Design Research Week

10-11 January 2008: Design Research Week Call for Papers and Projects

Conference to be held at the Interdisciplinary Design Institute of Washington State University Spokane. Topic: Design + Politics

From obtaining a building permit to raising environmental awareness in design, from “sick building syndrome” to designing for security, from off-grid housing to New Urbanist town planning, the design of built environments is intimately related to politics. The Interdisciplinary Design Institute holds its Fourth Annual Design Research Conference January 10-11, 2008, in Spokane, Washington, to discuss this relationship. This is an interactive conference in which invited speakers, paper presenters and students from a wide range of disciplines participate in multiple venues for the exchange ideas during the conference.

Submissions for papers and projects can address the following areas of concern (other related topics will of course be considered as well):

  • The politics of implementing design
  • The affect of gentrification on disadvantaged urban populations
  • Funding diverse housing types to balance high-end condo boom
  • Implications of design standards and policy on businesses and private property ownership
  • Implementing service design into education: Habitat for Humanity, student involvement in medical, faith-based, criminal
    justice, etc, domains
  • The politics of defensible space: how secure can you make things before you separate people from others?
  • Implementing history: returning to historical “stage sets” to promote “new urbanism”
  • How the built environment affects group behavior: prisons, hospitals, schools, corporate headquarters
  • How do practitioners inform policies promoting “best practices?”
  • Incorporating students “real-time” in policymaking and design decisions
  • Updating planning and building codes to meet the cybernetic revolution
  • Is ADA enough? Cultural sensitivities in relation to accessibility
  • Can design be embedded in medical insurance policies?
  • Gender, design, and politics

Presenters’ work actually presented at the conference will be further peer reviewed for inclusion in the Interdisciplinary Design and Research e-Publication (IDRP), sponsored by the WSU Interdisciplinary Design Institute:

Papers are to be a maximum of 5,000 words. Initial submission shall be an abstract not to exceed one page. For ease of distribution for blind peer review, be sure the document is in MS WORD (not pdf).

Projects can be designs (or concepts) of a built form of any scale, so long as an accompanying narrative explains how the project addresses the conference topic. Initial submission shall be a one page document providing an image of the project with a narrative explanation of sufficient length to fit on the same page.

All submissions must include contributor(s) name, affiliation, and contact information. Submission shall be by email only to davewang – at – All submissions will be blind peer reviewed. DEADLINE for initial submissions: September 12, 2007, with decisions issued at the end of October.

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