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Capability can be viewed as the ability to perform actions. Capability is often used in an interchangeable way with capacity.


European Definitions


Other International Definitions

Capability is a measureable activity that may be performed as part of an organization’s roles and responsibilities. [1]

For purposes of the CSIRT Services Framework, the capabilities can either be defined as the broader Services or as the requisite Functions. The capability measures “How good” the service can be delivered, how extensive or deep a malware sample can be analyzed. Capability is often referred to as proficiency or maturity and is used synonymously.


Capacity is the combination of all the strengths, attributes and resources available within a community, society or organization that can be used to achieve agreed goals. [2]

Comment: Capacity may include infrastructure and physical means, institutions, societal coping abilities, as well as human knowledge, skills and collective attributes such as social relationships, leadership, and management. Capacity also may be described as capability. Capacity assessment is a term for the process by which the capacity of a group is reviewed against desired goals, and the capacity gaps are identified for further action.

能力 - 一个组织、社区或社会内部管理和减少灾害风险并加强复原力的所有优势、特 质和可用资源的组合。[3]


National Definitions


A capability is the ability and capacity of people, functions, processes and/or infrastructure to undertake required actions or activities. [4]


A combination of resources that provides the means to prevent, protect against, respond to and recover from emergencies, disasters and other types of incidents.

Capacité: Combinaison de ressources qui fournit les moyens pour la prévention, la protection, l’intervention et le rétablissement dans le cas d’urgences, de catastrophes et d’autres types d’incidents. [5]

In capability-based planning, a capability includes the following elements: planning, organization and leadership, personnel, equipment and systems, training, and exercises, evaluations and corrective actions. It may also include other elements that can be tailored to specific needs and contexts.


Aptitude à faire face: La façon dont les personnes et les organisations agissent, en utilisant les ressources disponibles compte-tenu des développements possibles d’une situation spécifique et dans le but d’obtenir divers résultats. Les moyens pour faire face sont une combinaison de toutes les forces et ressources utiles pour réduire les effets des catastrophes. [6]


Capabilitate – produsul unor măsuri şi acţiuni, care cuprinde elemente de doctrină, organizare, comandă, pregătire şi instruire, dotare, infrastructură, personal şi interoperabilitate, necesare pentru îndeplinirea unui obiectiv şi susţinerea efectului dorit. [7]

Capability - the product of some measures and actions, including elements of doctrine, organization, command, training and training, endowment, infrastructure, personnel and interoperability necessary to achieve an objective, and supporting the desired effect.


Capabilities are the people, experience and assets to adequately operate when required.

Capaciteiten zijn de mensen, kunde en middelen voorhanden om daadwerkelijk adequaat in te kunnen grijpen. [8]

A capability is defined as the ability of (central) government, private partners and the public to perform tasks whose aims include safeguarding national security. [9]

Een capaciteit is het vermogen van de (rijks)overheid en private partners om taken uit te voeren die (mede) tot doel hebben de nationale veiligheid te beschermen. [10]

These tasks involve specific combinations of resources (e.g. material or information systems), people (e.g. civilians, members of the armed forces) and methods (e.g. procedures, plans, training exercises and public-private partnerships). Capabilities can help to reduce the likelihood and/or impact of one or more threats. They cover the entire spectrum of prevention, preparation, response, control and recovery.
Het gaat hierbij om bepaalde combinaties van middelen (bijv. materiaal of informatiesystemen), mensen (civiel, militair, et cetera) en methoden (zoals procedures, plannen, oefenen, PPS-verbanden). Capaciteiten helpen de kans en/of de impact van een of meerdere dreigingen te reduceren. Capaciteiten kunnen het totale spectrum van preventie, preparatie, respons, repressie en nazorg beslaan.

United Kingdom

A capability is a demonstrable ability to respond to, and recover from, a particular threat or hazard. [11]

United States

Capability is the means to accomplish a mission, function, or objective. [12]

Capability: A set of mutually reinforcing security controls implemented by technical, physical, and procedural means. Such controls are typically selected to achieve a common information security-related purpose. [13]

Other Definitions


Capability is the combination of all the strengths, attributes and resources available within a community, society or organisation that can be used to achieve agreed goals. [14]

Capacity may include infrastructure and physical means, institutions, societal coping abilities, as well as human knowledge, skills and collective attributes such as social relationships, leadership and management. Capacity also may be described as capability. Capacity assessment is a term for the process by which the capacity of a group is reviewed against desired goals, and the capacity gaps are identified for further action (UNISDR, 2009).


Capability, Surge: The ability to manage patients requiring unusual or very specialized medical evaluation and care. Surge requirements span the range of specialized medical and health services(expertise, information, procedures, equipment, or personnel) that are not normally available at the location where they are needed (e.g., pediatric care provided at non-pediatric facilities or burn care services at a non-burn center). Surge capability also includes patient problems that require special intervention to protect medical providers, other patients, and the integrity of the medical care facility. [15]

Standard Definition

See also

