Dr. Martin Kohlmeier

Martin has been researching in the field of wind energy for almost twenty years. In 2011, he joined the Support Structures Department of Fraunhofer IWES, where he was initially responsible for the numerical modeling of offshore support structures and their wave load simulation as well as for the design and execution of physical model tests. His current focus is on the design of physical tests, the automated acquisition and further processing of measurement data, and their comparative analysis within the framework of numerical methods. His dissertation “Coupling of thermal, hydraulic, and mechanical processes for geotechnical simulations of partially saturated porous media” dealt with both numerical simulation and the topic of solving coupled processes in soil.

Can fiber optics bring light into the darkness? – Grout monitoring on offshore wind turbines

Safe and reliable operation and a long service life of offshore wind turbines are key targets on the road to achieving climate neutrality, and the implementation of a predictive maintenance strategy is particularly relevant when it comes to reducing the…

How do resonance-based testing methods increase the efficiency and lifespans of support structures?

Efficient use of materials and a long lifespan are important KPIs in the optimization of offshore wind turbines. For future, larger support structures, which are particularly expected in wind farms at greater water depths, the behavior of the foundations, in…