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==== [[Canada]] ====
==== [[Canada]] ====
{{definition|The body of technologies, processes, practices and response and mitigation measures designed to protect networks, computers, programs and data from attack, [[damage]] or unauthorized access so as to ensure [[confidentiality]], [[integrity]] and [[availability]]. <ref>[http://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/rsrcs/pblctns/cbr-scrt-strtgy/cbr-scrt-strtgy-eng.pdf  Canada’s Cyber Security Strategy (2010). For a Stronger and More Prosperous Canada (2010)]</ref><br/><br />Ensemble des technologies, des processus, des pratiques et des mesures d’atténuation et d’intervention conçus pour protéger les réseaux, les ordinateurs, les programmes et les données contre les attaques, les dommages ou les accès non autorisés afin d’assurer la confidentialité, l’intégrité et la disponibilité. <ref name="canada">[http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2012/tpsgc-pwgsc/S52-2-281-2012.pdf Vocabulaire de la gestion des urgencies/Emergency Management Emergency Management Vocabulary 281 (2012)]</ref>}} <br />
{{definition|The body of technologies, processes, practices and response and mitigation measures designed to protect networks, computers, programs and data from attack, [[damage]] or unauthorized access so as to ensure [[confidentiality]], [[integrity]] and [[availability]]. <ref>[http://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/rsrcs/pblctns/cbr-scrt-strtgy/cbr-scrt-strtgy-eng.pdf  Canada’s Cyber Security Strategy (2010). For a Stronger and More Prosperous Canada (2010)]</ref><br/><br />Ensemble des technologies, des processus, des pratiques et des mesures d’atténuation et d’intervention conçus pour protéger les réseaux, les ordinateurs, les programmes et les données contre les attaques, les dommages ou les accès non autorisés afin d’assurer la confidentialité, l’intégrité et la disponibilité. <ref name="canada">[http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2012/tpsgc-pwgsc/S52-2-281-2012.pdf Vocabulaire de la gestion des urgencies/Emergency Management Emergency Management Vocabulary 281 (2012)]</ref>}} <br />
{{definition|Ciberseguridad: es tanto una condición caracterizada por un mínimo de riesgos y amenazas a las infraestructuras tecnológicas, los componentes lógicos de la información y las interacciones que se verifican en el ciberespacio, como el conjunto de políticas y técnicas destinadas a lograr dicha condición.  <ref>[http://ciberseguridad.interior.gob.cl/media/2015/12/Documento-Bases-Pol%C3%ADtica-Nacional-sobre-Ciberseguridad.pdf  BASES PARA UNA POLÍTICA NACIONAL DE CIBERSEGURIDAD, MARZO DE 2015, Chile ]</ref>}}<br/><br/>
==== [[Colombia]] ====
==== [[Colombia]] ====
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{{#set:defined by=Albania|defined by=Australia|defined by=Austria|defined by=Belgium|defined by=Brazil|defined by=Bulgaria|defined by=Burkina-Faso|defined by=Cameroon|defined by=Canada|defined by=Colombia|defined by=Cyprus|defined by=Croatia|defined by=Czech Republic|defined by=Denmark|defined by=Finland|defined by=France|defined by=Germany|defined by=Hungary|defined by=India|defined by=Islamic Republic of Afghanistan|defined by=Israel|defined by=Jamaica|defined by=Kenya|defined by=Kingdom of Saudi Arabia|defined by=Kosovo|defined by=Latvia|defined by=Lithuania|defined by=Luxembourg|defined by=Malta|defined by=Moldova|defined by=Montenegro|defined by=Netherlands|defined by=New Zealand|defined by=Nigeria|defined by=Norway|defined by=Philippines|defined by=Poland|defined by=Qatar|defined by=Republic of Trinidad & Tobago|defined by=Romania|defined by=Russian Federation|defined by=Slovenia|defined by=South Africa|defined by=Sweden|defined by=Thailand|defined by=Turkey|defined by=United States|defined by=United Kingdom|defined by=ITU-T|defined by=WEF|defined by=ISO|defined by=NIST|defined by=Scotland|defined by=Russian Federation}}
{{#set:defined by=Albania|defined by=Australia|defined by=Austria|defined by=Belgium|defined by=Brazil|defined by=Bulgaria|defined by=Burkina-Faso|defined by=Cameroon|defined by=Canada|defined by=Chile|defined by=Colombia|defined by=Cyprus|defined by=Croatia|defined by=Czech Republic|defined by=Denmark|defined by=Finland|defined by=France|defined by=Germany|defined by=Hungary|defined by=India|defined by=Islamic Republic of Afghanistan|defined by=Israel|defined by=Jamaica|defined by=Kenya|defined by=Kingdom of Saudi Arabia|defined by=Kosovo|defined by=Latvia|defined by=Lithuania|defined by=Luxembourg|defined by=Malta|defined by=Moldova|defined by=Montenegro|defined by=Netherlands|defined by=New Zealand|defined by=Nigeria|defined by=Norway|defined by=Philippines|defined by=Poland|defined by=Qatar|defined by=Republic of Trinidad & Tobago|defined by=Romania|defined by=Russian Federation|defined by=Slovenia|defined by=South Africa|defined by=Sweden|defined by=Thailand|defined by=Turkey|defined by=United States|defined by=United Kingdom|defined by=ITU-T|defined by=WEF|defined by=ISO|defined by=NIST|defined by=Scotland|defined by=Russian Federation}}
{{#set:defined by=EU}}
{{#set:defined by=EU}}

Revision as of 19:26, 18 December 2016


European Definitions


Cyber-security commonly refers to the safeguards and actions that can be used to protect the cyber domain, both in the civilian and military fields, from those threats that are associated with or that may harm its interdependent networks and information infrastructure. Cyber-security strives to preserve the availability and integrity of the networks and infrastructure and the confidentiality of the information contained therein [1].

National Definitions


Siguria kibernetike , do të thotë tërësia e mjeteve ligjore, organizative, teknike dhe edukative me qëllim mbrojtjen e hapësirës kibernetike. [2]


Measures relating to the confidentiality, availability and integrity of information that is processed, stored and communicated by electronic or similar means. [3]


Cyber security describes the protection of a key legal asset through constitutional means against actor-related, technical, organisational and natural dangers posing a risk to the security of cyberspace (including infrastructure and data security) as well as the security of the users in cyberspace. Cyber security helps to identify, assess and follow up on threats as well as to strengthen the ability to cope with interferences in or from cyber space, to minimise the effects as well as to restore the capacity to act and functional capabilities of the respective stakeholders, infrastructures and services. [4]

Cyber Sicherheit beschreibt den Schutz eines zentralen Rechtsgutes mit rechtsstaatlichen Mitteln vor akteursbezogenen,technischen, organisations- und naturbedingten Gefahren, die die Sicherheit des Cyber Space (inklusive Infrastruktur- und Datensicherheit) und die Sicherheit der Nutzer im Cyber Space gefährden. Cyber Sicherheit trägt dazu bei, die Gefährdungen zu erkennen, zu bewerten und zu verfolgen sowie die Fähigkeit zu stärken, Störungen im und aus dem Cyberspace zu bewältigen, die damit verbundenen Folgen zu mindern sowie die Handlungs- und Funktionsfähigkeit der davon betroffenen Akteure, Infrastrukturen und Dienste wieder herzustellen. [5]


Cyber security is het vrij zijn van gevaar of schade veroorzaakt door verstoring of uitval van ICT of door misbruik van ICT (be free from danger or damage caused by disturbance or disruption of ICT or misuse of ICT). [6]

Cybersécurité est la situation où la protection du cyberespace est proportionelle à la cybermenace et aux conséquences possibles de cyberattaques. [7]


Segurança Cibernética (SegCiber): a arte de assegurar a existência e a continuidade da Sociedade da Informação de uma Nação, garantindo e protegendo, no Espaço Cibernético, seus ativos de informação e suas infra-estruturas críticas. [8]
Cybersecurity is the art to ensure the existence and continuity of the information society of a nation, ensuring and protecting in Cyberspace, their information assets and their critical infrastructure.


Кибер сигурност: състояние определено и измерено чрез нивото на конфиденциалност, интегритет, достъпност, автентичност и отказоустойчивост на информационните ресурси, системи и услуги. Кибер сигурността се основава на ефективно изграждане и поддръжка на активни и превантивни мерки. [9]


Etat recherché pour un système d’information lui permettant de resister à des évènements issus du cyberespace susceptibles de compromettre la disponibilité, l’intégrité ou la confidentialité des données stockées, traitées ou transmises à des services connexes que ces systèmes offrent ou qu’ils rendent accessibles. [10]

Cameroon (Cameroun)

Cybersécurité: ensemble de mesures de prévention, de protection et de dissuasion d’ordre technique, organisationnel, juridique, financier, humain, procédural et autres actions permettant d’atteindre les objectifs de sécurité fixés à travers les réseaux de communications électroniques, les systèmes d’information et pour la protection de la vie privée des personnes. [11]


The body of technologies, processes, practices and response and mitigation measures designed to protect networks, computers, programs and data from attack, damage or unauthorized access so as to ensure confidentiality, integrity and availability. [12]

Ensemble des technologies, des processus, des pratiques et des mesures d’atténuation et d’intervention conçus pour protéger les réseaux, les ordinateurs, les programmes et les données contre les attaques, les dommages ou les accès non autorisés afin d’assurer la confidentialité, l’intégrité et la disponibilité. [13]


Ciberseguridad: es tanto una condición caracterizada por un mínimo de riesgos y amenazas a las infraestructuras tecnológicas, los componentes lógicos de la información y las interacciones que se verifican en el ciberespacio, como el conjunto de políticas y técnicas destinadas a lograr dicha condición. [14]


Ciberseguridad: Capacidad del Estado para minimizar el nivel de riesgo al que están expuestos sus ciudadanos, ante amenazas o incidentes de naturaleza cibernética. [15]

Cyber security is the ability of the state to minimize the level of risk their citizens from threats or incidents of cyber nature are exposed to.


Kibernetička sigurnost: obuhvaća aktivnosti i mjere kojima se postiže povjerljivost, cjelovitost i dostupnost podataka i sustava u kibernetičkom prostoru.

Cyber security includes activities and measures to achieve confidentiality, integrity and availability of data and systems in cyberspace. [16]


Cybersecurity is the broader security of networked systems that operate in cyberspace. [17]

I.e. in most cases connected to the Internet, and this term also covers the safe and secure usage of these systems by end users.

Czech Republic

Souhrn právních, organizačních, technických a vzdělávacích prostředků směřujících k zajištění ochrany kybernetického prostoru. [18]

Collection of legal, organizational, technological and educational means aimed at providing protection of cyberspace. [19]


Cybersikkerhed omfatter beskyttelse imod de sikkerhedsbrud, der opstår som følge af angreb mod data eller systemer via en for - bindelse til et eksternt net eller system. Arbejdet med cybersikker - hed fokuserer således på sårbarheder ved sammenkoblingen mellem systemer, herunder forbindelser til internettet. [20]


Cyber security means the desired end state in which the cyber domain is reliable and in which its functioning is ensured. [21]

Kyberturvallisuus: tila, jossa kybertoimintaympäristöstä yhteiskunnan elintärkeille toiminnoille tai muille kybertoimintaympäristöstä riippuvaisille toiminnoille koituvat uhkat ja riskit ovat hallinnassa.

Cyber security is a condition in which the threats and risks caused by cyber operating environment to the vital operations of society or other operations dependent on cyber operating environment are in control. -unofficial translation- [22]


Cyber Security: The desired state of an information system in which it can resist events from cyberspace likely to compromise the availability, integrity or confidentiality of the data stored, processed or transmitted and of the related services that these systems offer or make accessible. [23]

Cybersécurité: état recherché pour un système d’information lui permettant de résister à des événements issus du cyberespace susceptibles de compromettre la disponibilité, l’intégrité ou la confidentialité des données stockées, traitées ou transmises et des services connexes que ces systèmes offrent ou qu’ils rendent accessibles. [24]


Cyber-Sicherheit ist die IT-Sicherheit der im Cyber-Raum auf Datenebene vernetzten bzw. vernetzbaren informationstechnischen Systeme. (2016) [25]

(Globale) Cyber-Sicherheit ist der anzustrebende Zustand der IT-Sicherheitslage, in welchem die Risiken des globalen Cyber-Raums auf ein tragbares Maß reduziert sind. Cyber-Sicherheit in Deutschland ist demnach der anzustrebende Zustand der IT-Sicherheitslage, in welchem die Risiken des deutschen Cyber-Raums auf ein tragbares Maß reduziert sind. Cyber-Sicherheit (in Deutschland) entsteht durch die Summe von geeigneten und angemessenen Maßnahmen. [26]

(Global) cyber security is the desired condition of the IT security situation, in which the risks of the global cyberspace have been reduced to an acceptable minimum. Cyber security in Germany is thus the desired condition of the IT security situation, in which the risks of the German cyberspace have been reduced to an acceptable minimum. Cyber security (in Germany) is developed through the sum of suitable and adequate safeguards. [27]


Cyber security is the continuous and planned taking of political, legal, economic, educational, awareness-raising and technical measures to manage risks in cyberspace that transforms the cyberspace into a reliable environment for the smooth functioning and operation of societal and economic processes by ensuring an acceptable level of risks in cyberspace. [28]


Cyber Security means protecting information, equipment, devices, computer, computer resource, communication device and information stored therein from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification or destruction. [29]

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Protection of information systems that protect the cyber space from attacks, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of the information being processed in this space, detection of attacks and cyber security incidents; putting into force the countermeasures against these incidents and then putting these systems back to their original states prior to the cyber security incident. [30]


Cybersecurity are policies, security arrangements, actions, guidelines, risk management protocols and technological tools designated to protect cyberspace and allow action to be taken therein. [31]


Cyber Security is the implementation of measures to protect ICT infrastructure including critical infrastructure from intrusion, unauthorized access and includes the adoption of policies, protocols and good practices to better govern the use of cyberspace. [32]


Cyber Security is defined as the processes and mechanisms by which computer-based equipment, information and services are protected from unintended or unauthorized access, change or destruction. [33]

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Cybersecurity is the ability to protect or defend the use of cyberspace from cyber-attacks. [34]


Siguria kibernetike përgjithësisht iu referohet masave mbrojtëse dhe veprimeve që mund të ndërmerren për të mbrojtur domenin kibernetik, edhe në fushën civile edhe atë ushtarake, nga ato kërcënime që ndërlidhen me to apo që mund të dëmtojnë rrjetet dhe infrastrukturën komunikuese të ndërvarura. Siguria kibernetike përpiqet të ruajë disponueshmërinë dhe integritetin e rrjeteve dhe infrastrukturës,si dhe fshehtësinë e informatave që mbahen në to." [derived from EU definition] [35]


Cyber security is the collection of tools, policies, security concepts, security safeguards, guidelines, risk management approaches, actions, training, best practices, assurance and technologies that can be used to protect the cyber environment and organization and user’s assets. [36]

Organisation and user’s assets include connected computing devices, personnel, infrastructure, applications, services, telecommunications systems, and the totality of transmitted and/or stored information in the cyber environment.


Cyber ​​security is a set of legal, information dissemination, organizational and technical measures to prevent cyber as well as conventional electronic communications networks, information systems and industrial process control systems operating incidents to occur as well as detect, analyze, respond and recover in the event of such incidents. [37]

Kibernetinis saugumas: visuma teisinių, informacijos sklaidos, organizacinių ir techninių priemonių, skirtų kibernetiniams incidentams išvengti, aptikti, analizuoti ir reaguoti į juos, taip pat įprastinei elektroninių ryšių tinklų, informacinių sistemų ar pramoninių procesų valdymo sistemų veiklai, įvykus šiems incidentams, atkurti. [38]


On entend par cybersécurité l’ensemble des outils, politiques, concepts de sécurité, mécanismes de sécurité, lignes directrices, méthodes de gestion des risques, actions, formations, bonnes pratiques, garanties et technologies qui peuvent être utilisés pour protéger le cyberenvironnement et les actifs des organisations et des utilisateurs.[39]

Cybersecurity is the collection of tools, policies, security concepts, security safeguards, guidelines, risk management approaches, actions, training, best practices, assurance and technologies that can be used to protect the cyber environment and organisation and user assets. [40]

Les actifs des organisations et des utilisateurs comprennent les dispositifs informatiques connectés, le personnel, l’infrastructure, les applications, les services, les systèmes de télécommunication, et la totalité des informations transmises et/ou stockées dans le cyberenvironnement. La cybersécurité cherche à garantir que les propriétés de sécurité des actifs des organisations et des utilisateurs sont assurées et maintenues par rapport aux risques affectant la sécurité dans le cyberenvironnement. Les objectifs généraux en matière de sécurité sont les suivants: disponibilité; intégrité, qui peut englober l’authenticité et la non-répudiation; confidentialité.
Organisation and user assets include connected computing devices, personnel, infrastructure, applications, services, telecommunications systems, and the totality of transmitted and/or stored information in the cyber environment. Cybersecurity strives to ensure the attainment and maintenance of the security properties of the organisation and user assets against relevant security risks in the cyber environment. The general security objectives comprise the following: availability;integrity, which may include authenticity and non-repudiation; and confidentiality.


Cyber ​​security is the safeguards and actions that can be used to protect cyber domain from those threats that are associated with or that may harm its interdependent networks and information infrastructure. [41]

Cyber security strives to preserve the availability and integrity of the networks and infrastructure and the confidentiality of the information contained therein.


Cyber security means the state of normality resulted from application of a set of proactive and reactive measures that ensure confidentiality, integrity, availability, authenticity and nonrepudiation of e-information, public and private resources and services in cyberspace. [42]


Cyber security refers to the ISO, Netherlands and ITU-T definitions. [43]


Cybersecurity is het streven naar het voorkomen van schade door verstoring, uitval of misbruik van ICT en, indien er toch schade is ontstaan, het herstellen hiervan. [44]

Cyber security refers to efforts to prevent damage caused by disruptions to, breakdowns in or misuse of ICT and to repair damage if and when it has occurred. [45]

Such damage may consist of any or all of the following: reduced reliability of ICT, limited availability and violation of the confidentiality and/or integrity of information stored in the ICT systems.

Cyber security is het vrij zijn van gevaar of schade veroorzaakt door verstoring of uitval van ICT of door misbruik van ICT. [46] [47]

New Zealand

Cyber Security is the practice of making the networks that constitute cyber space as secure as possible against intrusions, maintaining confidentiality, availability and integrity of information, detecting intrusions and incidents that do occur, and responding to and recovering from them. [48]


Cyber security provides security for the critical information infrastructure and other critical components of information system within the current state of affairs. [49]


Cyber Security is the protection of data and systems which are coupled to the Internet. [50]
Cybersikkerhet: Beskyttelse av data og systemer som er koblet til internettet. [51]


“Cyber Security” means the definition as may be developed by the National Cyber Security Council from time to time, given the fast moving dynamism in the subject fields and the need to respond with equivalent enhanced capacity, speed and effectiveness, to the emerging threats to Cyber Security, provided that at all times the definition so developed shall not be over reaching, arbitrary, inconsistent, unique or conflicting in any manner with the globally accepted international best practices, adopted by the leading developed nation states. [52]


Cybersecurity refers to the collection of tools, policies, risk management approaches, actions, training, best practices, assurance and technologies that can be used to protect the cyber environment and organization and user’s assets. [53]

Cybersecurity - The ability to protect or defend the use of cyberspace from cyberattacks. The collection of tools, policies, security concepts, security safeguards, guidelines, risk management approaches, actions, training, best practices, assurance and technologies that can be used to protect the cyber environment, organization and users‘ assets. [54]


Cyberbezpieczeństwo RP (bezpieczeństwo RP w cyberprzestrzeni) – proces zapewniania bezpiecznego funkcjonowania w cyberprzestrzeni państwa jako całości, jego struktur, osób fizycznych i osób prawnych, w tym przedsiębiorców i innych podmiotów nieposiadających osobowości prawnej, a także będących w ich dyspozycji systemów teleinformatycznych oraz zasobów informacyjnych w globalnej cyberprzestrzeni.

Cyber RP (RP security in cyberspace) is the process of ensuring the safe operation of in cyberspace state as a whole, its structure, individuals and legal persons, including companies and other entities without legal personality, as well as at their disposal ICT systems and information resources in the global cyberspace. [55]

Bezpieczeństwo cyberprzestrzeni - proces obejmujący zespół przedsięwzięć organizacyjno-prawnych, technicznych, fizycznych i edukacyjnych mający na celu zapewnienie niezakłóconego funkcjonowania cyberprzestrzeni; część cyberbezpieczeństwa państwa obejmująca zapewnienie bezpiecznego funkcjonowania pozostającej pod jego kontrolą teleinformatycznej infrastruktury krytycznej I wykorzystania strategicznych zasobów informacyjnych państwa. [56]


The collection of tools, policies, security concepts, security safeguards, guidelines, risk management approaches, actions, training, best practices, assurance, and technologies that can be used to protect the cyber environment and organization and user’s assets. [57]

مجموعة ا أ لدوات والسياسات والمفاهيم وا إ لجراءات ا أ لمنية والمبادئ التوجيهية ومنهجيات إدارة المخاطر وا إ لجراءات والتدريب وأفضل الممارسات وسبل التأمي ن والتقنيات ال ت ي يمكن استخدامها لحماية بيئة الفضاء ا إ للك ترو ني وأصول[58]

Organization and user’s assets include connected computing devices, personnel, infrastructure, applications, services, telecommunications systems, and the totality of transmitted and/or stored information in the cyber environment. Cyber security strives to ensure the attainment and maintenance of the security properties of the organization and user’s assets against relevant security risks in the cyber environment. The general security objectives comprise the following: confidentiality, integrity (which may include authenticity and non-repudiation), and availability.

Republic of Trinidad & Tobago

See ITU-T definition below

La ciberseguridad es el conjunto de herramientas, políticas, conceptos de seguridad, salvaguardas de seguridad, directrices, métodos de gestión de riesgos, acciones, formación, prácticas idóneas, seguros y tecnologías que pueden utilizarse para proteger los activos de la organización y los usuarios en el ciberentorno. [59]


Cyber security is a normality resulting from the application of a set of proactive and reactive measures that ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability, authenticity and non-repudiation in electronic information, resources and services, public or private, in cyberspace.

Starea de normalitate rezultată în urma aplicării unui ansamblu de măsuri proactive şi reactive prin care se asigură confidenţialitatea, integritatea, disponibilitatea, autenticitatea şi nonrepudierea informaţiilor în format electronic, a resurselor şi serviciilor publice sau private, din spaţiul cybernetic. Măsurile proactive şi reactive pot include politici, concepte, standarde şi ghiduri de securitate, managementul riscului, activităţi de instruire şi conştientizare, implementarea de soluţii tehnice de protejare a infrastructurilor cibernetice, managementul identităţii, managementul consecinţelor. [60]

Russian Federation

кибербезопасность – совокупность условий, при которых все составляющие киберпространства защищены от максимально возможного числа угроз и воздействий с нежелательными последствиями. [61]
Cyber security (RAW TRANDLATION): a set of conditions in which all the components are protected from maximum possible number of cyber threats and impacts of unwanted consequences.

информационная инфраструктура: совокупность технических средств и систем формирования, преобразования, передачи, использования и хранения информации. [62]

Saudi Arabia

Cyber Security is the ability to protect or defend the use of cyberspace from cyber-attacks. [63]


Kibernetska varnost je v splošnem smislu opredeljena kot: (a) skupek aktivnosti in drugih ukrepov, tehničnih in ne-tehničnih, katerih namen je zaščititi računalnike, računalniška omrežja, strojno in programsko opremo ter informacije, ki jih le-ta vsebuje in obravnava, kar vključuje programsko opremo in podatke kot tudi druge elemente kibernetskega prostora, pred vsemi grožnjami, vključno z grožnjami nacionalni varnosti; (b) stopnja zaščite, ki jo aktivnosti in ukrepi lahko zagotovijo; (c) združena področja profesionalnih naporov, vključno z raziskavami in razvojem na področju implementiranja in izboljševanja ukrepov ter dvigovanja kakovosti le-teh. [64]

South Africa

Cyber Security is the practice of making the networks that constitute cyberspace secure against intrusions, maintaining confidentiality, availability and integrity of information, detecting intrusions and incidentsthat do occur, and responding and recovering from them. [65]

[old] Cyber Security is the collection of tools, policies, security concepts, security safeguards, guidelines,risk management approaches, actions, training, best practices, assurance and technologies that can be used to protect the cyber environment and organization and user assets. [66]


See ITU-T definition below. [67]


Cybersecurity means measures and operations that are conceived in order to maintain national Cybersecurity, enabling it to protect, prevent or tackle circumstances of cyber threats which may affect or pose risks to the service or application of computer network, internet, telecommunications network, or the regular service of satellites in ways that affect national security, which includes military security, domestic peace and order, and economic stability. [68]


Siber güvenlik: Siber ortamı oluşturan bilişim sistemlerinin saldırılardan korunmasını, bu ortamda işlenen bilginin gizlilik, bütünlük ve erişilebilirliğinin güvence altına alınmasını, saldırıların ve siber güvenlik olaylarının tespit edilmesini, bu tespitlere karşı tepki mekanizmalarının devreye alınmasını ve sonrasında ise sistemlerin yaşanan siber güvenlik olayı öncesi durumlarına geri döndürülmesini. [69]

Cyber Security is the protection of information systems that make up the cyber space from attacks, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of the information being processed in this space, detection of attacks and cyber security incidents, putting into force the countermeasures against these incidents and then putting these systems back to their states previous to the cyber security incident. [70]

United Kingdom (UK)

Cyber security is the protection of internetconnected systems (to include hardware,software and associated infrastructure), the data on them, and the services they provide, from unauthorised access, harm or misuse. This includes harm caused intentionally by the operator of the system, or accidentally, as a result of failing to follow security procedures or being manipulated into doing so. [71]

United States

The ability to protect or defend the use of cyberspace from cyber attacks. [72]

The prevention of damage to, unauthorized use of, or exploitation of, and, if needed, the restoration of electronic information and communications systems and the information contained therein to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability; includes protection and restoration, when needed, of information networks and wireline, wireless, satellite, public safety answering points, and 911 communications systems and control systems. [73]

The ability to protect or defend the use of cyberspace from cyber attacks. [74]

Synonymous with security controls and safeguards.

Cybersecurity: Prevention of damage to, protection of, and restoration of computers, electronic communications systems, electronic communications services, wire communication, and electronic communication, including information contained therein, to ensure its availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality, and nonrepudiation. (DODI 8500.01). [75]

International organisations


Cyber security is the collection of tools, policies, security concepts, security safeguards, guidelines, risk management approaches, actions, training, best practices, assurance and technologies that can be used to protect the cyber environment and organization and user’s assets. [76]

Organization and user’s assets include connected computing devices,personnel, infrastructure, applications, services, telecommunications systems, and the totality of transmitted and/or stored information in the cyber environment. Cyber security strives to ensure the attainment and maintenance of the security properties of the organization and user’s assets against relevant security risks in the cyber environment.

World Economic Forum

The analysis, warning, Information Sharing, vulnerability reduction, risk mitigation and recovery efforts for networked information systems. [77]

International standards


Cyber security is defined as the “preservation of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information in the Cyberspace. [78]

Other Definitions


Cyber security is the collection of tools, policies, security concepts, security safeguards, guidelines, risk management approaches, actions, training, best practices, assurance and technologies that can be used to protect the cyber environment and organization and user’s assets. [79]

East-West Institute (Russia-US)

Cybersecurity is a property of cyber space that is an ability to resist intentional and unintentional threats and respond and recover.

Кибербезопасность: свойство (киберпространства, киберсистемы), противостоять, намеренным и/или, ненамеренным угрозам, а также, реагировать на них и, восстанавливаться после воздействия этих угроз. [80]

See also


  1. Joint Communication to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions - Cybersecurity Strategy of the European Union: An Open, Safe and Secure Cyberspace, 07/02/2013
  3. Rights and Protections on Cyber Security, Australian Attorney-General’s Department
  4. Austrian Cyber Security Strategy, Federal Chancellery of the Republic of Austria, Vienna (2013)
  5. Österreichische Strategie für Cyber Sicherheit (2013)
  6. Cyber Security Strategy.be (2012)
  7. Cyber Security Strategy.be (2012)
  8. GUIA DE REFERÊNCIA PARA A SEGURANÇA DAS INFRAESTRUTURAS CRÍTICAS DA INFORMAÇÃO Versão 01 (Nov. 2010)/ Portaria Nº 45, de 8 de setembro de 2009.
  9. „Кибер устойчива България 2020” - Republic of Bulgaria: national cyber security strategy "Cyber Resilient Bulgaria 2020"(2016)
  10. Plan National de Cybersécurité (2010)
  12. Canada’s Cyber Security Strategy (2010). For a Stronger and More Prosperous Canada (2010)
  13. Vocabulaire de la gestion des urgencies/Emergency Management Emergency Management Vocabulary 281 (2012)
  15. Conpes 3510
  16. National Cyber Security Strategy draft (2015)
  17. Cybersecurity Strategy of the Republic of Cyprus (23 April 2012)
  18. Act No. 181 of 23 July 2014 On Cyber Security and Change of Related Acts (Act on Cyber Security)]
  19. Výkladový slovník kybernetické bezpečnosti (2013)
  20. Danish Cyber Security Strategy, 2014
  21. Finlands' Cyber Security Strategy
  22. Vocabulary of Comprehensive Security. Helsinki (TSK 47) (2014)
  23. Information systems defence and security: France's Strategy
  24. La Stratégie de la France en matière de défense et de sécurité des systèmes d’information (2011)
  25. Cyber-Sicherheitsstrategie für Deutschland 2016
  26. Protection of Critical Infrastructures, BMI.
  27. UP KRITIS, BSI, 2014
  28. Government Decision No. 1139/2013 (21 March) on the National Cyber Security Strategy of Hungary
  29. Information Technology Act Ammendment (2008)
  30. National Cyber Security Strategy of Afghanistan (2014)
  31. Advancing National Cyberspace Capabilities (2011)
  32. Jamaica's National Cyber Security Strategy
  33. Kenya's National Cyber Security Strategy
  34. Developing National Information Security Strategy for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia NISS draft 7
  35. Strategjia Shtetërore për Sigurinë Kibernetike dhe Plani i Veprimit 2016 – 2019
  36. Latvia's National Cyber Security Strategy
  39. Stratégie nationale en matière de cyber sécurité II (2015)
  40. National Cybersecurity Strategy II (2015)
  41. Malta Cyber Security Strategy 2016
  42. NATIONAL STRATEGY for information society development “Digital Moldova 2020” (2013)
  44. Nationale Cybersecurity Strategie 2: van bewust naar bekwaam
  45. National Cyber Security Strategy 2: From Awareness to Capability, Ministry of Security and Justice, The Hague, The Netherlands
  46. Cyber Security Beeld Nederland 4, 2014, Ministry of Security and Justice, The Hague, The Netherlands
  47. Cyber Security Beeld Nederland 5, 2015, Ministry of Security and Justice, The Hague, The Netherlands
  48. New Zealand’s Cyber Security Strategy (2011)
  49. National Cyber Security Strategy Nigeria (2014)
  50. Cyber Security Strategy for Norway (2012)
  51. Nasjonal strategi for informasjonssikkerhet (2012)
  52. draft BILL to provide for the establishment of a National Cyber Security Council
  53. Republic Act No. 10175, 2012
  55. Doktryna cyberbezpieczeństwa Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, Warsaw (2015)
  56. (MINI)SŁOWNIK BBN: Propozycje nowych terminów z dziedziny bezpieczeństwa (2015) - proposed definition
  57. QATAR National Cyber Security Strategy (May 2014)
  58. الاستراتيجية الوطنية للأمن السيبراني QATAR NCSS - Arabic version (May 2014)
  59. Government of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago, National Cyber Security Strategy (December 2012)
  60. Hotărârea nr. 271/2013 pentru aprobarea Strategiei de securitate cibernetică
  62. Конвенция об обеспечении международной информационной безопасности (концепция)
    Convention on ensuring international information security; draft 2015
  63. Drafting National Information Security Strategy for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Draft 7 - 2011)
  64. Strategija kibernetske varnosti (2016)
  65. South Africa Cyber Security Policy, Staatskoerant No. 39475, 4 Desember 2015
  66. South Africa Cyber Security Policy, Staatskoerant No. 32963, 10 Feb 2010
  67. Informations- och cybersäkerhet i Sverige Strategi och åtgärder för säker information i staten(2015)
  68. National Cybersecurity Bill (DRAFT approved by the Cabinet on 6 January 2015), Unofficial translation by Thai Netizen Network – March 2015
  70. Turkey's National Cyber Security Strategy and 2013-2014 Action Plan
  71. National Cyber Security Strategy 2016, HM Government
  72. National Information Assurance (IA) Glossary, Committee on National Security Systems, CNSS Instruction No. 4009, 26 April 2010.
  73. National Infrastructure Protection Plan, Partnering to enhance protection and resiliency, US Department of Homeland Security, 2009
  74. NIST Special Publication 800-53 Rev 4: Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations (April 2013)
  75. Joint Publication 1-02: Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms (2016)
  76. ITU Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology: An overview of issues and the deployment of existing ITU-T Recommendations for secure telecommunications, ITU-T, Geneva (2012) - ITU-T X.1205
  77. WEF Partnering for Cyber Resilience Guidelines 2012
  78. ISO/IEC 27032:2012 Information technology — Security techniques — Guidelines for cybersecurity
  79. Scottish Government: Safe, Secure and Prosperous: A Cyber Resilience Strategy for Scotland