Critical Information Infrastructure

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European Definitions

Council Communication COM(2011)163 final

No definition provided [1]

Other International Definitions


Critical information infrastructures (“CII”) should be understood as referring to those interconnected information systems and networks, the disruption or destruction of which would have serious impact on the health, safety, security, or economic well-being of citizens, or on the effective functioning of government or the economy. [2]

National Definitions


The ICT component of Critical Infrastructure is referred to as Critical Information Infrastructure (CII). [3]


Critical Infrastructure is the set of computers, computer systems, telecommunication networks, data and information, the destruction or interference may weaken or impact the safety of the economy, public health, or combination thereof, in a nation (Infraestructura crítica: Es el conjunto de computadores, sistemas computacionales, redes de telecomunicaciones, datos e información, cuya destrucción o interferencia puede debilitar o impactar en la seguridad de la economía, salud pública, o la combinación de ellas, en una nación). [4]

Czech Republic

Within the field of cyber security, a critical infrastructure means an element or system of elements of the critical infrastructure in the sector of communication and information systems. [5]

Zákonem jasně vymezený komplex informačních systémů, jejichž nefunkčnost by měla závažný dopad na bezpečnost státu, ekonomiku, veřejnou správu a zabezpečení základních životních potřeb obyvatelstva.


Critical information infrastructure ([CII]) means information and communication systems whose maintenance, reliability and safety are essential for the proper functioning of a country. The critical information infrastructure is a part of the critical infrastructure. [6]


Critical information infrastructure refers to the structures and functions behind the information systems of the vital functions of society which electronically transmit, transfer, receive, store or otherwise process information (data). [7]


ICT Critical National Infrastructures are assets, services, objects in the form of physical or logical that involving the livelihood of many people, national interests and/or revenue of country that are strategic, in case of threats and attacks cause more loss of lives, destabilizing political, social, cultural and national economy as well as the sovereignty of the nation. [8]


Critical information infrastructure shall mean an electronic communications network, information system or a group of information systems where an incident that occurs causes or may cause grave damage to national security, national economy or social well-being. [9]


Kritisk IKT-infrastruktur defineres som kritisk infrastruktur for elektronisk kommunikasjon. [10]

Critical ICT (information) infrastructure is defined as critical infrastructure for electronic communications.

Republic of Trinidad & Tobago

Critical (information) infrastructure means computer systems, devices, networks, computer programs, computer data, so vital to the country that the incapacity or destruction of or interference with such systems and assets would have a debilitating impact on security, defence or international relations of the State; or provision of services directly related to national or economic security, banking and financial services, communications infrastructure, national public health and safety, public transportation, public key infrastructure or any combination of those matters. [11]

South Africa

Critical Information Infrastructure means all ICT systems, data systems, data bases, networks (incl. people, buildings, facilities and processes), that are fundamental to the effective operation of the State. [12].


Critical (information) infrastructure is defined as the infrastructures which host the information systems that can cause: loss of lives, large scale economic damages, or security vulnerabilities and disturbance of public order at national level when the confidentiality, integrity or accessibility of the information they process is compromised. [13]

See also
