Incident Management

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European Definitions

EU project CascEff

Incident management is an ongoing process to prevent, mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from an incident that threatens life, property, operations, or the environment. [1]

Other International Definitions

National Definitions


Incident Management is the process of controlling the incident and coordinating resources. [2]


The coordination of an organization’s activities aimed at preventing, mitigating against, preparing for, responding to and recovering from an incident.

Coordination des activités de prévention, d’atténuation, de préparation, d’intervention et de rétablissement d’une organization relatives à un incident. [3]


Gestión de Incidentes: Plan de acción para atender y resolver las incidencias ocurridas. Incorpora medidas de desempeño que permitan conocer la calidad del sistema de protección y detectar tendencias antes de que se conviertan en grandes problemas. [4]


Incident management: Management and coordination of activities to examine and rectify a current or potential occurrence of an adverse cyber incident that may compromise a system or network. [5]


Incident management: Executing a defensive response when a network's security is threatened. [6]


Incident Management is het geheel van organisatorische maatregelen dat ervoor moet zorgen dat een incident adequaat gedetecteerd, gemeld en behandeld wordt om daarmee de kans op uitval van bedrijfsvoering processen of schade ontstaan als gevolg van het incident te minimaliseren, dan wel te voorkomen.[7]

The total set of organisational measures that cause the adequate detection, reporting and management of an incident to reduce the chance of disturbed business processes or to mimimise or avoid damage due to the incident.


Zarządzanie incydentem – obsługę incydentu, wyszukiwanie powiązań między incydentami, usuwanie przyczyn ich wystąpienia oraz opracowanie wniosków z obsługi incydentu. [8]


Ereignismanagement bezeichnet die systematische Vorsorge für Ereignisse sowie deren Bewältigung. [9]

Par « gestion de l’événement », on entend la préparation systématique aux événements ainsi que la maîtrise de ceux-ci. [10]

Per gestione dell’evento s’intende la preparazione sistematica agli eventi e il loro fronteggiamento. [11]

United Kingdom (UK)

Incident management is the management and coordination of activities to investigate, and remediate, an actual or potential occurrence of an adverse cyber event that may compromise or cause harm to a system or network. [12]

United States

Incident Management is the management and coordination of activities associated with an actual or potential occurrence of an event that may result in adverse consequences to information or information systems. [13]

Incident Management is the broad spectrum of activities and organizations providing effective and efficient operations, coordination, and support applied at all levels of government, utilizing both governmental and nongovernmental resources to plan for, respond to, and recover from an incident, regardless of cause, size, or complexity. [14]

Incident management is a national comprehensive approach to preventing, preparing for, responding to, and recovering from terrorist attacks, major disasters, and other emergencies (source: JP 3-28). [15]

[for comparison purposes]
Traffic incident management is the systematic, planned, and coordinated use of human, institutional, mechanical, and technical resources to reduce the duration and impact of traffic incidents, and improve the safety of motorists, crash victims, and traffic incident responders. [16]

The purpose of incident management is to establish processes to identify and analyze IT events, detect cybersecurity incidents, and determine an organizational response. [17]


Gestión de incidents: Es el conjunto de acciones y procesos tendientes a brindar a las organizaciones de la Comunidad Objetivo fortalezas y capacidades para responder en forma adecuada a la ocurrencia de incidentes de seguridad informática que afecten real o potencialmente sus servicios. [18]

Standard Definition

See also

