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{{definition|Infraestructura crítica de la información: las instalaciones, redes, servicios y equipos físicos y de tecnología de la información cuya afectación, degradación, denegación, interrupción o destrucción pueden tener una repercusión importante en la salud, la seguridad o el bienestar económico de los ciudadanos o en el eficaz funcionamiento de los gobiernos de los Estados. <ref>[http://ciberseguridad.interior.gob.cl/media/2015/12/Documento-Bases-Pol%C3%ADtica-Nacional-sobre-Ciberseguridad.pdf  BASES PARA UNA POLÍTICA NACIONAL DE CIBERSEGURIDAD, MARZO DE 2015, Chile ]</ref>}}<br/><br/>
{{definition|Infraestructura crítica de la información: las instalaciones, redes, servicios y equipos físicos y de tecnología de la información cuya afectación, degradación, denegación, interrupción o destrucción pueden tener una repercusión importante en la salud, la seguridad o el bienestar económico de los ciudadanos o en el eficaz funcionamiento de los gobiernos de los Estados. <ref>[http://ciberseguridad.interior.gob.cl/media/2015/12/Documento-Bases-Pol%C3%ADtica-Nacional-sobre-Ciberseguridad.pdf  BASES PARA UNA POLÍTICA NACIONAL DE CIBERSEGURIDAD, MARZO DE 2015, Chile ]</ref>}}<br/><br/>
==== [[China]] ====
{{definition|国家关键信息基础设施是指关系国家安全、国计民生,一旦数据泄露、遭到破坏或者丧失功能可能严重危害国家安全、公共利益的信息设施,包括但不限于提供公共通信、广播电视传输等服务的基础信息网络,能源、金融、交通、教育、科研、水利、工业制造、医疗卫生、社会保障、公用事业等领域和国家机关的重要信息系统,重要互联网应用系统等。 <ref>[http://www.guancha.cn/politics/2016_12_27_386318.shtml 网络空间安全战略  China’s Cyber Security Strategy December 2016.]</ref>}}<br/><br/>
==== [[Colombia]] ====
==== [[Colombia]] ====
{{definition|Critical ''(Information)'' Infrastructure is the set of computers, computer systems, telecommunication networks, data and information, the destruction or interference may weaken or impact the safety of the economy, public health, or combination thereof, in a nation.<br/><br/>Infraestructura crítica: Es el conjunto de computadores, sistemas computacionales, redes de telecomunicaciones, datos e información, cuya destrucción o interferencia puede debilitar o impactar en la seguridad de la economía, salud pública, o la combinación de ellas, en una nación). <ref>[http://www.mintic.gov.co/portal/604/articles-3510_documento.pdf  Lineamientos de política para la Ciberseguridad y Ciberdefensa, Conpes 3701 (2011) based on Resolución CRC 2258 from 2009.]</ref>}}<br /><br/>
{{definition|Critical ''(Information)'' Infrastructure is the set of computers, computer systems, telecommunication networks, data and information, the destruction or interference may weaken or impact the safety of the economy, public health, or combination thereof, in a nation.<br/><br/>Infraestructura crítica: Es el conjunto de computadores, sistemas computacionales, redes de telecomunicaciones, datos e información, cuya destrucción o interferencia puede debilitar o impactar en la seguridad de la economía, salud pública, o la combinación de ellas, en una nación). <ref>[http://www.mintic.gov.co/portal/604/articles-3510_documento.pdf  Lineamientos de política para la Ciberseguridad y Ciberdefensa, Conpes 3701 (2011) based on Resolución CRC 2258 from 2009.]</ref>}}<br /><br/>
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{{#set:defined by=EU|defined by=OECD|defined by=Albania|defined by=Australia|defined by=Austria|defined by=Brazil|defined by=Bulgaria|defined by=Chile|defined by=Colombia|defined by=Croatia|defined by=Czech Republic|defined by=Estonia|defined by=Finland|defined by=Iceland|defined by=India|defined by=Indonesia|defined by=Islamic Republic of Afghanistan|defined by=Japan|defined by=Kosovo|defined by=Lithuania|defined by=Norway|defined by=Portugal|defined by=Qatar|defined by=Republic of Trinidad & Tobago|defined by=Russian Federation|defined by=South Africa|defined by=Turkey|defined by=Uganda|defined by=United Kingdom|defined by=United States|defined by=DHS|defined by=Uruguay|defined by=IETF|defined by=African Union|defined by=Victoria}}
{{#set:defined by=EU|defined by=OECD|defined by=Albania|defined by=Australia|defined by=Austria|defined by=Brazil|defined by=Bulgaria|defined by=Chile|defined by=China|defined by=Colombia|defined by=Croatia|defined by=Czech Republic|defined by=Estonia|defined by=Finland|defined by=Iceland|defined by=India|defined by=Indonesia|defined by=Islamic Republic of Afghanistan|defined by=Japan|defined by=Kosovo|defined by=Lithuania|defined by=Norway|defined by=Portugal|defined by=Qatar|defined by=Republic of Trinidad & Tobago|defined by=Russian Federation|defined by=South Africa|defined by=Turkey|defined by=Uganda|defined by=United Kingdom|defined by=United States|defined by=DHS|defined by=Uruguay|defined by=IETF|defined by=African Union|defined by=Victoria}}
{{#set:defined by=OECD}}
{{#set:defined by=OECD}}

Revision as of 22:53, 27 December 2016


European Definitions

Council Communication COM(2011)163 final

No definition provided [1]

Council Directive 2016/1148

No definition provided, but addresses the cyber security of "essential" network and information systems across the Union [2]

Other International Definitions

African Union

Critical Cyber/ICT Infrastructure means the cyber infrastructure that is essential to vital services for public safety, economic stability, national security, international stability and for the sustainability and restoration of critical cyberspace. [3]


Critical information infrastructures (“CII”) should be understood as referring to those interconnected information systems and networks, the disruption or destruction of which would have serious impact on the health, safety, security, or economic well-being of citizens, or on the effective functioning of government or the economy. [4]


Critical Information Infrastructure (CII) are those interconnected information and communication infrastructures which are essential for the maintenance of vital societal functions, (health, safety, security, economic or social well-being of people) - the disruption or destruction of which would have serious consequence. [5]

National Definitions


Infrastruktura kritike të informacionit – konsiderohen sistemet dhe rrjetet e informacionit dhe komunikimit, cënimi apo shkatërrimi i të cilave do të kishte impakt serioz në shëndetin, sigurinë, dhe/ose mirëqënien ekonomike të qytetarëve, dhe/ose funksionimin efektiv të ekonomisë të Republikës së Shqipërisë. [6]


Critical information infrastructures are those infrastructures or parts thereof which are of crucial importance for ensuring important social functions. Their failure or destruction has severe effects on the health, security or the economic and social wellbeing of the population or the functioning of governmental institutions. [7]


Infraestruturas Críticas da Informação: subconjunto de ativos de informação que afetam diretamente a consecução e a continuidade da missão do Estado e a segurança da sociedade. [8]
Critical information Infrastructures are the subset of information assets that directly affect the achievement and continuity of state mission and the safety of society.


Критична комуникационна и информационна инфраструктура (ККИИ) - системи, услуги, мрежи и инфраструктури, които са жизнено важна част от националната икономика и общество и осигуряващи важни стоки и услуги, деструктивното въздействие върху които би могло да има сериозно влияние на жизнено важни функции на обществото. [9]

Критична информационна инфраструктура са както мрежите, каналите и системите за управлението и поддържането им.


Infraestructura crítica de la información: las instalaciones, redes, servicios y equipos físicos y de tecnología de la información cuya afectación, degradación, denegación, interrupción o destrucción pueden tener una repercusión importante en la salud, la seguridad o el bienestar económico de los ciudadanos o en el eficaz funcionamiento de los gobiernos de los Estados. [10]


国家关键信息基础设施是指关系国家安全、国计民生,一旦数据泄露、遭到破坏或者丧失功能可能严重危害国家安全、公共利益的信息设施,包括但不限于提供公共通信、广播电视传输等服务的基础信息网络,能源、金融、交通、教育、科研、水利、工业制造、医疗卫生、社会保障、公用事业等领域和国家机关的重要信息系统,重要互联网应用系统等。 [11]


Critical (Information) Infrastructure is the set of computers, computer systems, telecommunication networks, data and information, the destruction or interference may weaken or impact the safety of the economy, public health, or combination thereof, in a nation.

Infraestructura crítica: Es el conjunto de computadores, sistemas computacionales, redes de telecomunicaciones, datos e información, cuya destrucción o interferencia puede debilitar o impactar en la seguridad de la economía, salud pública, o la combinación de ellas, en una nación). [12]


Critical communication and information infrastructure: communication and information systems whose disruption in the functioning of vital systems disrupts the operation of any or more of the identified critical national infrastructures.

Kritična komunikacijska i informacijska infrastruktura – komunikacijski i informacijski sustavi čiji bi poremećaj u funkcioniranju bitno poremetio rad pojedine ili više identificiranih nacionalnih kritičnih infrastruktura. [13]

Czech Republic

Kritickou informační infrastrukturou prvek nebo systém prvků kritické infrastruktury v odvětví komunikační a informační systémy v oblasti kybernetické bezpečnosti. [14]

Within the field of cyber security, a critical infrastructure means an element or system of elements of the critical infrastructure in the sector of communication and information systems. [15]

Zákonem jasně vymezený komplex informačních systémů, jejichž nefunkčnost by měla závažný dopad na bezpečnost státu, ekonomiku, veřejnou správu a zabezpečení základních životních potřeb obyvatelstva.


Critical information infrastructure (CII) means information and communication systems whose maintenance, reliability and safety are essential for the proper functioning of a country. The critical information infrastructure is a part of the critical infrastructure. [16]

The purpose of the critical information infrastructure protection (CIIP) is to maintain a trouble-free functioning of the country's essential information and communication systems under ordinary circumstances and to ensure their continuity on a minimum level during critical situations.


Critical information infrastructure refers to the structures and functions behind the information systems of the vital functions of society which electronically transmit, transfer, receive, store or otherwise process information (data). [17]


CIIP – Critical Information Infrastructure refers to systems designed to guarantee state security, public well-being and a variety of channels for a variety of supplies necessary in modern society. [18]

The National Commissioner of Police further define those systems considered to be critical infrastructure.


Critical Information Infrastructure (CII) is defined as those facilities, systems or functions whose incapacity or destruction would cause a debilitating impact on national security, governance, economy and social well-being of a nation. [19]


ICT Critical National Infrastructures are assets, services, objects in the form of physical or logical that involving the livelihood of many people, national interests and/or revenue of country that are strategic, in case of threats and attacks cause more loss of lives, destabilizing political, social, cultural and national economy as well as the sovereignty of the nation. [20]

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Critical Information Infrastructure: the infrastructures which host the information systems that can cause loss of lives, large scale economic damages, security vulnerabilities and disturbance of public order at national level when the confidentiality, integrity or accessibility of the information they process is compromised. [21]


Critical Information Infrastructure (CII) is the backbone of national life and economic activities formed by businesses providing services that are extremely difficult to be substituted. If the function of the services is suspended, deteriorates or becomes unavailable, it could have a significant impact on the national life and economic activities. [22]

Japan defined the set of 13 Japanese CII sectors as [23]:

  1. information and communication services
  2. financial services
  3. aviation services
  4. railway services
  5. electric power supply services
  6. gas supply services
  7. government and administrative services (including municipal government),
  8. medical services
  9. water services
  10. logistics services
  11. chemical industries
  12. credit card services
  13. petroleum industries


Infrastruktura kritike e informacionit (IKI) Me infrastrukturë kritike të informacionit nënkuptojmë sistemet TIK që janë infrastruktura kritike për vetveten apo që janë thelbësore për funksionimin e infrastrukturave kritike (telekomunikacioni, kompjuterët/softuerët, Interneti, satelitët etj.). [24]

Critical Information Infrastructure (CII): ICT systems that are critical infrastructures for themselves or that are essential for the operation of critical infrastructures (telecommunications, computers/software, Internet, satellites, etc.). [25]


Critical information infrastructure shall mean an electronic communications network, information system or a group of information systems where an incident that occurs causes or may cause grave damage to national security, national economy or social well-being. [26]

Ypatingos svarbos informacinė infrastruktūra – elektroninių ryšių tinklas ar jo dalis, informacinė sistema ar jos dalis, informacinių sistemų grupė ar pramoninių procesų valdymo sistema ar jos dalis, nepaisant to, ar jos valdytojas yra privatus ar viešojo administravimo subjektas, kuriuose įvykęs kibernetinis incidentas gali padaryti didelę žalą nacionaliniam saugumui, šalies ūkiui, valstybės ir visuomenės interesams. [27]


Critical ICT infrastructure is defined as critical infrastructure for electronic communications. [28]
Kritisk IKT-infrastruktur defineres som kritisk infrastruktur for elektronisk kommunikasjon. [29]


[Definição] Infraestrutura Crítica da Informação: Refere-se a quaisquer sistemas de tecnologias da informação que suportem ativos fundamentais e serviços das infraestruturas nacionais. [30]


The information and communications technology systems, services, and data assets that are critical to Qatar. [31] [32]

Criteria for being critical are:

  1. Identify the organization’s key core business processes and their dependency on assets owned and managed by the organization (e.g., power plant, refinery, general ledger, etc.);
  2. Use impact severity table to determine an impact score for the loss/non-functioning of each key asset; and
  3. Classify all assets as critical when the criticality score is greater than twenty (20) according to the impact criteria table in [31] [32].

Republic of Trinidad & Tobago

Critical (information) infrastructure means computer systems, devices, networks, computer programs, computer data, so vital to the country that the incapacity or destruction of or interference with such systems and assets would have a debilitating impact on security, defence or international relations of the State; or provision of services directly related to national or economic security, banking and financial services, communications infrastructure, national public health and safety, public transportation, public key infrastructure or any combination of those matters. [33]

Russian Federation

Critical information infrastructure is a set of automated control systems and their interaction with information and telecommunications networks, designed to meet the challenges to good governance, defense, security, law and order, the violation (or termination) of their operation which can cause the onset of serious consequences.

критическая информационная инфраструктура Российской Федерации - совокупность автоматизированных систем управления КВО и обеспечивающих их взаимодействие информационно- телекоммуникационных сетей, предназначенных для решения задач государственного управления, обеспечения обороноспособности, безопасности и правопорядка, нарушение (или прекращение) функционирования которых может стать причиной наступления тяжких последствий. [34]

South Africa

[National] Critical Information Infrastructure means all ICT systems, data systems, data bases, networks (incl. people, buildings, facilities and processes), that are fundamental to the effective operation of the State. [35]


Critical (information) infrastructure is defined as the infrastructures which host the information systems that can cause: loss of lives, large scale economic damages, or security vulnerabilities and disturbance of public order at national level when the confidentiality, integrity or accessibility of the information they process is compromised. [36]

Kritik altyapılar: İşlediği bilginin gizliliği, bütünlüğü veya erişilebilirliği bozulduğunda, can kaybına, büyük ölçekli ekonomik zarara, ulusal güvenlik açıklarına veya kamu düzeninin bozulmasına, yol açabilecek bilişim sistemlerini barındıran altyapıları. [37] [38]


Uganda uses the aformentioned ITU-T definition. [39]

United Kingdom

Critical information infrastructure (CII) may refer to any IT systems which support key assets and services within the national infrastructure. [40]

United States

Critical information infrastructure (CII) is any physical or virtual information system that controls, processes, transmits, receives or stores electronic information in any form including data, voice or video that is: (1) Vital to the functioning of critical infrastructure; (2) So vital to the United States that the incapacity or destruction of such systems would have a debilitating impact on national security, national economic security, or national public health or safety; or (3) Owned or operated by or on behalf of a State, local, tribal, or territorial government entity. (Adapted from the Administration’s cyber legislative proposal)]. [41]


Activos de información críticos del Estado: Son aquellos activos de información necesarios para asegurar y mantener el correcto funcionamiento de los servicios vitales para la operación del gobierno y la economía del país. [42]

Regional Definition

Victoria, Australia

The ICT component of Critical Infrastructure is referred to as Critical Information Infrastructure (CII). [43]

Standard Definition


Critical Information Infrastructure (CII) are those systems that are so vital to a nation that their incapacity or destruction would have a debilitating effect on national security, the economy, or public health and safety. [44]

See also


  1. COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, THE COUNCIL, THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS on Critical Information Infrastructure Protection ‘Achievements and next steps: towards global cyber-security’
  2. Directive (EU) 2016/1148 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2016 Directive (EU) 2016/1148 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2016 (NIS Directive
  4. OECD Recommendation of the Council on the Protection of Critical Information Infrastructures C(2008)35
  5. The GFCE-MERIDIAN Good Practice Guide on Critical Information Infrastructure Protection for governmental policy-makers, to appear November 2016
  6. Dokumenti i Politikave për Sigurinë Kibernetike 2015 - 2017
  7. Austrian Cyber Security Strategy, Federal Chancellery of the Republic of Austria, Vienna (2013)
  8. GUIA DE REFERÊNCIA PARA A SEGURANÇA DAS INFRAESTRUTURAS CRÍTICAS DA INFORMAÇÃO Versão 01 (Nov. 2010)/ Portaria Nº 34, de 5 de agosto de 2009. Conselho de Defesa Nacional, Secretaria Executiva (2009).
  9. „Кибер устойчива България 2020” - Republic of Bulgaria: national cyber security strategy "Cyber Resilient Bulgaria 2020"(2016)
  11. 网络空间安全战略 China’s Cyber Security Strategy December 2016.
  12. Lineamientos de política para la Ciberseguridad y Ciberdefensa, Conpes 3701 (2011) based on Resolución CRC 2258 from 2009.
  13. National Cyber Security Strategy draft (2015)
  14. Zákon č. 181/2014 Sb. o kybernetické bezpečnosti a o změně souvisejících zákonů (zákon o kybernetické bezpečnosti)
  15. Act No. 181 of 23 July 2014 On Cyber Security and Change of Related Acts (Act on Cyber Security)
  16. Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Estonia
  17. Finlands' Cyber Security Strategy
  18. Network and information security webpage
  19. Section 70(1) of the Information Technology Act Ammendment (2008)
  20. Z.A. Hasibuan, Indonesia National Cyber Security Strategy: Security and Sovereignty in Indonesia Cyberspace (presentation), 2013
  21. National Cyber Security Strategy of Afghanistan (2014)
  22. The Basic Policy of Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (3rd Edition), Japan (2015)
  23. [http://www.nisc.go.jp/eng/pdf/actionplan_ci_eng_v3.pdf The Basic Policy of Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (3rd Edition) – tentative translation, Japan, 2014.
  24. Strategjia Shtetërore për Sigurinë Kibernetike dhe Plani i Veprimit 2016 – 2019
  25. National Cyber Security Strategy and Action Plan 2016 – 2019 (2016)
  28. Cyber Security Strategy for Norway (2012)
  29. Nasjonal strategi for informasjonssikkerhet (2012)
  30. Glossário Centro National de Cibersegurança Portugal
  31. 31.0 31.1 QATAR National Cyber Security Strategy (May 2014) Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "Qatar" defined multiple times with different content
  32. 32.0 32.1 الاستراتيجية الوطنية للأمن السيبراني QATAR National Cyber Security Strategy - Arabic version (May 2014) Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "Q2" defined multiple times with different content
  33. Government of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago, National Cyber Security Strategy (December 2012)
  34. NATIONAL SECURITY OF RUSSIA - Information security (February 3, 2012, № 803)
  35. South Africa Cyber Security Policy, Staatskoerant No. 32963, 10 Feb 2010
  36. Turkey's National Cyber Security Strategy and 2013-2014 Action Plan
  39. National Information Security Policy (2011)
  40. Cyber Security in the UK, Postnote Number 389, September 2011
  41. Blueprint for a secure cyber future, DHS Nov 2011
  42. Decreto No. 451/009 item No. 3
  43. Critical Information Infrastructure Risk Management, VICTORIAN GOVERNMENT CIO COUNCIL, 2012
  44. IETF RFC449 Internet Security Glossary 2