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European Definitions

Council of Europe

Safety is a situation without unacceptable risks. [1]

Safety is a set of methods and techniques designed or set in place in order to avoid accidents. [2]

Other International Definitions


Safety is the control of recognised hazards to achieve an acceptable level of risk. [3]

The maintenance of an environment that is relatively free from actual or potential hazards that can injure people (ref. Industrial Accident Prevention Association).


(nuclear/radiation) safety: the achievement of proper operating conditions, prevention of accidents or mitigation of accident consequences, resulting in protection of workers, the public and the environment from undue radiation hazards. [4]

National Definitions


Seguridad: función del subprograma de auxilio que consiste en la acción de proteger a la población, en los casos de trastornos al entorno físico, contra los riesgos de todo tipo, susceptibles de afectar la vida, la paz social y los bienes materiales durante el impacto de una calamidad. [5]


Turvallisuus: tila, jossa uhkat ja riskit ovat hallittavissa.

Safety is a condition in which the threats and risks are controllable. -unofficial translation- [6]


Sicurezza: Prevenzione, eliminazione parziale o totale dei danni, pericoli, rischi; condizione di essere al sicuro: osservare le norme di sicurezza stradale; dare garanzie di sicurezza. [7]

New Zealand/AOTEAROA

Safety is the process of assessing hazards and developing measures to ensure safety of personnel. [8]


Bezpieczeństwo – teoria i praktyka zapewniania możliwości przetrwania (egzystencji) i realizacji własnych interesów przez dany podmiot, w szczególności poprzez wykorzystywanie szans (okoliczności sprzyjających), podejmowanie wyzwań, redukowanie ryzyk oraz przeciwdziałanie (zapobieganie i przeciwstawianie się) wszelkiego rodzaju zagrożeniom dla podmiotu i jego interesów. [9]


Seguridad: función del subprograma de auxilio que consiste en la acción de proteger a la población, en los casos de trastornos al entorno físico, contra los riesgos de todo tipo, susceptibles de afectar la vida, la paz social y los bienes materiales durante el impacto de una calamidad. [5]

United States

Safety: Freedom from those conditions that can cause death, injury, occupational illness, damage to or loss of equipment or property, or damage to the environment. [10]

Standard Definition


Safety is the condition of the system operating without causing unacceptable risk of physical injury or damage to the health of people, either directly, or indirectly as a result of damage to property or to the environment. [11]

See also

