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Revision as of 17:56, 9 July 2024
International Definitions
European Definitions
Council Directive 2008/114/EC
All activities aimed at ensuring the functionality, continuity and integrity of critical infrastructures in order to deter, mitigate and neutralise a threat, risk or vulnerability. [1]
National Definitions
New South Wales
Critical infrastructure Protection (CIP) focuses on mitigation against the specific threat of terrorism for CI determined to be critical to the State of NSW. CIP minimises vulnerability to criminal or malicious threats via physical, procedural, person-based, and electronic defences. [2]
Protection des infrastructures critiques : l’ensemble des mesures et des actions destinées à protéger les infrastructures critiques de l'ensemble des risques et menaces susceptibles de provoquer l'interruption totale ou partielle des services essentiels qu'elles fournissent. [3]
Zaštita kritične infrastrukture označuje aktivnosti koje imaju za cilj osigurati funkcionalnost, neprekidno djelovanje i isporuku usluga/robe kritične infrastrukture te spriječiti ugrožavanje kritične infrastrukture. [4]
Critical Infrastructure Protection marks activities that are aimed at ensuring the functionality, continuous operation and delivery of services / goods of critical infrastructure and prevent the threat to critical infrastructure.
Critical Infrastructure Protection marks activities that are aimed at ensuring the functionality, continuous operation and delivery of services / goods of critical infrastructure and prevent the threat to critical infrastructure.
Ως «προστασία» νοούνται όλες οι δραστηριότητες που αποσκοπούν στην εξασφάλιση της λειτουργικότητας, της συνέχειας και της ακεραιότητας των υποδομών ζωτικής σημασίας με στόχο την αποτροπή, το μετριασμό και την εξουδετέρωση απειλής, κινδύνου ή τρωτού σημείου. [5] [6]
Czech Republic
Critical Infrastructure Protection includes measures aimed at lowering the risk of corruption of an element of the critical infrastructure.
Ochrana kritické infrastruktury: Opatření zaměřená na snížení rizika narušení funkce prvku kritické infrastruktury. [7]
Ochrana kritické infrastruktury: Opatření zaměřená na snížení rizika narušení funkce prvku kritické infrastruktury. [7]
Critical infrastructure protection shall denote the set of measures aimed at reducing disruption risk of function of the critical infrastructure element. [8]
Ως «προστασία» νοούνται όλες οι δραστηριότητες που αποσκοπούν στην εξασφάλιση της λειτουργικότητας, της συνέχειας και της ακεραιότητας των υποδομών ζωτικής σημασίας με στόχο την αποτροπή, το μετριασμό και την εξουδετέρωση απειλής, κινδύνου ή τρωτού σημείου. [9]
(equals the EU definition)
(equals the EU definition)
Critical Infrastructure Protection can be defined as the ability to prevent or reduce the impact of an adverse event. [10]
Protezione delle infrastrutture critiche (CIP): misure prese per assicurare i sistemi e le risorse la cui distruzione o temporanea indisponibilità potrebbero produrre in impatto debilitante sul benessere sociale, economico e la sicurezza nazionale di un paese. [11]
Vitale Infrastructuurbescherming is gericht op voorkomen en beheersen van discontinuïteit en betreft de bescherming tegen technisch-organisatorisch falen, overbelasting, extreme natuurlijke omstandigheden en onbewust of bewust menselijk handelen. [12]
CIP: Protección de infraestructura critica, proveniente de las siglas de la terminología inglesa “Critical Infraestructure Protection”. [13]
Ochrona infrastruktury krytycznej to wszelkie działania zmierzające do zapewnienia funkcjonalności, ciągłości działań i integralności infrastruktury krytycznej w celu zapobiegania zagrożeniom, ryzykom lub słabym punktom oraz ograniczenia i neutralizacji ich skutków oraz szybkiego odtworzenia tej infrastruktury na wypadek awarii, ataków oraz innych zdarzeń zakłócających jej prawidłowe funkcjonowanie (zgodnie z art. 3 pkt 3 ustawy o zarządzaniu kryzysowym).
Protection of critical infrastructure is defined as all actions aimed at ensuring the functionality, continuity and integrity of critical infrastructures in order to prevent threats, risks or weaknesses and limitations and neutralize their effects and the rapid restoration of infrastructure in the event of failure, attacks and other events interfere with its proper functioning. [14]
Protection of critical infrastructure is defined as all actions aimed at ensuring the functionality, continuity and integrity of critical infrastructures in order to prevent threats, risks or weaknesses and limitations and neutralize their effects and the rapid restoration of infrastructure in the event of failure, attacks and other events interfere with its proper functioning. [14]
Protección de infraestructuras críticas: el conjunto de actividades destinadas a asegurar la funcionalidad, continuidad e integridad de las infraestructuras críticas con el fin de prevenir, paliar y neutralizar el daño causado por un ataque deliberado contra dichas infraestructuras y a garantizar la integración de estas actuaciones con las demás que procedan de otros sujetos responsables dentro del ámbito de su respectiva competencia. [15]
Protection of vital societal functions and critical infrastructure (VSF & CI) refers to measures and activities that are required to ensure the functionality and continuity of VSF & CI and thereby society as a whole. [16]
Der Schutz kritischer Infrastrukturen (SKI) umfasst Massnahmen, die die Eintrittswahrscheinlichkeit und/oder das Schadensausmass einer Störung, eines Ausfalls oder einer Zerstörung von kritischen Infrastrukturen reduzieren beziehungsweise die Ausfallzeit minimieren. [17]
Protection des infrastructures critiques (PIC): La protection des infrastructures critiques englobe des mesures qui réduisent la probabilité d’occurrence et/ou |l’ampleur des dommages d’un dérangement, d’une défaillance ou d’une destruction infrastructures critiques ou qui réduisent le plus possible la durée de non-disponibilité. [18]
Protection des infrastructures critiques (PIC): La protection des infrastructures critiques englobe des mesures qui réduisent la probabilité d’occurrence et/ou |l’ampleur des dommages d’un dérangement, d’une défaillance ou d’une destruction infrastructures critiques ou qui réduisent le plus possible la durée de non-disponibilité. [18]
Protection des INC: Offrir les moyens organisationnels et techniques et les procédures permettant de garantir la pérennité des services et la confidentialité, la sécurité et la disponibilité des données sensibles. [19]
United States
[This is the definition for protection] Those capabilities necessary to secure the homeland against acts of terrorism and manmade or natural disasters. [20]
Protection capabilities include, but are not limited to, defend against WMD threats; defence of agriculture and food; critical infrastructure protection; protection of key leadership and events; border security; maritime security; transportation security; immigration security; and cybersecurity.
Critical Infrastructure Protection are actions taken to prevent, remediate, or mitigate the risks resulting from vulnerabilities of critical infrastructure assets. [21]
Depending on risk, these actions could include: changes in tactics, techniques, or procedures; adding redundancy; selection of another asset; isolation or hardening; guarding; etc.
See also
- Critical Infrastructure
- Critical Infrastructure Protection Plan
- Preparedness
- Resilience
- Societal Security
- Jump up ↑ Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
- Jump up ↑ NSW Critical Infrastructure Resilience Strategy Partner, Prepare, Provide (2018)
- Jump up ↑ Stratégie nationale de cybersécurité 2022 - 2025 de la République Démocratique de Congo
- Jump up ↑ Zakon o kritičnim infrastrukturama (Critical infrastructure act), 2013, in Official Gazette, No 56/2013 (Croat.)
- Jump up ↑ ΟΔΗΓΙΑ 2008/114/ΕΚ ΤΟΥ ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΙΟΥ της 8ης Δεκεμβρίου 2008
- Jump up ↑ Act No. 181 of 23 July 2014 On Cyber Security and Change of Related Acts (Act on Cyber Security)
- Jump up ↑ No. 240/2000 Coll. on Crisis Management and on amendments of certain acts (Crisis Act) as amended (2000)
- Jump up ↑ Προεδρικό Διάταγμα 39/2011 της Ελληνικής Δημοκρατίας που αφορά την προσαρμογή της ελληνικής νομοθεσίας προς τις διατάξεις τις οδηγίας 2008/114/ΕΚ του Συμβουλίου της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης.
- Jump up ↑ Strategic Emergency Management 2019
- Jump up ↑ Tweede Kamer 30821 Nationale Veiligheid Nr. 18 BRIEF VAN DE MINISTER VAN BINNENLANDSE ZAKEN EN KONINKRIJKSRELATIES 2007
- Jump up ↑ 7630 Ley 8/2011, de 28 de abril, por la que se establecen medidas para la protección de las infraestructuras críticas.
- Jump up ↑ Action Plan for the Protection of Vital Societal Functions & Critical Infrastructure, Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) (2014).
- Jump up ↑ Leitfaden Schutz kritischer Infrastrukturen 2015/Glossar der Risikobegriffe, Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz BABS, 29.4.2013
- Jump up ↑ Guide pour la protection des infrastructures critiques 2015/Glossaire des risques, Office fédéral de la protection de la population, 29.4.2013
- Jump up ↑ République tunisienne Stratégie nationale en matière de cybersécurité 2020-2025
- Jump up ↑ Presidential Policy Directive /PPD-8: National Preparedness, March 30, 2011
- Jump up ↑ Joint Publication 1-02: Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms (2016)