; the reconstitution of government operations and services; individual, private-sector, nongovernmental, and public assistance programs to provide housing and to promote restoration; long-term care and treatment of affected persons; additional measures for social, political, environmental, and economic restoration; evaluation of the incident to identify lessons learned; postincident reporting; and development of initiatives to mitigate the effects of future incidents. [39]

Recover (function) is to develop and implement the appropriate activities to maintain plans for resilience and to restore any capabilities or services that were impaired due to a Cyber Security event. [40]

Activities and programs designed to return conditions to a level that is acceptable to the entity. [41]

Standard Definition


The process of restoring a secure state in a system after there has been an accidental failure or successful attack.

The process of restoring an information system's assets and operation following damage or destruction. [42]

ISO 22300:2012(en)

Restoration and improvement, where appropriate, of operations, facilities, livelihoods or living conditions of affected organizations, including efforts to reduce risk factors. [43]

Other Definitions

Ontario (Canada)

Recovery is the process of restoring a stricken community to a pre-disaster level of functioning. [44]

This may include the provision of financial assistance, repairing buildings and/or restoration of the environment.

Rétablissement: processus visant à ramener une collectivité sinistrée aux conditions normales d’avant la situation d’urgence. [44]

Ce processus peut inclure la fourniture d’une assistance financière, la réparation de bâtiments ou la restauration de l’environnement.

See also



  1. ENISA Risk Glossary
  2. 2009 UNISDR Terminology on Disaster Risk Reduction
  3. UNISDR glossary
  4. UNISDR glossary
  5. UNISDR glossary
  6. UNISDR glossary
  7. UNISDR glossary in Bahasa
  8. UNISDR glossary in Malay
  9. UNDRR Terminology on Disaster Risk Reduction in Chinese
  10. Internationally agreed glossary of basic terms related to Disaster Management in Farsi
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Internationally agreed glossary of basic terms related to Disaster Management
  13. 13.0 13.1 Australian Emergency Management Glossary, Emergency Management Australia (1998)
  14. Australia AS NZS 5050 (2010)
  15. Emergency Procedures: From Plan to Practice
  16. Vocabulaire de la gestion des urgencies/Emergency Management Emergency Management Vocabulary 281 (2012)
  17. Avaliação das Necessidades Pós- Desastre (PDNA) ERUPÇÃO VULCÂNICA NO FOGO 2014-2015, Cape Verde
  18. Glosario de Riesgo, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, El Salvador
  19. Vocabulary of Comprehensive Security. Helsinki (TSK 47) (2014)
  20. National Disaster Management Plan (NDMP)- (2016)
  22. CERT.IL Glossary
  23. Stratégie Nationale de Gestion des Risques et des Catastrophes – Madagascar (2014)
  24. El Glosario Centro Nacional de prevencion de desastres (CENAPRED)
  25. The New Zealand Coordinated Incident Management System, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, New Zealand. (2014)
  26. Comprehensive Disaster Management Policy Framework for Trinidad and Tobago
  27. National Contingency plan for managing the Emergency Consequences of Terrorist Incidents, Rwanda (2015)
  28. Disaster Risk Reduction Country Profile for Saint Lucia: August 2012
  29. Government of Saint Lucia Disaster Management Policy Framework for Saint Lucia, 2004
  30. Government of Saint Lucia Disaster Management Policy Framework for Saint Lucia, 2004
  31. Glossar der Risikobegriffe, Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz BABS, 29.4.2013
  32. Glossaire des risques, Office fédéral de la protection de la population, 29.4.2013
  33. Glossario sui rischi, Ufficio federale della protezione della popolazione UFPP, 29.4.2013
  34. United Republic of Tanzania National Operational Guidelines for Disaster Management 2003
  35. Tonga climate change ministry glossary
  36. Glossary - Revision to Emergency Preparedness, Cabinet Office (2012)
  37. DHS/NICSS Glossary
  38. Presidential Policy Directive /PPD-8: National Preparedness, March 30, 2011
  39. National Incident Management Plan (core)
  40. Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity v1.0, NIST, February 12, 2014.
  41. Source: NFPA 1600-4: Standard on Disaster/Emergency Management and Business Continuity Programs
  42. IETF RFC449 Internet Security Glossary 2
  43. ISO 22300:2012(en) Societal security — Terminology
  44. 44.0 44.1 Province of Ontario’s Emergency Management Glossary of Terms