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=== International Definitions ===
{{definition|The measures necessary to achieve [[protection]] against espionage, sabotage, subversion and terrorism, as well as against loss or unauthorized disclosure. <ref>[http://nso.nato.int/nso/zPublic/ap/aap6/AAP-6.pdf NATO Glossary AAP-06(2014)</ref>}} <br />
=== European Definitions ===
=== European Definitions ===
===== 2009/72/EC =====
===== [[EU|2009/72/EC]] =====
{{definition|Security means both security of supply and provision of electricity, and technical safety. <ref name="ENTSO-E">[https://emr.entsoe.eu/glossary/bin/view/GlossaryCode/GlossaryIndex ENTSO-E Glossary of Terms]</ref>}}  
{{definition|Security means both security of supply and provision of electricity, and technical safety. <ref name="ENTSO-E">[https://emr.entsoe.eu/glossary/bin/view/GlossaryCode/GlossaryIndex ENTSO-E Glossary of Terms]</ref>}}  
<br />
<br />
{{definition|Security comprises all aspects related to defining, achieving, and maintaining data [[confidentiality]], [[integrity]], [[availability]], accountability, [[authenticity]], and [[reliability]]  (refers to [[ISO|ISO/IEC WD 15443-1]]). <ref name="ENISAGlos"> [http://www.enisa.europa.eu/activities/risk-management/current-risk/risk-management-inventory/glossary ENISA Risk Glossary]</ref>}}<br />
==== [[ENTSOG]] ====
{{definition|Security means both security of supply of natural gas and technical safety. <ref name="ENTSOG">[http://www.entsog.eu/public/uploads/files/publications/MAR0023_161021_Glossary.pdf ENTSOG Glossary of Terms]</ref>}} <br/><br/>
=== Other International Definitions ===
=== Other International Definitions ===
==== [[Critical5]] ====
{{definition|The end goal of security is to use physical, personnel and/or cyber defense measures to reduce both the risk to critical infrastructure and the risk of loss due to a disruption in essential services by minimizing the vulnerability of critical infrastructure assets, systems and networks. <ref>https://www.cisa.gov/sites/default/files/publications/critical-five-shared-narrative-critical-infrastructure-2014-508.pdf Forging a Common Understanding for Critical Infrastructure (2014)</ref>}}<br/><br/>
==== [[IAEA]] ====
{{definition|Security: The prevention and detection of, and response to, theft, sabotage, unauthorized access, illegal transfer or other malicious acts involving nuclear material, other radioactive substances or their associated facilities. <ref>[http://www-pub.iaea.org/mtcd/publications/pdf/pub1495_web.pdf IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. NP-T-3.12]</ref>}}<br/>
==== [[ITU-T]] ====
{{definition|Security is used in the sense of minimizing the [[Vulnerability|vulnerabilities]] of [[Asset|assets]] and resources. <ref>ITU Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology: An overview of issues and the deployment of existing ITU-T Recommendations for secure telecommunications, ITU-T, Geneva (2012) - ITU-T X-800.</ref>}}<br />
{{definition|Sécurité: Le terme "sécurité" est utilisé dans le sens d'une minimisation des vulnérabilités d'actifs et de ressources. <ref>Sécurité dans les télécommunications et les technologies de l’information: Aperçu des problèmes et présentation des Recommandations UIT-T existantes sur la sécurité dans les télécommunications, ITU-T, Geneva (2012) - ITU-T X.800.</ref>}}<br />
{{definition|Seguridad: El término "seguridad" se emplea en el sentido de reducir al mínimo las vulnerabilidades de los activos y los recursos. <ref>Seguridad de las telecomunicaciones y las tecnologías de la información: Exposición general de asuntos relacionados con la seguridad de las telecomunicaciones y la aplicación de las Recomendaciones vigentes del UIT-T, ITU-T, Geneva (2012) - ITU-T X.800.</ref>}}
<br />
{{definition|The measures necessary to achieve [[protection]] against espionage, sabotage, subversion and terrorism, as well as against loss or unauthorized disclosure. <ref>[http://nso.nato.int/nso/zPublic/ap/aap6/AAP-6.pdf NATO Glossary AAP-06(2014)</ref>}} <br />
=== National Definitions ===
=== National Definitions ===
<!--Test test test.-->
==== [[Cameroon]] (Cameroun) ====
==== United States====
{{definition|Sécurité: situation dans laquelle quelqu’un, quelque chose n’est exposé à aucun danger. Mécanisme destiné à prévenir un événement dommageable, ou à en limiter les effets. <ref>[http://www.antic.cm/images/stories/data/IMG/pdf/cybersecurite/Loi_2010-012_cybersecurite_cybercriminalite.pdf LOI N°2010/012 DU 21 DECEMBRE 2010 RELATIVE A LA CYBERSECURITE ET LA CYBERCRIMINALITE AU CAMEROUN ]</ref>}}<br /><br/>
==== [[Czech Republic]] ====
{{definition|Bezpečnost: Vlastnost prvku (např. informační systém), který je na určité úrovni chráněn proti ztrátám, nebo také stav ochrany (na určité úrovni) proti ztrátám. <ref> http://www.govcert.cz/download/nodeid-561  Výkladový slovník kybernetické bezpečnosti (2013)</ref> <br/><br/>Security: Property of an element (e.g. an information system) which is at a certain level protected against losses, or also a state of protection (at a certain level) against losses. <ref> http://www.govcert.cz/download/nodeid-561  Výkladový slovník kybernetické bezpečnosti (2013)</ref>}}Bezpečnost IT zahrnuje ochranu důvěrnosti, integrity a dosažitelnosti při zpracování, úschově, distribuci a prezentaci informací (IT security covers protection of [[confidentiality]], [[integrity]] and [[availability]] during processing, storage, distribution and presentation of information).<br/><br/>
====[[Egypt]] ====
{{definition|Security: A condition that results from the establishment and maintenance of protective measures that ensure a state of inviolability from hostile acts or influences. <ref name=Egypt>[http://old.tra.gov.eg/glossary/s.pdf Glossary of the National Telecom Authority (NTA),  Egypt]</ref>}}<br />
{{definition|Security: With respect to classified matter, the condition that prevents unauthorized persons from having access to official information that is safeguarded in the interests of [[National Security|national security]]. <ref name=Egypt>[http://old.tra.gov.eg/glossary/s.pdf Glossary of the National Telecom Authority (NTA),  Egypt]</ref>}}<br />
{{definition|Security: Measures taken by a military unit, an activity or installation to protect itself against all acts designed to, or which may, impair its effectiveness. <ref name=Egypt>[http://old.tra.gov.eg/glossary/s.pdf Glossary of the National Telecom Authority (NTA),  Egypt]</ref>}}<br /><br/>
{{definition|Turvallisuus: tila, jossa uhkat ja riskit ovat hallittavissa.<br/><br/>Security is a condition in which the [[Threat|threats]] and [[Risk|risks]] are controllable. -''unofficial translation''- <ref name=TSK>[http://www.spek.fi/loader.aspx?id=1c66e01d-a75e-4a9a-80ec-9816340ce752 Vocabulary of Comprehensive Security. Helsinki (TSK 47) (2014)]</ref>}}<br /><br/>
==== [[Germany]] ====
{{definition|Gefahrenabwehr: Unter Gefahrenabwehr versteht man die Gesamtheit der Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung eines Schadens an einem Schutzgut, sowie zur Minimierung eines eingetretenen Schadens. <ref>[http://www.bbk.bund.de/DE/Servicefunktionen/Glossar/_function/glossar.html?lv2=4968156&lv3=6222934 Glossar, Das Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe (BBK)]</ref>}}<br/><br/>
{{definition|Sécurité: condition dans laquelle, par l’action de l'État, les habitants d'un pays reçoivent la garantie de base de la stabilité et du bien-être nécessaire au développement pacifique et harmonieux de la société. <ref>[http://www.md.gouv.ht/Livre_Blanc.pdf LIVRE BLANC SUR LA SÉCURITÉ ET LA DÉFENSE NATIONALE POUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT ÉCONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL DURABLE D’HAÏTI, Juin 2015]</ref>}}Dans le monde d'aujourd'hui, cela implique une approche multidimensionnelle et doit envisager des questions d’ordre politique, économique, social, culturel et environnemental, entre autres. <br/><br/>
{{definition|Security is the quality or state of being protected from unauthorised access or uncontrolled losses or effects.  <ref>[http://www.dgqadefence.gov.in/documents/pdf/cyber-security-policy-dgqa-2015.pdf India's DGQA Cyber Security Policy (2015)] </ref>}}Absolute security is impossible to achieve in practice and the quality of a given security system is relative. Within a state-model security system, security is a specific “state" to be preserved under various operations.  <br /><br/>
==== [[Japan]] ====
{{definition|セキュリティ: <br/>(1.) システムを防護するためにとる手段。<br/>(2.) システムを防護するための手段を確立・維持管理に起因するシステムの条件。<br/>(3.) 認可されていないアクセスや認可されていないアクセス、もしくは、偶発的な変更/破壊/損失が無いシステム資源の状態。<br/><br/>(Cyber) security is:<br/> (1.) Measures taken to protect a system. <br/>(2.) The condition of a system that results from the establishment and maintenance of measures to protect the system.<br/> (3.) The condition of system      resources being free from unauthorized access and from unauthorized or accidental change, destruction, or loss. <ref>http://www.ipa.go.jp/security/rfc/RFC2828EN.html  RFC2828 (Japanese translation) </ref>}}<br/><br/>
==== [[Mexico]] ====
{{definition|Seguridad: Al compartir información por medios digitales, las dependencias y entidades deberán mantener como mínimo, el mismo nivel de garantías y seguridad que se tiene para el intercambio por medios físicos, así como adoptar procesos de ciberseguridad, en términos de lo que establezcan conforme a las disposiciones aplicables las autoridades competentes.  <ref>[https://www.gob.mx/guiasinteroperabilidad/contenido_gral/glosario_gral/glosario.pdf Glosario - El portal único del gobierno. | gob.mx, Mexico] </ref>}}<br/><br/>
==== [[Netherlands]] ====
{{definition|Beveiligen: Onttrekken aan geweld, bedreiging, gevaar of schade door het treffen van maatregelen. <ref>[https://kennisopenbaarbestuur.nl/media/53867/handreiking-cybercrime.pdf Handreiking Cybercrime (2012)]</ref>}}<br/><br/>
==== [[Philippines]] ====
{{definition|Security – A condition that results from the establishment and maintenance of protective measures that enable an enterprise to perform its mission or critical functions despite risks posed by threats to its use of information systems.  <ref>[http://www.dnd.gov.ph/miss/PDF/downloadables/Cybersecurity%20Glossary%20(Edited).pdf DND GLOSSARY OF CYBER SECURITY TERMS (v.4)]</ref>}}<br/>
{{definition|Security: The protection of information (digital and hardcopy), assets (physical and intangible) and personnel against internal and external, malicious and accidental threats.  <ref>[https://digital.nhs.uk/services/data-and-cyber-security-protecting-information-and-data-in-health-and-care/cyber-and-data-security-policy-and-good-practice-in-health-and-care/cyber-and-data-security-resources/cyber-security-glossary NHS Cyber security glossary]</ref>}}This protection includes detection, prevention and response to threats through the use of security policies, procedures, tools and services.<br/><br/>
==== [[Poland]] ====
{{definition|Ochrona osób – działania mające na celu zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa życia, zdrowia i nietykalności osobistej <ref>[http://rcb.gov.pl/wp-content/uploads/ustawa_ochrona_osob_i_mienia.pdf Dz.U. 1997 Nr 114 poz. 740 USTAWA z dnia 22 sierpnia 1997 r. o ochronie osób i mienia, Poland] </ref><br/><br/>Security - measures to ensure the safety of life, health and physical integrity.}}<br />
{{definition|Instytucje bezpieczeństwa: Instytucje  odpowiedzialne za ochronę przed szpiegostwem, sabotażem, dywersją i terroryzmem, jakrównież przed utratą lub ujawnieniem tajemnicy.  <ref>[http://wcnjk.wp.mil.pl/plik/file/N_20130808_AAP6PL.pdf AAP-6 SŁOWNIK TERMINÓW I DEFINICJI NATO ]</ref>}}<br /><br/>
==== [[Slovakia]] ====
{{definition|Bezpečnosť: Stav spoločenského, prírodného, technického, technologického systému alebo iného systému, ktorý v konkrétnych vnútorných a vonkajších podmienkach umožňuje plnenie určených funkcií a ich rozvoj v záujme človeka a spoločnosti. <ref>[http://archiv.vlada.gov.sk/old.uv/data/files/2365.doc BEZPEČNOSTNÁ RADA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY]</ref>}}<br/><br/>
==== [[South Africa]] ====
{{definition|‘‘ukhuseleko’’ luquka— (a) ukukhuseleka kweziseko ezibalulekileyo ezingundoqo ngokwazo; (b) ukukhuseleka kwabasebenzi abasebenza kwiziseko ezibalulekileyo ezingundoqo; (c) amacebo okuxhobel’ into engekehli asebenza kwiziseko ezibalulekileyo ezingundoqo; (d) namanyathelo anjongo yawo ikukukhusela iziseko ezibalulekileyo ezingundoqo.<br/><br/>‘‘security’’ includes, but is not limited to— (a) physical security of critical infrastructure; (b) personnel security at critical infrastructure; (c) contingency plans applicable to critical infrastructure; and (d) measures aimed at protecting critical infrastructure. <ref>[https://www.gov.za/sites/default/files/gcis_document/201911/4286628-11act8of2019criticalinfraprotectact.pdf Act No. 8 of 2019: Critical Infrastructure Protection Act, 2019]</ref>}}<br/><br/>
==== [[Sri Lanka]]====
{{definition|Security: The protection of valuable assets stored on computer systems or transmitted via computer networks. <ref>[http://www.slcert.gov.lk/Downloads/Policies/19.doc National Centre for Cyber Security, Information Security Policy Domains #19: Glossary]</ref>}}<br/><br/>
==== [[United States]]====
{{definition|Security is a condition that results from the establishment and maintenance of protective measures that enable an enterprise to perform its mission or critical functions despite risks posed by threats to its use of information systems. <ref name="NISTIR7298"> [http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/ir/2013/NIST.IR.7298r2.pdf NISTIR 7298 rev 2: Glossary of Key Information Security Terms, May 2013]</ref>}}
{{definition|Security is a condition that results from the establishment and maintenance of protective measures that enable an enterprise to perform its mission or critical functions despite risks posed by threats to its use of information systems. <ref name="NISTIR7298"> [http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/ir/2013/NIST.IR.7298r2.pdf NISTIR 7298 rev 2: Glossary of Key Information Security Terms, May 2013]</ref>}}
Protective measures may involve a combination of deterrence, avoidance, prevention, detection, recovery, and correction that should form part of the enterprise’s [[Risk Management]] approach. <br />
Protective measures may involve a combination of deterrence, avoidance, prevention, detection, recovery, and correction that should form part of the enterprise’s [[Risk Management]] approach.<br />
{{definition|Security is a system property. (from: NIST SP 800-27 Rev A) <ref name=NIST>[https://csrc.nist.gov/Glossary NIST Glossary]</ref>}}Security is much more than a set of functions and mechanisms. IT security is a system characteristic as well as a set of mechanisms that span the system both logically and physically.
{{definition|''Information security'' is: Protecting information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction in order to provide (A) integrity, which means guarding against improper information modification or destruction, and includes ensuring information non-repudiation and authenticity; (B) confidentiality, which means preserving authorized restrictions on access and disclosure, including means for protecting personal privacy and proprietary information; and (C) availability, which means ensuring timely and reliable access to and use of information. (from: NIST SP 800-66 Rev 1) <ref name=NIST>[https://csrc.nist.gov/Glossary NIST Glossary]</ref>}}Security is much more than a set of functions and mechanisms. IT security is a system characteristic as well as a set of mechanisms that span the system both logically and physically.
===== [[DoD]]=====
{{definition|Security:<br/>1. Measures taken by a military unit, activity, or installation to protect itself against all acts designed to, or which may, impair its effectiveness. (JP 3-10) <br/>2. A condition that results from the establishment and maintenance of protective measures that ensure a state of inviolability from hostile acts or influences. (JP 3-10) <br/>3. With respect to classified matter, the condition that prevents unauthorized persons from having access to official information that is safeguarded in the interests of national security. <ref>[http://www.dtic.mil/doctrine/new_pubs/jp1_02.pdf Joint Publication 1-02: Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms (2016)]</ref>}}<br/><br />
==== [[Venezuela]] ====
{{definition|Seguridad: Condición que resulta del establecimiento y mantenimiento de medidas de protección que garanticen un estado de inviolabilidad de influencias o de actos hostiles específicos que puedan propiciar el acceso a la data de personas no autorizadas o que afecten la operatividad de las funciones de un sistema de computación. <ref>[http://criminalistica.mp.gob.ve/glosario-informatica-forense/ Glosario Informática Forense Venezuela]</ref>}}<br /><br/>
===Standard Definition===
===Standard Definition===
{{definition|(1) A system condition that results from the establishment and maintenance of measures to protect the system.<br/>(2) A system condition in which system resources are free from unauthorized access and from unauthorized or accidental change, [[destruction]], or loss.<br/>(3) Measures taken to protect a system. <ref name="IETFrefs">[https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4949 IETF RFC449 Internet Security Glossary 2]</ref>}}<br />
=== [[Dictionary]]===
{{definition|Beveiliging: Alle maatregelen die nodig zijn om een digitaal systeem te beschermen tegen schadelijke invloeden.  <ref>[https://www.cybersecurityalliantie.nl/ecp_images/2021/12/Cybersecurity-Woordenboek-2021_ZonderSpreads.pdf Cybersecurity Woordenboek 2021]</ref>}}<br/><br/>
{{#set:defined by=Dictionary}}
== Discussion ==
== Discussion ==
==See also==
==See also==
* [[National Security]]
* [[Safety]]
* [[Safety]]
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{{#set:defined by=EU|defined by=ENISA|defined by=IAEA|defined by=ITU-T|defined by=NATO|defined by=Cameroon|defined by=Czech Republic|defined by=Egypt|defined by=Finland|defined by=Germany|defined by=Haiti|defined by=India|defined by=Japan|defined by=Mexico|defined by=Netherlands|defined by=Philippines|defined by=Poland|defined by=Slovakia|defined by=South Africa|defined by=Sri Lanka|defined by=United States|defined by=Venezueladefined by=IETF|defined by=NIST|defined by=ENTSOG}}
{{#set: Showmainpage=Yes}}

Latest revision as of 22:24, 19 February 2022

In some languages the terms "Security" and "Safety" are the same.


European Definitions

Security means both security of supply and provision of electricity, and technical safety. [1]


Security comprises all aspects related to defining, achieving, and maintaining data confidentiality, integrity, availability, accountability, authenticity, and reliability (refers to ISO/IEC WD 15443-1). [2]


Security means both security of supply of natural gas and technical safety. [3]

Other International Definitions


The end goal of security is to use physical, personnel and/or cyber defense measures to reduce both the risk to critical infrastructure and the risk of loss due to a disruption in essential services by minimizing the vulnerability of critical infrastructure assets, systems and networks. [4]


Security: The prevention and detection of, and response to, theft, sabotage, unauthorized access, illegal transfer or other malicious acts involving nuclear material, other radioactive substances or their associated facilities. [5]


Security is used in the sense of minimizing the vulnerabilities of assets and resources. [6]

Sécurité: Le terme "sécurité" est utilisé dans le sens d'une minimisation des vulnérabilités d'actifs et de ressources. [7]

Seguridad: El término "seguridad" se emplea en el sentido de reducir al mínimo las vulnerabilidades de los activos y los recursos. [8]


The measures necessary to achieve protection against espionage, sabotage, subversion and terrorism, as well as against loss or unauthorized disclosure. [9]

National Definitions

Cameroon (Cameroun)

Sécurité: situation dans laquelle quelqu’un, quelque chose n’est exposé à aucun danger. Mécanisme destiné à prévenir un événement dommageable, ou à en limiter les effets. [10]

Czech Republic

Bezpečnost: Vlastnost prvku (např. informační systém), který je na určité úrovni chráněn proti ztrátám, nebo také stav ochrany (na určité úrovni) proti ztrátám. [11]

Security: Property of an element (e.g. an information system) which is at a certain level protected against losses, or also a state of protection (at a certain level) against losses. [12]

Bezpečnost IT zahrnuje ochranu důvěrnosti, integrity a dosažitelnosti při zpracování, úschově, distribuci a prezentaci informací (IT security covers protection of confidentiality, integrity and availability during processing, storage, distribution and presentation of information).


Security: A condition that results from the establishment and maintenance of protective measures that ensure a state of inviolability from hostile acts or influences. [13]

Security: With respect to classified matter, the condition that prevents unauthorized persons from having access to official information that is safeguarded in the interests of national security. [13]

Security: Measures taken by a military unit, an activity or installation to protect itself against all acts designed to, or which may, impair its effectiveness. [13]


Turvallisuus: tila, jossa uhkat ja riskit ovat hallittavissa.

Security is a condition in which the threats and risks are controllable. -unofficial translation- [14]


Gefahrenabwehr: Unter Gefahrenabwehr versteht man die Gesamtheit der Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung eines Schadens an einem Schutzgut, sowie zur Minimierung eines eingetretenen Schadens. [15]


Sécurité: condition dans laquelle, par l’action de l'État, les habitants d'un pays reçoivent la garantie de base de la stabilité et du bien-être nécessaire au développement pacifique et harmonieux de la société. [16]

Dans le monde d'aujourd'hui, cela implique une approche multidimensionnelle et doit envisager des questions d’ordre politique, économique, social, culturel et environnemental, entre autres.


Security is the quality or state of being protected from unauthorised access or uncontrolled losses or effects. [17]

Absolute security is impossible to achieve in practice and the quality of a given security system is relative. Within a state-model security system, security is a specific “state" to be preserved under various operations.


(1.) システムを防護するためにとる手段。
(2.) システムを防護するための手段を確立・維持管理に起因するシステムの条件。
(3.) 認可されていないアクセスや認可されていないアクセス、もしくは、偶発的な変更/破壊/損失が無いシステム資源の状態。

(Cyber) security is:
(1.) Measures taken to protect a system.
(2.) The condition of a system that results from the establishment and maintenance of measures to protect the system.
(3.) The condition of system resources being free from unauthorized access and from unauthorized or accidental change, destruction, or loss. [18]


Seguridad: Al compartir información por medios digitales, las dependencias y entidades deberán mantener como mínimo, el mismo nivel de garantías y seguridad que se tiene para el intercambio por medios físicos, así como adoptar procesos de ciberseguridad, en términos de lo que establezcan conforme a las disposiciones aplicables las autoridades competentes. [19]


Beveiligen: Onttrekken aan geweld, bedreiging, gevaar of schade door het treffen van maatregelen. [20]


Security – A condition that results from the establishment and maintenance of protective measures that enable an enterprise to perform its mission or critical functions despite risks posed by threats to its use of information systems. [21]

Security: The protection of information (digital and hardcopy), assets (physical and intangible) and personnel against internal and external, malicious and accidental threats. [22]

This protection includes detection, prevention and response to threats through the use of security policies, procedures, tools and services.


Ochrona osób – działania mające na celu zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa życia, zdrowia i nietykalności osobistej [23]

Security - measures to ensure the safety of life, health and physical integrity.

Instytucje bezpieczeństwa: Instytucje odpowiedzialne za ochronę przed szpiegostwem, sabotażem, dywersją i terroryzmem, jakrównież przed utratą lub ujawnieniem tajemnicy. [24]


Bezpečnosť: Stav spoločenského, prírodného, technického, technologického systému alebo iného systému, ktorý v konkrétnych vnútorných a vonkajších podmienkach umožňuje plnenie určených funkcií a ich rozvoj v záujme človeka a spoločnosti. [25]

South Africa

‘‘ukhuseleko’’ luquka— (a) ukukhuseleka kweziseko ezibalulekileyo ezingundoqo ngokwazo; (b) ukukhuseleka kwabasebenzi abasebenza kwiziseko ezibalulekileyo ezingundoqo; (c) amacebo okuxhobel’ into engekehli asebenza kwiziseko ezibalulekileyo ezingundoqo; (d) namanyathelo anjongo yawo ikukukhusela iziseko ezibalulekileyo ezingundoqo.

‘‘security’’ includes, but is not limited to— (a) physical security of critical infrastructure; (b) personnel security at critical infrastructure; (c) contingency plans applicable to critical infrastructure; and (d) measures aimed at protecting critical infrastructure. [26]

Sri Lanka

Security: The protection of valuable assets stored on computer systems or transmitted via computer networks. [27]

United States

Security is a condition that results from the establishment and maintenance of protective measures that enable an enterprise to perform its mission or critical functions despite risks posed by threats to its use of information systems. [28]

Protective measures may involve a combination of deterrence, avoidance, prevention, detection, recovery, and correction that should form part of the enterprise’s Risk Management approach.

Security is a system property. (from: NIST SP 800-27 Rev A) [29]

Security is much more than a set of functions and mechanisms. IT security is a system characteristic as well as a set of mechanisms that span the system both logically and physically.

Information security is: Protecting information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction in order to provide (A) integrity, which means guarding against improper information modification or destruction, and includes ensuring information non-repudiation and authenticity; (B) confidentiality, which means preserving authorized restrictions on access and disclosure, including means for protecting personal privacy and proprietary information; and (C) availability, which means ensuring timely and reliable access to and use of information. (from: NIST SP 800-66 Rev 1) [29]

Security is much more than a set of functions and mechanisms. IT security is a system characteristic as well as a set of mechanisms that span the system both logically and physically.

1. Measures taken by a military unit, activity, or installation to protect itself against all acts designed to, or which may, impair its effectiveness. (JP 3-10)
2. A condition that results from the establishment and maintenance of protective measures that ensure a state of inviolability from hostile acts or influences. (JP 3-10)
3. With respect to classified matter, the condition that prevents unauthorized persons from having access to official information that is safeguarded in the interests of national security. [30]


Seguridad: Condición que resulta del establecimiento y mantenimiento de medidas de protección que garanticen un estado de inviolabilidad de influencias o de actos hostiles específicos que puedan propiciar el acceso a la data de personas no autorizadas o que afecten la operatividad de las funciones de un sistema de computación. [31]

Standard Definition


(1) A system condition that results from the establishment and maintenance of measures to protect the system.
(2) A system condition in which system resources are free from unauthorized access and from unauthorized or accidental change, destruction, or loss.
(3) Measures taken to protect a system. [32]


Beveiliging: Alle maatregelen die nodig zijn om een digitaal systeem te beschermen tegen schadelijke invloeden. [33]


See also


  1. ENTSO-E Glossary of Terms
  2. ENISA Risk Glossary
  3. ENTSOG Glossary of Terms
  4. https://www.cisa.gov/sites/default/files/publications/critical-five-shared-narrative-critical-infrastructure-2014-508.pdf Forging a Common Understanding for Critical Infrastructure (2014)
  5. IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. NP-T-3.12
  6. ITU Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology: An overview of issues and the deployment of existing ITU-T Recommendations for secure telecommunications, ITU-T, Geneva (2012) - ITU-T X-800.
  7. Sécurité dans les télécommunications et les technologies de l’information: Aperçu des problèmes et présentation des Recommandations UIT-T existantes sur la sécurité dans les télécommunications, ITU-T, Geneva (2012) - ITU-T X.800.
  8. Seguridad de las telecomunicaciones y las tecnologías de la información: Exposición general de asuntos relacionados con la seguridad de las telecomunicaciones y la aplicación de las Recomendaciones vigentes del UIT-T, ITU-T, Geneva (2012) - ITU-T X.800.
  9. [http://nso.nato.int/nso/zPublic/ap/aap6/AAP-6.pdf NATO Glossary AAP-06(2014)
  11. http://www.govcert.cz/download/nodeid-561 Výkladový slovník kybernetické bezpečnosti (2013)
  12. http://www.govcert.cz/download/nodeid-561 Výkladový slovník kybernetické bezpečnosti (2013)
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Glossary of the National Telecom Authority (NTA), Egypt
  14. Vocabulary of Comprehensive Security. Helsinki (TSK 47) (2014)
  15. Glossar, Das Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe (BBK)
  17. India's DGQA Cyber Security Policy (2015)
  18. http://www.ipa.go.jp/security/rfc/RFC2828EN.html RFC2828 (Japanese translation)
  19. Glosario - El portal único del gobierno. | gob.mx, Mexico
  20. Handreiking Cybercrime (2012)
  22. NHS Cyber security glossary
  23. Dz.U. 1997 Nr 114 poz. 740 USTAWA z dnia 22 sierpnia 1997 r. o ochronie osób i mienia, Poland
  26. Act No. 8 of 2019: Critical Infrastructure Protection Act, 2019
  27. National Centre for Cyber Security, Information Security Policy Domains #19: Glossary
  28. NISTIR 7298 rev 2: Glossary of Key Information Security Terms, May 2013
  29. 29.0 29.1 NIST Glossary
  30. Joint Publication 1-02: Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms (2016)
  31. Glosario Informática Forense Venezuela
  32. IETF RFC449 Internet Security Glossary 2
  33. Cybersecurity Woordenboek 2021