Book chapters

Jacucci, G., Peltonen, P., Morrison, A., Salovaara, A.,Kurvinen, E., & Oulasvirta, A. Ubiquitous media for collocated interaction. In Willis, K. (Ed.), Shared Encounters. Springer Series on CSCW.

McCall, R., Augmented Technologies. In Presence for Everyone (2009). Benyon, D., Smyth, M., and Helgason, I.(eds). Napier University. ISBN. 978-8-956169-9-8. p 53-56

Journal articles

Wagner, I., Broll, W., Jacucci, G., Kuutti, K., McCall, R., Morrison, A., Schmalstieg, D., Terrin, J-J. (2009). On the Role of Presence in Mixed Reality, PRESENCE special issue from RAVE’09, MIT Press. Accepted for Publication.

Basile M., Terrin JJ. (2009) Le projet IP City. Une recherche sur la place des technologies de réalité mixte dans les représentations du projet urbain. In : Flux (Oct-Dec 2009)

Basile M., Ozdirlik B., Terrin JJ. (2009) Urban Projects and Multi-actor collaboration processes using mixed reality technologies. In : International Symposium on revitalising built environments: requalifying old places for new uses.

McCall,, R. (2009) Interacting in Urban Environments. Perada Magazine.

Conference papers

Halttunen V., Juustila A., Nuojua, J. Technologies to support communication between citizens and designers in participatory urban planning process. Proceedings of the colloquium ‘Communicating (by) Design’ at Sint-Lucas Brussels, Belgium, April 15 – 17, 2009. 559 – 568.

Ylirisku S., Halttunen V., Nuojua J., Juustila, A. Framing Design in the Third Paradigm. Proceeding of the 27th CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, April 4 – 9, 2009. 1131 – 1140.

Morrison, A., Oulasvirta, A., Peltonen, P., Lemmela, S., Jacucci, G., Reitmayr, G., Nasanen, J., and Juustila, A. (2009). Like bees around the hive: a comparative study of a mobile augmented reality map. In Proceedings of the 27th international Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’09) pp. 1889-1898.

Broll W., and Herling J. Supporting Reusability of VR and AR Interface Elements and Interaction Techniques. In Proceedings of Virtual and Mixed Reality, Third International Conference, VMR 2009, Held as Part of HCI International 2009 (San Diego, CA, USA, July 19-24, 2009), HCI (13), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5622/2009, Spinger 2009, Pages 145-153

Weiland, C., Braun, A., and Heiden, W. Colorimetric and Photometric Compensation for optical see-through displays. In Proceedings of Virtual and Mixed Reality, Third International Conference, VMR 2009, Held as Part of HCI International 2009 (San Diego, CA, USA, July 19-24, 2009), HCI (13), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5622/2009, Spinger 2009

Boerner A., Maquil V. (2009) Enhancing synergies between computer science and urban disciplines: Semi-automated applications for tangible user interfaces, a case study. In: CAAD futures 2009.

Maquil V, Sareika M, Schmalstieg D., Wagner I. (2009) MR Tent: A Place for Co-Constructing Mixed Realities in Urban Planning. GI 2009.

Ozdirlik B., Vardouli S. (2009) Developing Mixed Reality Technologies for Urban Environments: communication bridges. In: Transilient Boundaries In/Of Architecture_Conference

Wagner I., Basile M., Ehrenstrasser L., Maquil V., Terrin J., Wagner M. (2009) Supporting the Formation of Communities of Practice: Urban Planning in the MR-Tent. In: C&T 2009.

Nguyen, G.P.; Andersen, H.J.; , “Context-Based Adaptive Filtering of Interest Points in Image Retrieval,” Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, 2009. ISDA ’09. Ninth International Conference on , vol., no., pp.529-534, Nov. 30 2009-Dec. 2 2009

Workshop Organisers

Co-organised with Steven C Seow, Microsoft Corporation, Dennis Wixon, Microsoft Corporation, Giulio Jacucci, HIIT, Ann Morrison, HIIT, Scott MacKenzie, York University: Multitouch and Surface Computing Workshop CHI 2009.