European City of Science Exhibition

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European City of Science is the major science exhibition in Europe in the year 2008. It is organised by the French Ministry for Higher Education and Research to Celebrate the French Presidency of European Union in 2008. The exhibition will take place during 14.-16 November 2008 in the nave and under the great glass dome of the  Grand Palais, an exhibition space in the center of Paris built for the 1900 Universal exhibition.

The theme of the exhibition is “Science at the service of Society”, and 80 different projects around Europe related to this theme were selected from about 250 applicants during Spring 2008 to showcase their research in the exhibition. IPCity is one of the selected projects.

European City of Science exhibition 14-16.11.2008 Grand Palais, Paris

The following tools developed in the project have been selected for ECS exhibition:


Technical University of Vienna

Helsinki University of Technology HIIT

Graz University of Technology

Université Paris-Est, Equipe LTMU

University of Applied Arts Vienna