Critical Infrastructure Sector
Each national or international strategy and policy identifies different categories of sectors that are considered to offer vital services and thus require protection. A 2008 survey examined the policies of 25 countries and identifies as the most frequently mentioned the following sectors, taken up later in the [1]:
- Banking and Finance (Sektor kritične infrastrukture, ki zagotavlja finance)
- Central Government / Government Services [?]
- (Tele-)Communication / Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) (Sektor kritične infrastrukture, ki zagotavlja informacijsko in komunikacijsko podporo)
- Emergency / Rescue Services [?]
- Energy / Electricity (Sektor kritične infrastrukture, ki zagotavlja energetsko podporo)
- Health Services (Sektor kritične infrastrukture, ki zagotavlja zdravstveno oskrbo)
- Transportation / Logistics / Distribution (Sektor kritične infrastrukture, ki zagotavlja prometne povezave)
- Water (supply) (Sektor kritične infrastrukture, ki zagotavlja preskrbo s pitno vodo)
- Food (Sektor kritične infrastrukture, ki zagotavlja preskrbo s hrano)
- Envoronmental Protection (Sektor kritične infrastrukture, ki zagotavlja varstvo okolja)
The study comments that "these are the core sectors of modern societies, and possibly the areas where a large-scale interruption would be most devastating" [2].
- 1 Definitions
- 1.1 European Definitions
- 1.2 Other International Definitions
- 1.3 National Definitions
- 1.3.1 Argentina
- 1.3.2 Australia
- 1.3.3 Austria
- 1.3.4 Bangladesh
- 1.3.5 Belgium
- 1.3.6 Brazil
- 1.3.7 Canada
- 1.3.8 Chile
- 1.3.9 Croatia
- 1.3.10 Czech Republic
- 1.3.11 Denmark
- 1.3.12 El Salvador
- 1.3.13 Estonia
- 1.3.14 Finland
- 1.3.15 France
- 1.3.16 Germany
- 1.3.17 Ghana
- 1.3.18 India
- 1.3.19 Indonesia
- 1.3.20 Japan
- 1.3.21 Jersey
- 1.3.22 Kuwait
- 1.3.23 Malaysia
- 1.3.24 Netherlands
- 1.3.25 North Macedonia
- 1.3.26 Norway
- 1.3.27 Pakistan
- 1.3.28 Papua New Guinea
- 1.3.29 Poland
- 1.3.30 Qatar
- 1.3.31 Republic of Korea
- 1.3.32 Republic of Trinidad & Tobago
- 1.3.33 Singapore
- 1.3.34 Slovakia
- 1.3.35 Slovenia
- 1.3.36 Spain
- 1.3.37 Sweden
- 1.3.38 Switzerland
- 1.3.39 Turkey
- 1.3.40 United Arab Emirates
- 1.3.41 United Kingdom (UK)
- 1.3.42 United States
- 1.3.43 Virgin Islands
- 1.4 Other Definitions
- 2 See also
- 3 Notes
European Definitions
Council Directive 2008/114/EC
The EU directive identifies the following two sectors and their respective sub-sectors [3]:
I Energy
- Electricity: Infrastructures and facilities for generation and transmission of electricity in respect of supply electricity
- Oil: Oil production, refining, treatment, storage and transmission by pipelines
- Gas: (a) Gas production, refining, treatment, storage and transmission by pipelines, (b) LNG terminals
II Transport
- Road transport
- Rail transport
- Air transport
- Inland waterways transport
- Ocean & short sea shipping and ports
Resilience of critical entities COM/2020/829 final
The EU proposed directive identifies the following sectors and their respective sub-sectors [4]:
Sector | Subsector |
Energy | Electricity |
District Heating | |
Oil | |
Gas | |
Hydrogen | |
Transport | Air |
Rail | |
Water (inland, sea, coastal passenger and freight; ports) | |
Road | |
Banking | |
Financial Market Infrastructures | |
Health | |
Drinking Water | |
Waste Water | |
Digital Infrastructure | (IX, DSN, TLD, Cloud, Data centre service, Content delivery, Trust services, NIS Directive) |
Public Administration | |
Space | (ground-based infrastructure) |
Other International Definitions
UNISDR presents the following examples of critical infrastructures:
National Definitions
- Energía: presas, subestaciones, líneas de fluido eléctrico, plantas de almacenamiento de combustibles, oleoductos, gasoductos.
- Transporte: redes viales, puentes, terminales de transporte, aeropuertos, puertos fluviales y marítimos.
- Agua: plantas de tratamiento, acueductos, alcantarillados, canales de irrigación y conducción.
- Comunicaciones: redes y plantas telefónicas, estaciones de radio y televisión, oficinas de correo e información pública.
Australia's national critical infrastructure is categorised by seven critical sectors [6]:
- Energy
- Water services
- Communications
- Transport
- Food Chain
- Health
- Banking & Finance
Austria's national critical infrastructure is categorised by thirteen critical sectors [7]:
- Energy
- Water
- Food
- Health
- Finance
- Transport
- Chemical industry
- Research
- Constitutional institutions
- Social system
- Distribution system
- Search and Rescue
Bangladesh Critical Infrastructure is categorised by seven critical sectors [8]:
- Energy (oil, gas)
- Telecommunications
- Transport (road)
- Monuments/Buildings
- Water
- Financial sector
Belgium's National Critical Infrastructure is categorised by four critical sectors [9]:
- Energy (electric power, oil, gas)
- Transport (road, rail, air, inland shipping, sea and ocean shipping & harbours)
- Financial sector
- Electronic Communication
Although another law applies, the Space sector is likewise treated as a Critical Infrastructure.
Subsetor: é um nível de especialização de um segmento de Infraestrutura Crítica, constituído por organizações privadas ou públicas responsáveis pelos ativos de informação para os quais serão definidos controles a fim de atender requisites mínimos de segurança.[10]
Canada's national infrastructure is categorised by ten critical sectors [11]:
- Health
- Food
- Finance
- Water
- Information and Communication Technology
- Safety
- Energy and utilities
- Manufacturing
- Government
- Transportation
Chile's national critical information infrastructure is categorised by the following critical sectors: [12] [13]}}
- energía (energy)
- telecomunicaciones (telecommunications)
- agua (water)
- salud (health)
- servicios financieros (financial services)
- seguridad pública (public safety)
- transporte (transport)
- administración pública (civil service)
- protección civil (civil protection)
- defense(defence)
Potentially eleven Critical Infrastructure Sectors have been identified by [14]:
- Energetika - Energy (production, including reservoirs and dams, transmission, storage, transportation fuels and energy distribution systems)
- Komunikacijska i informacijska tehnologija - Communication and information technology (electronic communication, data transmission, information systems, providing audio and audiovisual media services)
- Promet - Transport (road, rail, air, sea and inland waterway)
- Zdravstvo - Public Health (health care, manufacturing, marketing and supervision of medicinal products)
- Vodno gospodarstvo - Water Management (control and protective water structures and municipal water structures)
- Hrana - Food (production and food supply and food safety system, stockpiles)
- Financije - Finance (banking, stock exchanges, investment, insurance and payment systems)
- Proizvodnja, skladištenje i prijevoz opasnih tvari - Production, storage and transport of dangerous goods (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear materials)
- Javne službe - Public sector (insurance of public order, protection and rescue, emergency medical services)
- Nacionalni spomenici i vrijednosti - National monuments and valuables
- Science and Education
Czech Republic
Czech Republic's national critical infrastructure is categorised by nine critical sectors [15]:
- Energy
- Water management
- Food industry and agriculture
- Health services
- Transport
- Communication and information systems
- Financial market and currency
- Emergency Services
- Public administration
Denmark defined critical societal functions instead of critical sectors[16] [17]:
- Energy: Supply of electricity, natural gas, crude oil, fuel, etc.
- Information and communications technology (ICT): Phone, internet, information networks, processing and transmission of data, navigation, satellite/radio/TV transmission, post and courier services, etc.
- Transport: Carrying out, monitoring and controlling passenger and cargo transport (road, rail, air and sea), monitoring and controlling of infrastructure (bridges, tunnels, stations, airports, harbours), etc.
- Water: Supply of drinking water and waste water disposal.
- Food: Supply of food, supervision of food safety, monitoring and responding to contagious animal diseases and zoonoses.
- Finance: Money transmission and transfer services, banking and insurance, securities trading, etc.
- Fire and rescue services, police tasks, military assistance to civil authorities, etc.: # Alarming and alerting, on-scene coordinating and technical incident command, cordoning off, fire fighting, search and rescue (land/sea/air), evacuation (incl. reception, housing and catering), environmental pollution response, storm surge preparedness, snow-preparedness, public order enforcement, explosive ordnance disposal, control of production, storage and transport of hazardous materials (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, explosive), and response to incidents that do or may involve hazardous materials.
- Health and social services: Prehospital services, hospitals, practising physicians, production and distribution of pharmaceuticals, supervisory systems, day-care and residential institutions, home care, etc.
- Defence, intelligence and security services: Military defence and enforcement of sovereignty, counter-terrorism, counter-extremism, counter-espionage, personal protection, etc.
- Exercise of authority (all levels): Crisis management capacity, maintenance of parliamentary, governmental, central administrative, judicial, municipal and regional authority.
El Salvador
El Salvador's basic and essential infrastructure is categorised by four sectors [18]:
- Energía: presas, subestaciones, líneas de fluido eléctrico, plantas de almacenamiento de combustibles, oleoductos, gasoductos.
- Transporte: redes viales, puentes, terminales de transporte, aeropuertos, puertos fluviales y marítimos.
- Agua: plantas de tratamiento, acueductos, alcantarillados, canales de irrigación y conducción.
- Comunicaciones: redes y plantas telefónicas, estaciones de radio y televisión, oficinas de correo e información publica.
- Energy: dams, substations, electric fluid lines, fuel storage plants, oil pipelines, pipelines.
- Transport: road networks, bridges, transport terminals, airports, river and maritime ports.
- Water: treatment plants, aqueducts, sewage systems, irrigation canals and conduction.
- Communications: networks and telephone plants, radio and television stations, post offices and public information.
Estonia's critical infrastructure is categorised by nine critical sectors [19]:
- Energy facilities and networks: electricity, oil and gas storage facilities and refineries, transmission and distribution systems
- Communications and information technology: telecommunications, transmission and notification systems, software, hardware and networks, including the infrastructure of the Internet
- Finance: banking, securities and investment
- Health care: hospitals, health care facilities, laboratories and medicines, search, rescue and ambulance services
- Food: safety, means of production, wholesale and food industry
- Water: water reservoirs, water treatment plants and water networks
- Transport: airports, ports, inter-modal transport facilities, rail and mass transit networks, traffic control systems
- Production, storage and transport of dangerous goods: chemical, biological, radiological and other hazardous materials
- State agencies: critical services, facilities, information networks; information systems ensuring national security and defence, resources, databases and court registers with legal effect, and national cultural assets.
In 2010, Finland defined the following set of vital functions [20] (Suomalaisen yhteiskunnan elintärkeitä toimintoja ovat) [21]:
- management of Government affairs (valtion johtamine)
- international activity (kansainvälinen toiminta)
- Finland’s defence capability (Suomen puolustuskyky)
- internal security (sisäinen turvallisuus)
- functioning of the economy and infrastructure (talouden ja infrastruktuurin toimivuus)
- the population’s income security and capability to function (väestön toimeentuloturva ja toimintakyky), and
- psychological resilience to crisis (henkinen kriisinkestävyys)
A critical infrastructure sector is defines as follows:
An unofficial translation follows:
Below a list of the sectors and the responsible ministry can be found. [23] [24].
Critical Sector | Responsible Ministry |
Civilian activities | Ministry of Home Affairs |
Legal activities | Ministry for Justice |
Military activities of the State | Ministry of Defence |
Food | Ministry for Agriculture |
Communication, technologies and broadcasting | Ministry for Electronic communications |
Energy | Ministry for Energy |
Space and Research | Ministry of Research |
Finance | Ministry of the Economy and Finance |
Water management | Ministry for Ecology |
Industry | Ministry for Industry |
Health | Ministry of Health |
Transport | Ministry of Transport |
In Germany, the following sectors (and industries) are assigned to critical infrastructures [25]:
- Transport and traffic (aviation, maritime shipping, inland waterway transport, rail traffic, road traffic, logistics)
- Energy (electricity, mineral oil, gas)
- Information technology and telecommunication (telecommunication, information technology)
- Finance and insurance sector (banks/financial institutes, insurance companies, financial service providers, stock exchanges)
- State and administration (government and administration, parliament, judicial institutions, emergency and rescue services including disaster control)
- Food (food industry, food trade)
- Water (public water supply, public waste water disposal)
- Health (medical care, pharmaceuticals and vaccines, laboratories)
- Media and culture (broadcasting (television and radio), printed and electronic press, cultural assets, highly symbolic buildings)
In Deutschland werden folgende Sektoren (und Branchen) den Kritischen Infrastrukturen zugeordnet:
- Transport und Verkehr (Luftfahrt, Seeschifffahrt, Binnenschifffahrt, Schienenverkehr, Straßenverkehr, Logistik)
- Energie (Elektrizität, Mineralöl, Gas)
- Informationstechnik und Telekommunikation (Telekommunikation, Informationstechnik)
- Finanz- und Versicherungswesen (Banken, Versicherungen, Finanzdienstleister, Börsen)
- Staat und Verwaltung (Regierung und Verwaltung, Parlament, Justizeinrichtungen, Notfall- und Rettungswesen einschließlich Katastrophenschutz)
- Ernährung (Ernährungswirtschaft, Lebensmittelhandel)
- Wasser (Öffentliche Wasserversorgung, öffentliche Abwasserbeseitigung)
- Gesundheit (Medizinische Versorgung, Arzneimittel und Impfstoffe, Labore)
- Medien und Kultur (Rundfunk (Fernsehen und Radio), gedruckte und elektronische Presse, Kulturgut, symbolträchtige Bauwerke)
Ghana defines the following ten sectors to be part of their Critical National Infrastructure [26]:
- National Defense and Security
- Banking and Finance
- Information and Communications
- Energy
- Transportation
- Water
- Health Services
- Government
- Emergency Services
- Food and Agriculture
The sectors that have been designated as critical are: [28]
- Defence
- Banking and financial sector
- ICT and telecommunication
- Transportation
- Power
- Energy
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Ministry of External Affairs
- Ministry of Heavy Industries
- Niti Ayog (the erstwhile Planning Commission)
However, in 2015 the NCIIPC [29] presented the following list of critical sectors:
- Energy
- Transportation (air, surface, rail & water)
- Banking & Finance
- Telecommunication
- Defence
- Space
- Law enforcement, security & intelligence
- Sensitive Government organisations
- Public Health
- Water supply
- Critical manufacturing
- E-Governance
Infrastruktur kritis nasional yakni infrastruktur pada sektor-sektor [30]:
- Energi (energy)
- Transportasi (transport)
- keuangan dan perbankan (finances and banking)
- telekomunikasi (telecommunication)
- pertahanan (defence)
- penegakan hokum (law enforment)
- keamanan dan intelijen (security and intelligence services)
- kesehatan (health)
- suplai air (drinking water)
- tata kelola elektronik (e-Governance)
- industri kritis (critical industry)
- organisasi-orgaisasi sensitif (sensitive organisations)
- dan luar angkasa (space)
Japan's national critical infrastructure is categorised by thirteen critical sectors: [31], [32], [33]:
- Information and communication services (情報通信)
- Financial services (金融)
- Aviation services (航空)
- Railway services (鉄道)
- Electric power supply services (電力)
- Gas supply services (ガス)
- Government and administrative services (including local public authorities)
(政府・行政サービス(地方公共団体を含む)) - Medical services (医療)
- Water services (水道)
- Logistics services (物流)
- Chemical industries (化学)
- Credit card services (クレジット)
- Petroleum industries (び「石油)
Jersey's critical national infrastructure is categorised by the following eight critical sectors: [34]
- Electricity
- Gas
- Communications
- Transport (including Ports and Airport)
- Emergency services
- Public services
- Health
- Water
Kuwait's critical national infrastructure is categorised by the following eight vital sectors: [35],[36]
- Oil sector القطاع النفطي
- Military sector القطاع الع�صكري
- Energy sector and electricity and water قطاع الطاقة والكهرباء واملاء.
- Financial sector القطاع املايل.
- Communications, telecommunication and information technology sector قطاع االت�صاالت وتكنولوجيا املعلومات.
- Transport sector قطاع النقل.
- Health sector القطاع ال�صحي.
- Other government entities .اجلهات احلكومية الأخرى.
Malaysia's National Critical Information Infrastructure (CNII):[37]
- National Defence & Security
- Banking & Finance
- Information & Communications
- Energy
- Transportation
- Water
- Health Services
- Government
- Emergency Services
- Food & Agriculture
The 2015 Critical Infrastructure review redefined the Dutch critical infrastructure sectors and the critical products and services. On September 16, 2016, some additions to the Critical Infrastructure table below were announced [38] [39]. Later, road and rail transport were added (again).
Critical Processes | Category | Product, service or location | Sector | Responsible Ministry |
National transport and distribution of power | A | Electricity | Energy | Economic Affairs and Climate Policy |
Regional distribution of electricity | B | |||
Gas production National transport and distribution of gas |
A | Gas | ||
Regional distribution of gas | B | |||
Oil supply | A | Oil | ||
Internet and data services | B | Internet and data services | ICT/Telecom | |
Internet access and data traffic | B | Internet access and data traffic | ||
Voice services and text messaging | B | Voice services and text messaging | ||
Geolocation and time information by GNSS | B | GNSS | Infrastructure and Water Management | |
Drinking water supply | A | Drinking water | Drinking water | |
Flood defences and water management | A | (part of) primary flood defences, regional flood defences | Water | |
Air Traffic | B | Air Traffic Control (ATC) and aircraft handling | Transport | |
Vessel Traffic Service | B | Vessel Traffic Service (Port of Rotterdam) | ||
Transport of persons and goods by (main) railway infrastructure | B | Main rail infrastructure | ||
Transport by (main) road infrastructure | B | Main road infrastructure (highways, key tunnels and bridges) | ||
Large-scale production/processing and/or storage of chemicals and petrochemicals | B | Chemical and petrochemical industry | Chemistry | |
Storage, production and processing of nuclear materials | A | Nuclear | Nuclear | |
Retail transactions | B | Financial transactions | Financial | Finance |
Consumer financial transactions | B | |||
High-value transactions between banks | B | |||
Securities trading | B | |||
Emergency Services communication (1-1-2 and C2000) | B | Communication with and between emergency services through the 112 emergency number and C2000 | Public order and Safety (OOV) | Security and Justice |
Police Deployment | B | |||
Personal and organisational record databases | B | Digital government | Public Administration | The Interior and Kingdom Relations |
Interconnectivity between record databases | B | |||
Electronic messaging and information disclosure to citizens | B | |||
Identification and authentication of citizens and organisations | B | |||
Military deployment | B | Military deployment Armed Forces | Defence | Defence |
The Netherlands' national infrastructure was (2005 definition) categorised by twelve critical sectors and 31 subsectors [40]:
- Energy: electric power, gas, and oil
- Telecommunications and IT: fixed and mobile communications, radio, broadcasting, internet, and postal and courier services
- Drinking water (supply)
- Food: food supply, and food safety
- Health: emergency and other hospital care, medicines, and vaccines
- Financial services: payments (bank retail), and financial transfers by the Administration
- Surface water: water quality and water quantity (stemming and managing)
- Public order and safety
- Legal order/justice: courts and detention, and law enforcement
- Public administration: diplomacy, information services by the Administration, defence, and decision-making
- Transport: mainport Schiphol, mainport Rotterdam, main road infrastructure, main inland shipping infrastructure, and rail infrastructure
- Chemical and nuclear industry: transport, storage, production, and processing of dangerous materials
Each critical sector falls under the responsibility of a designated ministry.
North Macedonia
New Macedonia recognises five critical infrastructure sectors:
- Energy (production, transmission and distribution)
- Water supply
- Environment
- Macedonian radio and television, electronic and print media
- National bank of North Macedonia and other registered legal banking entities
Norway distinguishes six critical infrastructures and eleven critical societal functions. Critical infrastructures:
- Electric Power (kraft)
- Electronic communications (elektronisk kommunikasjon)
- Water supply and Sewage (vann og avløp)
- Transport (transport)
- Oil and Gas (olje og gass)
- Satellite-based infrastructure (satellittbasert kommunikasjon og navigasjon)
In 2006, three additional critical sectors existed, which have shifted to critical societal functions later [42]:
- Banking and Finance (bank og finans)
- Monuments and symbols (kulturminner og symboler)
- Food Supply (matforsyning)
Critical Societal Functions (Kritisk samfunnsfunksjon er det mest sentrale begrepet i definisjonsapparatet):
- Banking and Finance (bank og finans)
- Food Supply (matforsyning)
- Health Services, Social Services and Social Security Benefit (helse-, sosial- og trygdetjenester)
- Police (politi)
- Emergency and Rescue Services (nød- og redningstjeneste)
- Crisis Management (kriseledelse)
- Parliament and Government (storting og regjering)
- The Judiciary (domstolene)
- Defence (forsvaret)
- Environmental Surveillance (miljøovervåkning)
- Waste Treatment (renovasjon)
Papua New Guinea
Critical Infrastructure[44] at least:
- transportation
- communication systems
- water supply
- electricity supply
- banking services
- public institutions including health services, post offices and education services.
Poland distinguishes the following critical infrastructure sectors / functions: [45]
- Banking and financial systems (finansowe)
- Health (ratownicze)
- Communication and computer systems (łączności, sieci teleinformatycznych)
- Transport (transportowe)
- Rescue systems (ochrony zdrowia)
- Systems ensuring functioning of the public administration (zapewniające ciągłość działania administracji publicznej)
- Food and water provision systems (zaopatrzenia w żywność & zaopatrzenia w wodę)
- Energy and fuel provision systems (zaopatrzenia w energię, surowce energetyczne i paliwa)
- Systems that deal with the production, use, storage of chemical and radioactive substances, and also dangerous substance pipelines (produkcji, składowania, przechowywania i stosowania substancji chemicznych i promieniotwórczych, w tym rurociągi substancji niebezpiecznych)
- ensuring the continuity of public administration (zapewniające ciągłość działania administracji publicznej).
The critical sectors which comprise Qatar's national critical infrastructure include but are not restricted to [46] [47] :
- Energy, Electricity, and Water (قطاع الطاقة والكهرباء والماء)
- Finance (القطاع الما ي ل)
- Government (القطاع الحكومي)
- Healthcare (قطاع الرعاية الصحية)
- Information and Communications Technology (قطاع تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات)
- Transportation (قطاع النقل والمواصلات)
Republic of Korea
Nine critical sectors comprise the Republic of Korea's national critical infrastructure [48]:
- Energy
- Telecommunications
- Transportation
- Financials services
- Healthcare and medical services
- Nuclear energy
- Environment
- Government critical facilities
- Water Supply
Republic of Trinidad & Tobago
The national cyber security strategy recognizes the following critical (information) infrastructure sectors [49]:
- Banking and financial services
- Communications infrastructure
- Public health
- Public safety
- Public transportation
- Key infrastructure
Singapore recognises the following eight CI sectors: [50]
- Energy
- Banking and Finance
- Healthcare
- Transport (which includes Land, Maritime, and Aviation)
- Government
- Information and communication
- Media
- Security & Emergency Services
Sektorom kritickej infraštruktúry časť kritickej infraštruktúry, do ktorej sa zaraďujú prvky; sektor môže obsahovať jeden alebo viac podsektorov kritickej infraštruktúry (ďalej len „podsektor“). [51]
Slovakia recognises nine critical sectors: [52]
- Energy (Energetika)
- Transport (Doprava)
- Food (Potraviny)
- Drinking water (Voda)
- Health (Zdravie)
- Financial sector (Finančný sector)
- Information and communication (Informačné a komunikačné technológie)
- Public Order and Internal Security (Verejný poriadok a vnútorná bezpečnosť)
- Industry (Priemysel)
Sectors Critical Infrastructure of the Republic of Slovenia [53]:
- Energy (more than 7 days to rehabilitate; power disruption for more than 100.000 people; interruption petroleum and gas products for more than a week affecting over 100.000 people and costs in the amount of 10 M Euro/day)
- Transportation (disable rail traffic on key routes for more than a couple of weeks and damages of 10 M Euro/day)
- Food (unable to provide basic food products for a week for over 100.000 people)
- Drinking water (unable to provide drinking water for a week for over 100.000 people)
- Health / Medical care (unable to provide emergency care and public health services for over 100.000 people)
- Finance (unable to provide money supply for more than 3 days in an area of more than 50,000 people)
- Environmental protection (pollution with a short-term harmful effect on the population in an area of over 50,000 people)
- Communications and Information Technologies
Spains' national infrastructure is currently categorised by twelve critical sectors[54]:
- Administration
- Chemical Industry
- Energy
- Financial and Tax System
- Food Supply Chain
- Health
- Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
- Nuclear Industry
- Research Laboratories
- Space
- Transport
- Water
Swedens' national infrastructure is currently categorised by eleven critical sectors providing a set of critical societal functions [55]:
- Energy Supply
- Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
- Financial Services
- Social Insurances
- Public Health, medical services and special social services
- Protection, Security and Safety
- Transport
- Municipal Services
- Food
- Trade and Industry
- Public Administration (governance, support functions, service sector)
Switzerlands' national infrastructure is currently categorised by ten critical sectors and 28 subsectors which are subcategorised very high critical, high critical and regular critical [56]:
- Energy: natural gas supply, oil supply, and power supply
- Financial services: banks, and insurance companies
- Information- & communication technologies (ICT): information technology, media, and telecommunication
- Industry: chemical and pharmaceutical industry, and mechanical and electrical engineering industries
- Public administration: foreign representations and headquarters of international organisations; national cultural property; parliament, government, justice, administration; research institutes
- Public health: medical care and hospitals; laboratories
- Public safety: armed forces, civil defense, emergency organizations (police, fire service, emergency medical service and rescue services)
- Transport: air transport, water transport, postal services, rail transport, road transport
- Water and food: food supply, drinking water supply
- Waste disposal: waste, waste water
Turkey's national infrastructure is currently categorised by six critical sectors [57] [58]:
- Electronic Communication (Elektronik Haberleşme)
- Energy (Enerji)
- Water management (Su Yönetimi)
- Critical Public Services (Kritik Kamu Hizmetleri)
- Transport (Ulaştırma)
- Banking and Finance (Bankacılık ve Finans)
which contain critical infrastructures pursuant to the Resolution No.2 of the Cyber Security Board dated 20/06/2013.
United Arab Emirates
The United Arab Emirates' national infrastructure is currently categorised by nine critical sectors [59] [60]:
- Energy (الطاقة)
- ICT (المعلومات الاتصالات وتقنية)
- Government (القطاع الحكومي)
- Electricy & Water (الكهرباء والمياه)
- Finance & Insurance (القطاع المالي والتأمين)
- Emergency Services (خدمات الطوارئ)
- Health Services (الخدمات الصحية)
- Transportation (المواصلات)
- Food & Agriculture (الغذاء والزراعة)
United Kingdom (UK)
UK's national infrastructure was categorised into nine sectors, but has been extended to 13 sectors [61]:
- communications (telecommunications, postal services, broadcast)
- emergency services (ambulance, fire & rescue, marine, police)
- energy (electricity, gas, fuel)
- financial services (payment, clearing & settlement systems, market & exchange, public finances)
- food (production, processing, import, distribution, retail)
- government (central government, devolved administration/functions, regional and local government, parliament)
- health (health & social care)
- transport (aviation, maritime, land) and water (portable water supply, waste water services, dams)
- defence
- coast guard
- chemicals
- civil nuclear
- space
United States
The 2009 NIPP [62] defines a sector as
Presidential Policy Directive 21 (PPD-21): Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience[63] identifies 16 critical infrastructure sectors:
- Chemical Sector
- Commercial Facilities Sector
- Communications Sector
- Critical Manufacturing Sector
- Dams Sector [64]
- Defense Industrial Base Sector
- Emergency Services Sector
- Energy Sector
- Financial Services Sector
- Food and Agriculture Sector
- Government Facilities Sector
- Healthcare and Public Health Sector
- Information Technology Sector
- Nuclear Reactors, Materials, and Waste Sector
- Transportation Systems Sector
- Water and Wastewater Systems Sector
Each sector falls under the responsibility of a designated Sector-Specific Agency (SSA).
Critical Infrastructure Sectors[65]:
- Information technology
- Telecommunications
- Chemical
- Transportation systems, including mass transit, aviation, maritime, ground/surface, and rail and pipeline systems
- Emergency services, and
- Postal and shipping.
Virgin Islands
The Virgin Islands defined [66] their CI as:
- road network,
- schools,
- community and emergency centres,
- police and fire stations,
- health facilities,
- public administration buildings,
- the financial centre,
- airports and major hotels;
- facilities and distribution systems for critical utilities including electricity, telecommunications and water as well as the sewerage system.
In addition to existing critical infrastructure, developable lands suited and air-marked for critical infrastructure must be considered.
Other Definitions
The Scotland Act 1998 identifies those areas which are reserved and devolved. The Scottish Government fulfills the role of the Sector sponsor department (SSDI in Scotland for those sectors or sub-sectors [67]:
- Defense Industrial Base Sector
- Emergency Services (with the exception of MCA Security, British Transport Police and the Security Service)
- Food
- Devolved Scottish Government Services
- Health
- Water
- Road Transport
See also
- Jump up ↑ 80200-1/2012/5 (2012)
- Jump up ↑ E. Brunner, M. Suter, International CIIP Handbook 2008/2009: An Inventory of 25 National and 7 International Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Policies, A. Wenger, V. Mauer, M. Dunn (Eds.), CRN Handbooks, Vol. 4, no. 1, Center for Security Studies (CSS), Zurich, Switzerland, September 2008.
- Jump up ↑ Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
- Jump up ↑ Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the resilience of critical entities COM/2020/829 final
- Jump up ↑ 2009 UNISDR Terminology on Disaster Risk Reduction, United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR), Geneva, Switzerland, May 2009.
- Jump up ↑ Critical Infrastructure Resilience Strategy
- Jump up ↑ APCIP
- Jump up ↑ Commonwealth Telecommunication Organisation, Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP) workshops 2014
- Jump up ↑ Service Public Fédéral Intérieur/Federale Overheidsdienst Binnenlandse Zaken F./N. 2011-1799; C-2011/00399 (2011)
- Jump up ↑ Public Safety Canada - Critical Infrastructure
- Jump up ↑ Chile Política Nacional de Ciberseguridad (2017)
- Jump up ↑ Chilean National Cybersecurity Policy (2017)
- Jump up ↑ Zakon o kritičnim infrastrukturama (Critical infrastructure act), 2013, in Official Gazette, No 56/2013 (Croat.)
- Jump up ↑ Crisis management act
- Jump up ↑ National Risk Profile, DEMA, 2013.
- Jump up ↑ Nationalt Risikobillede (NRB), Beredskabsstyrelsen, 2013.
- Jump up ↑ Glosario de Riesgo, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, El Salvador
- Jump up ↑ Cyber Security Strategy, Min. of Defence, Tallinn (2008)
- Jump up ↑ Security Strategy for Society, Government Resolution 16.12.2010
- Jump up ↑ Yhteikunnan Turvallisuusstrategia, Valtioneuvoston periaatepäätös 16.12.2010
- Jump up ↑ Arrêté du 3 juillet 2008 portant modification de l’arrêté du 2 juin 2006 fixant la liste des secteurs d’activités d’importance vitale et désignant les ministres coordonnateurs desdits secteurs. JOURNAL OFFICIEL DE LA REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE N°0156 du 5 juillet 2008, NOR : PRMD0813724A.
- Jump up ↑ Arrêté du 2 juin 2006 fixant la liste des secteurs d’activités d’importance vitale et désignant les ministres coordonnateurs desdits secteurs. JOURNAL OFFICIEL DE LA REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE N°0129 du 4 juin 2006, NOR : PRMX0609332A
- Jump up ↑ Unpublished working glossary of UP KRITIS and BSI, 2014
- Jump up ↑ Republic of Ghana - National Cyber Security Policy & Strategy (2015)
- Jump up ↑ G.S.R 19 (E) dated 16.01.2014-Information Technology (National critical Information Infrastructure Protection centre and manner of performing function and duties) Rules, 2013
- Jump up ↑ Guidelines for the Protection of Critical Information Infrastructure, Version 1.0, June 2013. New Delhi: NCIIPC, p. 1.
- Jump up ↑ Melindungi Infrastruktur Kritis Nasional dari Serangan Cyber: Perspektif Kebijakan Ketahanan Nasional
- Jump up ↑ 重要インフラの情報セキュリティ対策に係る 第4次行動計画 (2018)
- Jump up ↑ The Cybersecurity Policy for Critical Infrastructure Protection (4th Edition) (Tentative Translation) (2018)
- Jump up ↑ Cyber Security Strategy (2013)
- Jump up ↑ Jersey's Digital Policy Framework (2016)
- Jump up ↑ الاستراتيجية الوطنية للأمن السيبراني لدولة الكويت (2017-2020)
- Jump up ↑ National Cyber Security Strategy 2017-2020
- Jump up ↑ Malaysia (2009)
- Jump up ↑ Voortgangsbrief Nationale Veiligheid 2016
- Jump up ↑ Factsheet Resilient critical infrastructure, NCTV, Netherlands
- Jump up ↑ Bescherming Vitale infrastructuur (2010)
- Jump up ↑ Handreiking Cybercrime (2012)
- Jump up ↑ Norwegian Official Report: Når sikkerhet er viktigst - Beskyttelse av landets kritiske infrastrukturer og kritiske samfunnsfunksjoner. Department of Justice and Public Security . NOU 2006:6
- Jump up ↑ National Cyber Security Policy 2021
- Jump up ↑ Papua New Guinea Criminal code act 2016
- Jump up ↑ QATAR National Cyber Security Strategy (May 2014)
- Jump up ↑ الاستراتيجية الوطنية للأمن السيبراني QATAR National Cyber Security Strategy - Arabic version (May 2014)
- Jump up ↑ Act on the Protection of Information and Communications Infrastructure. Korea Act No.11690, 2013.
- Jump up ↑ Government of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago, National Cyber Security Strategy (December 2012)
- Jump up ↑ (draft) Cybersecurity Bill 2017
- Jump up ↑ Act no. 45/ 2011 Col. On Critical Infrastructure
- Jump up ↑ Národný program pre ochranu a obranu kritickej infraštruktúry v Slovenskej republike
- Jump up ↑ Osnovni in sektorski kriteriji kritičnosti za določanje kritične infrastructure državnega pomena v Republiki Sloveniji (2012)
- Jump up ↑ CNPIC
- Jump up ↑ Action Plan for the Protection of Vital Societal Functions & Critical Infrastructure, Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) (2014).
- Jump up ↑ The Swiss Programme on Critical Infrastructure Protection - factsheet
- Jump up ↑ Decree No. 2 on the Regulation Amending the Regulation on Military Forbidden Zones and Security Zones, 20-6-2013
- Jump up ↑ الاستراتيجية الوطنية للأمن السيبراني
- Jump up ↑ Cyber Security Strategy 2019
- Jump up ↑ CNI at Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI)
- Jump up ↑ National Infrastructure Protection Plan, Partnering to enhance protection and resiliency, US Department of Homeland Security, 2009
- Jump up ↑ Presidential Policy Directive -- Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience, PPD-21, 2013
- Jump up ↑ Note: The Dams Sector comprises dam projects, navigation locks, levees, hurricane barriers, mine tailings impoundments, and other similar water retention and/or control facilities. Dams are vital to the nation's infrastructure and provide a wide range of economic, environmental, and social benefits, including hydroelectric power, river navigation, water supply, flood control, and recreation.
- Jump up ↑ NIST Glossary - CNSSI 4009-2015 (NIST SP 800-30 Rev. 1) and NIST SP 800-30 (HSPD-7)
- Jump up ↑ The Virgin Islands Climate Change Green Paper Prepared by the Conservation and Fisheries Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Labour (2010)
- Jump up ↑ Secure and Resilient: A Strategic Framework for Critical National Infrastructure, 2011 in Scotland