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natural hazard | danger naturel | Naturgefahr | amenaza natural | catastrofă 
=== Official European Definition ===
=== European Definitions ===
=== Other International Definitions ===
==== [[UNDRR]] ====
{{definition|Natural process or phenomenon that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption, or environmental damage. <ref>[http://www.unisdr.org/files/7817_UNISDRTerminologyEnglish.pdf 2009 UNISDR Terminology on Disaster Risk Reduction - in English]</ref>}}
<big>Natural hazards are a sub-set of all hazards. The term is used to describe actual hazard events as well as the latent hazard conditions that may give rise to future events. Natural hazard events can be characterized by their magnitude or intensity, speed of onset, duration, and area of extent. For example, earthquakes have short durations and usually affect a relatively small region, whereas droughts are slow to develop and fade away and often affect large regions. In some cases, hazards may be coupled, as in the flood caused by a hurricane or the tsunami that is created by an earthquake.</big><br/><br/>
=== Other International Definitions ===
{{definition|Aléas naturels: Processus ou phénomène naturel qui peut causer des pertes de vies humaines, des blessures ou d’autres effets sur la santé, des dommages aux biens, la perte de moyens de subsistance et de services, des perturbations socio-économiques, ou des dommages à l’environnement. <ref>[http://unisdr.org/files/7817_UNISDRTerminologyFrench.pdf UNISDR glossary in French]</ref>}}<br/>
==== UNISDR ====
{{definition|Природная угроза: Природный процесс или явление, которое может повлечь гибель людей, увечья или другой вред здоровью, ущерб имуществу, потерю средств к существованию и услуг, социальные и экономические потрясения или вред окружающей среде. <ref>[http://unisdr.org/files/7817_UNISDRTerminologyRussian.pdf UNISDR glossary in Russian]</ref>}}<br/>
Natural process or phenomenon that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption, or environmental damage <ref> [http://www.unisdr.org/files/7817_UNISDRTerminologyEnglish.pdf 2009 UNISDR Terminology on Disaster Risk Reduction]</ref>. Natural hazards are a sub-set of all hazards. The term is used to describe actual hazard events as well as the latent hazard conditions that may give rise to future events. Natural hazard events can be characterized by their magnitude or intensity, speed of onset, duration, and area of extent. For example, earthquakes have short durations and usually affect a relatively small region, whereas droughts are slow to develop and fade away and often affect large regions. In some cases hazards may be coupled, as in the flood caused by a hurricane or the tsunami that is created by an earthquake.  
{{definition|Amenaza natural: Un proceso o fenómeno natural que puede ocasionar la muerte, lesiones u otros impactos a la salud, al igual que daños a la propiedad, la pérdida de medios de sustento y de servicios, trastornos sociales y económicos, o daños ambientales. <ref>[http://unisdr.org/files/7817_UNISDRTerminologySpanish.pdf UNISDR glossary in Spanish]</ref>}}<br/>
{{definition|أخطار طبيعية: العملية أو الظاهرة الطبيعية التي قد تتسبب في خسائر في الأرواح أو الإصابات أو أي آثار على الصحة أو خسارة في سُبل المعيشة والخدمات أو خلل اجتماعي واقتصادي أو ضرر بيئي. الظواهر الطبيعية هي جزء من الأخطار بالمفهوم العام. ويستخدم هذا <ref>[http://www.unisdr.org/files/7817_UNISDRTerminologyArabic.pdf UNISDR glossary in Arab]</ref>}}<br/>
{{definition|Ancaman bahaya alam: Proses atau fenomena alam yang bisa menyebabkan hilangnya nyawa, cedera atau dampak-dampak kesehatan lain, kerusakan harta benda, hilangnya penghidupan dan layanan, gangguan sosial dan ekonomi, atau kerusakan lingkungan. <ref>[http://www.preventionweb.net/files/7817_isdrindonesia.pdf UNISDR glossary in Bahasa]</ref>}}<br/>
{{definition|Bahaya semula jadi: Fenomena atau proses semula jadi, yang boleh menyebabkan hilang nyawa, kecederaan atau impak kesihatan yang lain, kerosakan harta, kehilangan punca pendapatan dan perkhidmatan, gangguan sosial dan ekonomi, atau kerosakan alam sekitar. <ref>[http://www.preventionweb.net/files/7817_isdrmalaysiaterminology.pdf UNISDR glossary in Malay]</ref>}}<br/>
{{definition|<ref>[https://www.preventionweb.net/files/7817_unisdr2009terminologypersianedition.pdf Internationally agreed glossary of basic terms related to Disaster Management in Farsi]</ref>مخاطره طبيعي<br>فرآيند و يا پديده طبيعي كه ممكن است باعث از دست رفتن حيات، جراحت و يا ساير موارد تاثيرگذار بر<br/> سلامت، آسيب به دارايي ها، آسيب به معيشت ها و خدمات، درهم گسيختگي اجتماعي و اقتصادي و يا آسيب<br/>هاي زيست محيطي گردد. <br/>}}<br/><br/>
=== National Definitions ===
=== National Definitions ===
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==== [[Bosnia and Herzegovina]] ====
{{definition|Prirodna opasnost: Prirodni proces ili pojava koja može dovesti do gubitka života, povrede ili drugih zdravstvenih efekata, oštećenja imovine, gubitka sredstava za život i usluga, socijalnih i ekonomskih poremećaja, ili štete po životnu sredinu.  <ref>[http://www.msb.gov.ba/PDF/EU_SMJERNICE_ZA_PRCJENU_RIZIKA21122015.pdf RADNA VERZIJA OSOBLJA KOMISIJE: Procjena rizika i mapiranje smernice za upravljanje katastrofama]</ref>}}<br/><br/>
==== Bulgaria ====
{{definition|Natural ''phenomena'' shall denote events of geologic (geophysical, geologic), hydrometeorological and biological nature, such as earthquakes, floods, landslides (landslips, mudslides, avalanches), storms, hail, large snow pilings, freezing, drought, wildfires, mass infections of epidemic and epizootic character, invasions of pests and the like, caused by the forces of nature. <ref>[http://www.ifrc.org/docs/idrl/867EN.pdf Disaster Protection Act; Promulgated, State Gazette, No.102/19.12.2006 (2006)]</ref><br/><br>Природни явления: са явления с геологичен (геофизичен, геоложки), хидрометеорологичен и биологичен произход, като земетресения, наводнения, движения на маси (свлачища, потоци от отломки, лавини), бури, градушки, големи снежни натрупвания, замръзвания, суши, горски пожари, масови заболявания от епидемичен и епизоотичен характер, нашествия на вредители и други подобни, причинени от природни сили. <ref>[http://lex.bg/en/laws/ldoc/2135540282 ЗАКОН за защита при бедствия]</ref>}}<br />
==== Canada ====
{{definition|A source of potential [[harm]] originating from a meteorological, environmental, geological or biological event.<br /><br />Source de dommage potential provenant d’un événement météorologique, environnemental, géologique ou biologique. <ref name="canada">[http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2012/tpsgc-pwgsc/S52-2-281-2012.pdf Vocabulaire de la gestion des urgencies/Emergency Management Emergency Management Vocabulary 281 (2012)]</ref>}}
<br />
==== [[Chile]] ====
{{definition|Amenaza Natural: Procesos o fenómenos naturales que tienen lugar en la biosfera y pueden resultar en un evento perjudicial y causar la muerte o lesiones, daños materiales, interrupción de la actividad social y económica o degradación ambiental. <ref>[http://www.gorecoquimbo.gob.cl/gorecoquimbo/site/artic/20150511/asocfile/20150511104931/libro_guia_de_analisis_de_riesgos_naturales_para_el_ordenamiento_territorial_.pdf GUÍA ANÁLISIS DE RIESGOS NATURALES PARA EL ORDENAMIENTO TERRITORIAL Subsecretaría de Desarrollo Regional y Administrativo (SUBDERE) Primera Edición, Junio 2011]</ref>}}<br/><br/>
==== Republic of Trinidad & Tobago ====
{{definition|Natural process or phenomenon that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property [[damage]], loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic [[disruption]], or environmental damage. <ref>[http://www.odpm.gov.tt/sites/default/files/Comprehensive%20Disaster%20Management%20Policy%20Framework%20for%20Trinidad%20and%20Tobago.pdf Comprehensive Disaster Management Policy Framework for Trinidad and Tobago]</ref>}}<br />
==== United States ====
{{definition|Natural hazard is a source of [[harm]] or difficulty created by a meteorological, environmental, or geological phenomenon or combination of phenomena. <ref name="DHSLex"> [http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/dhs-risk-lexicon-2010.pdf DHS Risk Lexicon 2010 Edition, September 2010]</ref>}}<br /><br />
==== [[Vietnam]] ====
{{definition|Natural hazard: Natural process or phenomenon that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption, or environmental damage. <ref>[http://cfovn.mpi.gov.vn/Portals/0/Upload/report/MienBac/2_1_MARD_FAO%20-%20Strengthening%20Capacities%20and%20Integrated_1.pdf UNJP/VIE/037/UNJ “Strengthening Capacities to Enhance Coordinated and Integrated Disaster Risk Reduction Actions and Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture in the Northern Mountain Regions of Viet Nam”]</ref>}}<br/><br/>
===Standard Definition===
===Other Definitions===
==== Ontario (Canada) ====
{{definition|Natural hazard is a naturally occurring [[event]] such as a forest fire, flood and/or severe weather that has the potential to harm people, property, the environment, the economy and/or services. <ref name="Ontario">[https://www.emergencymanagementontario.ca/english/emcommunity/response_resources/GlossaryOfTerms/glossary_of_terms.html Province of Ontario’s Emergency Management Glossary of Terms ]</ref><br /><br/>Danger naturel: phénomène naturel comme un feu de forêt, une inondation ou un temps violent susceptibles de nuire aux personnes, aux biens, à l’environnement, à l’économie ou à des services. <ref name="Ontario">[https://www.emergencymanagementontario.ca/english/emcommunity/response_resources/GlossaryOfTerms/glossary_of_terms.html Province of Ontario’s Emergency Management Glossary of Terms ]</ref>}}
<br />
===Standard Definition===
==See also==
==See also==
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Revision as of 15:20, 27 January 2020

natural hazard | danger naturel | Naturgefahr | amenaza natural | catastrofă


European Definitions

Other International Definitions


Natural process or phenomenon that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption, or environmental damage. [1]

Natural hazards are a sub-set of all hazards. The term is used to describe actual hazard events as well as the latent hazard conditions that may give rise to future events. Natural hazard events can be characterized by their magnitude or intensity, speed of onset, duration, and area of extent. For example, earthquakes have short durations and usually affect a relatively small region, whereas droughts are slow to develop and fade away and often affect large regions. In some cases, hazards may be coupled, as in the flood caused by a hurricane or the tsunami that is created by an earthquake.

Aléas naturels: Processus ou phénomène naturel qui peut causer des pertes de vies humaines, des blessures ou d’autres effets sur la santé, des dommages aux biens, la perte de moyens de subsistance et de services, des perturbations socio-économiques, ou des dommages à l’environnement. [2]

Природная угроза: Природный процесс или явление, которое может повлечь гибель людей, увечья или другой вред здоровью, ущерб имуществу, потерю средств к существованию и услуг, социальные и экономические потрясения или вред окружающей среде. [3]

Amenaza natural: Un proceso o fenómeno natural que puede ocasionar la muerte, lesiones u otros impactos a la salud, al igual que daños a la propiedad, la pérdida de medios de sustento y de servicios, trastornos sociales y económicos, o daños ambientales. [4]

أخطار طبيعية: العملية أو الظاهرة الطبيعية التي قد تتسبب في خسائر في الأرواح أو الإصابات أو أي آثار على الصحة أو خسارة في سُبل المعيشة والخدمات أو خلل اجتماعي واقتصادي أو ضرر بيئي. الظواهر الطبيعية هي جزء من الأخطار بالمفهوم العام. ويستخدم هذا [5]

Ancaman bahaya alam: Proses atau fenomena alam yang bisa menyebabkan hilangnya nyawa, cedera atau dampak-dampak kesehatan lain, kerusakan harta benda, hilangnya penghidupan dan layanan, gangguan sosial dan ekonomi, atau kerusakan lingkungan. [6]

Bahaya semula jadi: Fenomena atau proses semula jadi, yang boleh menyebabkan hilang nyawa, kecederaan atau impak kesihatan yang lain, kerosakan harta, kehilangan punca pendapatan dan perkhidmatan, gangguan sosial dan ekonomi, atau kerosakan alam sekitar. [7]

[8]مخاطره طبيعي
فرآيند و يا پديده طبيعي كه ممكن است باعث از دست رفتن حيات، جراحت و يا ساير موارد تاثيرگذار بر
سلامت، آسيب به دارايي ها، آسيب به معيشت ها و خدمات، درهم گسيختگي اجتماعي و اقتصادي و يا آسيب
هاي زيست محيطي گردد.

National Definitions

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Prirodna opasnost: Prirodni proces ili pojava koja može dovesti do gubitka života, povrede ili drugih zdravstvenih efekata, oštećenja imovine, gubitka sredstava za život i usluga, socijalnih i ekonomskih poremećaja, ili štete po životnu sredinu. [9]


Natural phenomena shall denote events of geologic (geophysical, geologic), hydrometeorological and biological nature, such as earthquakes, floods, landslides (landslips, mudslides, avalanches), storms, hail, large snow pilings, freezing, drought, wildfires, mass infections of epidemic and epizootic character, invasions of pests and the like, caused by the forces of nature. [10]

Природни явления: са явления с геологичен (геофизичен, геоложки), хидрометеорологичен и биологичен произход, като земетресения, наводнения, движения на маси (свлачища, потоци от отломки, лавини), бури, градушки, големи снежни натрупвания, замръзвания, суши, горски пожари, масови заболявания от епидемичен и епизоотичен характер, нашествия на вредители и други подобни, причинени от природни сили. [11]


A source of potential harm originating from a meteorological, environmental, geological or biological event.

Source de dommage potential provenant d’un événement météorologique, environnemental, géologique ou biologique. [12]


Amenaza Natural: Procesos o fenómenos naturales que tienen lugar en la biosfera y pueden resultar en un evento perjudicial y causar la muerte o lesiones, daños materiales, interrupción de la actividad social y económica o degradación ambiental. [13]

Republic of Trinidad & Tobago

Natural process or phenomenon that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption, or environmental damage. [14]

United States

Natural hazard is a source of harm or difficulty created by a meteorological, environmental, or geological phenomenon or combination of phenomena. [15]


Natural hazard: Natural process or phenomenon that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption, or environmental damage. [16]

Other Definitions

Ontario (Canada)

Natural hazard is a naturally occurring event such as a forest fire, flood and/or severe weather that has the potential to harm people, property, the environment, the economy and/or services. [17]

Danger naturel: phénomène naturel comme un feu de forêt, une inondation ou un temps violent susceptibles de nuire aux personnes, aux biens, à l’environnement, à l’économie ou à des services. [17]

Standard Definition

See also
