Arne Bartschat
Gruppenleiter Großlager / Group Manager Slewing Bearings

Dipl.-Ing. Christian Broer
Chief Operating Officer
Christian Broer, a graduate mechanical engineer, has developed industrial mechatronic drive components for aerospace, public transport, the navy, and the army. He joined the Fraunhofer IWES in [...]

Lissie de la Torre
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin / Research Associate
Lissie de la Torre, M.Sc. in Offshore Renewable Energy, has been working at Fraunhofer IWES since March 2022 as a research associate in the Offshore Logistics group. Her work focuses on the weather [...]

M.Sc. Enno Dietrich
Projektkoordinator / Project Coordinator
Enno Dietrich has held various positions in the wind energy industry since 2008, most recently at the Fraunhofer IWES in Bremerhaven since 2016. Since 2018, he has been a member of the RAVE [...]

Dr. Martin Dörenkämper
Gruppenleiter Numerische Ertrags- und Standortanalyse / Group Manager Numerical Yield and Site Assessment
Martin Dörenkämper, who holds a doctorate in physics and energy meteorology, has been researching the interaction of atmospheric currents and wind farms since 2011. He joined the Fraunhofer IWES in [...]

Dipl. Ing. Karin Eustorgi
Gruppenleiterin Prüfplanung und -auswertung / Group Manager Test Planning and Evaluation
Karin Eustorgi is the Group Manager for Test Planning and Evaluation and is responsible for the (mechanical) validation of wind turbine drive trains and their components on the various system test [...]

Paul Robert Feja
Gruppenleiter Prüf- und Methodenentwicklung / Group Manager Test and Method Development
Paul Robert Feja is the group manager for Test and Method Development at Fraunhofer IWES, focusing on the simulation of wind turbine drivetrains and test benches. He studied mechanical engineering at [...]

Dr.-Ing. Katharina Fischer
Senior Scientist
Katharina Fischer has been a Senior Scientist at Fraunhofer IWES in Hanover since 2012. After completing her degree in electrical engineering and earning a doctorate in mechanical engineering, she [...]

Gino Frielinghaus
Abteilungsleiter Baugrunderkundung | Head of Department Sub-surface Investigations

Dr. Julia Gottschall
Chief Scientist
Julia Gottschall, who holds a doctorate in wind physics, has been employed as a senior scientist at the Fraunhofer IWES in Bremerhaven since 2011. As project manager of the national subproject funded [...]

M.Sc. Matthis Graßmann
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter / Research Associate
Matthis Graßmann, M.Sc., has been working at the Fraunhofer IWES since May 2019 and specializes in the FE simulation of rolling bearings. His core competences include computational simulations in [...]

Matthias Huhn
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter / Research Associate
M.Sc. Matthias Huhn studied mechanical engineering at the Hamburg University of Technology, RWTH Aachen University, and EPFL in Lausanne. Since 2017, he is a research associate at Fraunhofer IWES in [...]

Dr. Martin Kohlmeier
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter / Research Associate
Martin has been researching in the field of wind energy for almost twenty years. In 2011, he joined the Support Structures Department of Fraunhofer IWES, where he was initially responsible for the [...]

Dr. Bernhard Lange
Technischer Direktor / Chief technology Director
Bernhard Lange is a division manager for the topic of “Wind farm development” at the Fraunhofer IWES. He studied physics at the Universities of Konstanz, Edinburgh, and Oldenburg before earning [...]

M.Sc. Torben Laue
Stellvertretender Leiter Softwareentwicklung / Deputy Group Manager Software Development
Torben Laue studied Computational Engineering and worked on numerical simulations and software development in the field of prototype development in the medical technology sector. Since August 2023, [...]

Loïs Legendre
Projekt- & Betriebsmanager, Windmessung und -charakterisierung / Project & Operations Manager, Wind Measurement and Characterization
Loïs Legendre has been working as a Project Manager and Offshore Operations Manager in the Wind Measurement and Characterization Department at Fraunhofer IWES since August 2021. He has over 15 years [...]

Dr. Eng. Mareike Leimeister
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin / Research Associate
Mareike Leimeister, who holds an engineering doctorate in renewable energy marine structures, has been researching the fully coupled system behavior of floating wind turbines and design optimization [...]

Aline Luxa
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin / Research Associate
Aline received her B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Energy and Process Engineering from the Technical University of Berlin in 2017 and 2020, respectively. Since 2020, she has been part of the Application Center [...]

M.Sc. Oliver Menck
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter / Research Associate
Oliver Menck graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering and mechatronics before accepting a position at the Fraunhofer IWES. He is particularly interested in interdisciplinary, complex, [...]

Telsche Nielsen
Leiterin Wissenstransfer und Hochschulkooperationen | Head of Knowledge Transfer and University Cooperations
Telsche Nielsen studied physics and university didactics and has been researching knowledge transfer since 2005. She joined the Fraunhofer IWES as a research associate in 2013. She is head of the [...]

Erik Patschke
Abteilungsleiter Windmessung und -charakterisierung / Head of Department, Wind Measurement and Characterization
Erik Patschke leads the Wind Measurement and Characterization Department at Fraunhofer IWES since 2018. He started his career in the wind industry by joining Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy in [...]

M.Sc. Niklas Requate
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter / Research Associate
Niklas works at the IWES on intelligent methods for operational management of wind energy systems considering reliability. The systems considered can be individual wind turbines, entire wind farms, [...]

Prof. Andreas Reuter
Institutsleiter / Managing Director
Andreas Reuter works as professor for wind energy technology at the Leibniz University of Hannover and is the Managing Director of Fraunhofer IWES with a total of 250 scientific employees and a [...]

Dr. Jonas Schulte
Senior Scientist
Jonas has been working in the field of wind energy research for more than ten years. He joined the department of Wind Farm Planning and Operation at Fraunhofer IWES in 2011, where he is responsible [...]

Muhammad Omer Siddiqui
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter / Research Associate
Muhammad Omer Siddiqui is a research associate in the Test and Method Development Group at Fraunhofer IWES. He studied mechanical engineering at NUST Pakistan and obtained his master’s degree in [...]

Steffen Sørensen
Key Account Manager Dänemark / Denmark
Steffen Sørensen has been working at leading wind turbine manufacturers for more than 20 years and his core skills lie in mechanical system and overall WTG system engineering. In recent years, his [...]

Dr.-Ing. Matthias Stammler
Senior Engineer
Matthias Stammler is a Senior Engineer at the IWES’ Large Bearing Laboratory. He develops, acquires, and works on projects in the field of rolling bearing research. Matthias studied vehicle [...]

Dr. rer. nat. Bernhard Stoevesandt
Abteilungsleiter Aerodynamik und numerische Windenergiemeteorologie / Head of Department Aerodynamics and numerical Wind Energy Meteorology
Bernhard Stoevesandt, who holds a PhD in physics, has been working at Fraunhofer IWES since 2011 and established the department of Aerodynamics and numerical Wind Energy Meteorology in Oldenburg, [...]

Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Thomas
Gruppenleiter Gesamtanlagendynamik / Group Manager Global Turbine Dynamics
Philipp Thomas, a mechanical engineer, has been conducting research in the field of the dynamics of wind turbines at the Fraunhofer IWES since 2012. He develops numerical models for the load [...]

Dr. Lukas Vollmer
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter / Research Associate
Lukas Vollmer uses flow models and an immense quantity of wind farm data in his work at the Fraunhofer IWES aimed at better understanding of wind farm performance. His doctoral thesis investigated [...]

Urs Wahl
Senior Manager Politik und Regierungsangelegenheiten / Berater für Public Affairs & Experte für Energiepolitik / Senior Manager Policy and Government Affairs / Consultant for Public Affairs & Expert in Energy Policy
Urs Wahl is a freelance public affairs consultant and energy policy expert.
After completing his degree in political science in Bremen and Tampere, he worked as a personal assistant to a Member of [...]

Julia Walgern
Gruppenleiterin Technische Zuverlässigkeit / Group Manager Technical Reliability
Julia Walgern is the group manager of the group Technical Reliability and holds a master’s double degree in mechanical and electrical engineering. Julia has been working on different O&M [...]

Dr. Anna Wegner
Gruppenleiterin Anwendungszentrum Windenergie-Feldmessungen / Group Manager Application Center Wind Energy Field Measurementsr
Anna Wegner, who is a physicist, has been working at Fraunhofer IWES since 2015. As head of the Group Application Center Wind Energy Field Measurements, she was responsible for turbine measurements [...]

M.Sc. Marcus Wiens
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter / Research Associate
Marcus Wiens, M.Sc. Energy Engineering, has been working as a research associate at Fraunhofer IWES since 2019. His work focuses on the development of control systems for wind turbines and the [...]

M.Sc. Vincent Wilms
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter / Research Associate
Vincent Wilms studied Wind Energy Technology and Embedded Systems Design and then worked in the field of measurement technology for a wind turbine manufacturer. In 2018, he joined the Fraunhofer IWES [...]

M.Sc. Sarah Zwick
Gruppenleiterin Windmesskampagne / Group Manager Wind Measurement Campaign Operations
Sarah Zwick, M.Sc. Production Engineering, has been working as a Project Manager and Offshore Operations Manager in the "Wind Measurement and Characterization Department" at Fraunhofer IWES since [...]