SHELTER Datalake for Resilience (D4R)

D4R is a data repository aimed to build a knowledge base of the local risks and vulnerabilities of Historical Areas and of the best practices and results from linked research initiatives for the resilience process. It stores and indexes georeferenced data and provides a series of filter to allow the users a punctual search among all the datasets available. Every resource is coupled with INSPIRE metadata, which follows the technical guidelines of the INSPIRE directive 2007/2/EC. INSPIRE metadata aims to create a European Union spatial data infrastructure for the purposes of EU environmental policies and policies or activities which may have an impact on the environment. RD helps to build a collaborative best/next practices observatory, that can be used for consultancy works since it will advise on the suitability of different solutions depending on the element characteristics, location and damage based on the knowledge gathered in the repository.
Official website





Target users/audience



Disaster Risk Management, Climate Change Adaptation

Conditions for use

None, Registration of user account