Memory from Transdisciplinary Perspectives: Agency, Practices, and Mediations

Memory from Transdisciplinary Perspectives: Agency, Practices, and Mediations
Tartu, Estonia, January 11-14, 2007
University of Tartu, Research Centre of Culture and Communication

Call for Papers

Since the 1990s we have witnessed expanding memory research in various disciplines where concepts like social and cultural memory, collective and communicative memory, embodied and material memory, narrative and performed memory etc. have become common. This conference aims to survey the present situation in memory studies, focusing on the critical re-examination of the theoretical and methodological premises.

The conference will take place in Tartu, Estonia, a country that has witnessed social and cultural transitions not only recently but several times in history. This experience of controversial memory cultures makes it an appropriate place for memory discussions.

Main topics of the conference:

  • Communication and Memory
  • Ideologies of Memory
  • Theorising Memory
  • Social Practices of Memorye
  • Objects of Memory
  • Agents/Subjects of Memory
  • Spaces of Memory

Deadline for abstracts (up to 300 words): October 1, 2006. The abstract should include 1) full name and address, 2) e-mail and 3) description of the position and affiliation. Please respond to e-mail:

Notification of acceptance: October 10, 2006.
A planned publication is open to all successful presenters
Conference homepage

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