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<!-- === Other International Definitions ===
=== Other International Definitions ===
Test test test. -->
{{definition|Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP) is defined as all activities aimed at ensuring the functionality, continuity and integrity of CII in order to deter, mitigate and neutralise a threat, risk or vulnerability or minimise the impact of an incident. <ref>The GFCE-MERIDIAN Good Practice Guide on Critical Information Infrastructure Protection for governmental policy-makers, to appear November 2016</ref>}}<br/>
=== National Definitions ===
=== National Definitions ===

Revision as of 22:51, 2 November 2016


European Definitions

Council Communication COM(2011)163 final

No definition provided[1].

Other International Definitions


Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP) is defined as all activities aimed at ensuring the functionality, continuity and integrity of CII in order to deter, mitigate and neutralise a threat, risk or vulnerability or minimise the impact of an incident. [2]

National Definitions

Czech Republic

Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP) is a subset of CIP. CIIP focuses on the protection of systems and assets including components such as telecommunications, computers/software, Internet, satellites, fibre optics etc., and on interconnected computers and networks, and the services they provide. [3]


The purpose of the critical information infrastructure protection (CIIP) is to maintain a trouble-free functioning of the country's essential information and communication systems under ordinary circumstances and to ensure their continuity on a minimum level during critical situations. [4]

Russian Federation

безопасность критической информационной инфраструктуры - состояние элементов критической информационной инфраструктуры и критической информационной инфраструктуры в целом, при котором проведение в отношении ее компьютерных атак не влечет за собой тяжких последствий.

Critical information infrastructure security is the state of critical information infrastructure and critical information infrastructure as a whole, in which the holding in respect of its computer attacks do not entail grave consequence. [5]

See also
