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European Definitions

Other International Definitions

EU ACRIMAS project

The EU ACRIMAS conceptual model [1] defines a crisis as a cascade of one or more separate crisis events (2nd order, 3rd order, etc.), that result from one initial crisis event. The effects of a single crisis are divided into two categories:

  • Damage (or impact) such as numbers of fatalities, injured/ill people, costs, impact on basic necessities, …, social and political stability (see Sub-section 3.1.4)
  • Cascading crisis events

National Definitions


Situation that is beyond the capacity of normal management structures and processes to deal with effectively. [2]


A situation that threatens public safety and security, the public’s sense of tradition and values or the integrity of the government.
Situation qui menace la sécurité publique, le sens de la tradition et des valeurs de la population ou l’intégrité du gouvernement. [3]

Czech Republic

Situation where the equilibrium among the basic components of the system on the one hand, and approach of the environment on the other hand, is disrupted in a serious way.[4]

Situace, ve které je významným způsobem narušena rovnováha mezi základními charakteristikami systému na jedné straně a postojem okolního prostředí na traně druhé.


A crisis is a suddenly or insidiously developing situation differing from the normal state of affairs and entailing a risk potential which harbours dangers and threats to life and limb or to significant material assets and serious risks to the political, social or economic system, and which requires a decision to be made, often in a state of uncertainty and on the basis of incomplete information.[5].

There is an IT crisis within the context of the CIP Implementation Plan if a failure or an impairment of organisations and facilities of major importance for society with sustained shortage of supplies, significant disruptions to public order, safety and security or other dramatic consequences directly or indirectly occurs and/or is to be expected for IT-related reasons.[6].


Legal definition
A crisis is een situatie waarin een vitaal belang van de samenleving is aangetast of dreigt te worden aangetast.
A crisis is a situation that endangers or potentially may endanger a key value of the (Dutch) society. [7]

National handbook on Crisis Management decision-taking
Onder een intersectorale crisis wordt in dit Nationaal Handboek verstaan: een gebeurtenis waarbij de nationale veiligheid in het geding is doordat één of meerdere vitale belangen worden aangetast en waarbij de reguliere structuren en/of middelen niet toereikend zijn om de stabiliteit te handhaven. De structuren van het Nationaal Handboek Crisisbesluitvorming treden dan in ieder geval in werking.
An intersectoral crisis is an event in which the national security is at issue as one or more vital interests are affected while the regular structures and or capacities are insufficient to maintain stability. [8]

Standard Definition


Any incident(s), human-caused or natural, that require(s) urgent attention and action to protect life, property, or environment [9].

See also
