European Critical Infrastructure

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European Definition

European Critical Infrastructure (ECI) refers to:

critical infrastructure located in Member States the disruption or destruction of which would have a significant impact on at least two Member States. The significance of the impact shall be assessed in terms of cross-cutting criteria. This includes effects resulting from cross-sector dependencies on other types of infrastructure. [1]

National translations


Europäische kritische Infrastruktur oder EKI eine in einem Mitgliedstaat gelegene kritische Infrastruktur, deren Störung oder Zerstörung erhebliche Auswirkungen in mindestens zwei Mitgliedstaaten hätte. Die Tragweite dieser Auswirkungen wird anhand sektorübergreifender Kriterien bewertet. Dies schließt die Auswirkungen sektorübergreifender Abhängigkeiten auf andere Arten von Infrastrukturen ein. [2]


Europese kritieke infrastructuur is de nationale kritieke infrastructuur waarvan de verstoring van de werking of de vernietiging een aanzienlijke weerslag in ten minste twee lidstaten van de Europese Unie zou hebben. [3]

Infrastructure critique européenne: l’infrastructure critique nationale dont l’interruption du fonctionnement ou la destruction aurait une incidence significative sur deux Etats membres de l’Union européenne au moins. [4]

The EU texts are:

Europese kritieke infrastructuur of ECI: kritieke infrastructuur op het grondgebied van de lidstaten waarvan de verstoring of vernietiging aanzienlijke gevolgen in ten minste twee lidstaten zou hebben. Hoe aanzienlijk de gevolgen zijn, wordt beoordeeld naar sectoroverstijgende criteria. Dit omvat mede de effecten die het resultaat zijn van sectoroverstijgende afhankelijkheden van andere soorten infrastructuur. [5]

Infrastructure critique européenne ou ICE: une infrastructure critique située dans les États membres dont l’arrêt ou la destruction aurait un impact considérable sur deux États membres au moins. L’importance de cet impact est évaluée en termes de critères intersectoriels. Cela inclut les effets résultant des dépendances intersectorielles par rapport à d’autres types d’infrastructures. [6]

Europäische kritische Infrastruktur oder EKI eine in einem Mitgliedstaat gelegene kritische Infrastruktur, deren Störung oder Zerstörung erhebliche Auswirkungen in mindestens zwei Mitgliedstaaten hätte. Die Tragweite dieser Auswirkungen wird anhand sektorübergreifender Kriterien bewertet. Dies schließt die Auswirkungen sektorübergreifender Abhängigkeiten auf andere Arten von Infrastrukturen ein. [7]


европейски критични инфраструктури или „ЕКИ“ означава критични инфраструктури, намиращи се в държавите-членки, чието нарушаване или унищожаване би имало значителни последици за две или повече държави-членки. Значимостта на последиците се оценява в зависимост от междусекторни критерии. Те включват и последиците от междусекторните зависимости върху други видове инфраструктури. [8]


Europska kritična infrastruktura ili EKI znači kritična infrastruktura koja se nalazi u državama članicama, a čiji bi poremećaj u radu ili čije bi uništenje imalo znatan učinak na najmanje dvije države članice. Značaj učinka ocjenjuje se s obzirom na međusektorska mjerila. To uključuje učinke koji su rezultat međusektorskih ovisnosti o drugim vrstama infrastrukture. [9]

Evropskou kritickou infrastrukturou nebo EKI kritická infrastruktura nacházející se v členských státech, jejíž naru¬ šení nebo zničení by mělo závažný dopad pro nejméně dva členské státy. Závažnost dopadu se posuzuje podle průřezových kritérií. To se vztahuje i na účinky způsobené meziodvětvovými závislostmi na jiných typech infrastruktury. [10]

European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.]</ref>}}


Ως «ευρωπαϊκές υποδομές ζωτικής σημασίας» ή «ΕΥΖΣ» νοούνται οι υποδομές ζωτικής σημασίας που βρίσκονται εντός της ελληνικής επικράτειας ή άλλου κράτους μέλους και των οποίων η διακοπή λειτουργίας ή η καταστροφή θα είχε σημαντικό αντίκτυπο στη Χώρα και ταυτόχρονα σε ένα ή περισσότερα κράτη μέλη. Η σπουδαιότητα των επιπτώσεων εκτιμάται βάσει οριζόντιων κριτηρίων. Συμπεριλαμβάνονται οι επιπτώσεις από οριζόντιες εξαρτήσεις από άλλες κατηγορίες υποδομών.[11] [12]

(equals EU definition)

Czech Republic

Kritická infrastruktura na území České republiky, jejíž narušení by mělo závažný dopad i na další členský stát Evropské unie. [13]

Critical infrastructure in the territory of the Czech Republic whose infringement would result in a serious impact also on another member of the European union.[14]


Europæisk kritisk infrastruktur: kritisk infrastruktur, der befinder sig i medlemsstaterne, og hvis afbrydelse eller ødelæggelse vil få betydelige konsekvenser for to eller flere medlemsstater. [15]

Betydningen af konsekvenserne vurderes ud fra de tværgående kriterier. Dette omfatter også konsekvenser som følge af afhængighed på tværs af sektorerne af andre typer infrastruktur. [16]


Euroopa elutähtsad infrastruktuurid – liikmesriikides asuvad elutähtsad infrastruktuurid, mille kahjustada saamisel või hävimisel oleks oluline mõju vähemalt kahele liikmesriigile. Mõju olulisust hinnatakse valdkondadevahelisi kriteeriume silmas pidades. See hõlmab ka mõjusid, mis tulenevad valdkondadevahelisest sõltumisest teist liiki infrastruktuuridest. [17]


Euroopan elintärkeällä infrastruktuurilla tai EEI:lla sellaista jäsenvaltioissa sijaitsevaa elintärkeätä infrastruktuuria, jonka vahingoittuminen tai tuhoutuminen vaikuttaisi merkittävästi ainakin kahteen jäsenvaltioon. Vaikutuksen merkitystä on arvioitava horisontaalisin perustein. Tällaiset vaikutukset voivat johtua myös siitä, että toimialat ovat riippuvaisia muiden toimialojen infrastruktuureista. [18]


Infrastructure critique européenne ou ICE: une infrastructure critique située dans les États membres dont l’arrêt ou la destruction aurait un impact considérable sur deux États membres au moins. L’importance de cet impact est évaluée en termes de critères intersectoriels. Cela inclut les effets résultant des dépendances intersectorielles par rapport à d’autres types d’infrastructures. [19]


Europäische kritische Infrastruktur oder EKI eine in einem Mitgliedstaat gelegene kritische Infrastruktur, deren Störung oder Zerstörung erhebliche Auswirkungen in mindestens zwei Mitgliedstaaten hätte. Die Tragweite dieser Auswirkungen wird anhand sektorübergreifender Kriterien bewertet. Dies schließt die Auswirkungen sektorübergreifender Abhängigkeiten auf andere Arten von Infrastrukturen ein. [20]


Ως «ευρωπαϊκές υποδομές ζωτικής σημασίας» ή «ΕΥΖΣ» νοούνται οι υποδομές ζωτικής σημασίας που βρίσκονται εντός της ελληνικής επικράτειας ή άλλου κράτους μέλους και των οποίων η διακοπή λειτουργίας ή η καταστροφή θα είχε σημαντικό αντίκτυπο στη Χώρα και ταυτόχρονα σε ένα ή περισσότερα κράτη μέλη. Η σπουδαιότητα των επιπτώσεων εκτιμάται βάσει οριζόντιων κριτηρίων. Συμπεριλαμβάνονται οι επιπτώσεις από οριζόντιες εξαρτήσεις από άλλες κατηγορίες υποδομών.[21] ·. [22]

(equals EU definition)


Európai kritikus infrastruktúra vagy ECI: a tagállamokban található olyan kritikus infrastruktúra, amelynek megzavarása vagy megsemmisítése jelentős hatással lenne legalább két tagállamra. A hatás jelentőségét a horizontális kritériumok alapján kell értékelni. Ide tartoznak azok a hatások is, amelyek az egyéb típusú infrastruktúrákkal fennálló, ágazatokon átnyúló kölcsönös függőségből erednek. [23]


European critical infrastructure or ECI means critical infrastructure located in Member States the disruption or destruction of which would have a significant impact on at least two Member States. The significance of the impact shall be assessed in terms of cross-cutting criteria. This includes effects resulting from cross-sector dependencies on other types of infrastructure. [24]


Infrastruttura Critica Europee (ICE): Infrastruttura critica ubicata negli Stati membri dell'UE il cui danneggiamento o la cui distruzione avrebbe un significato impatto su almeno due Stati membri. [25]

Infrastruttura critica europea o ECI un’infrastruttura critica ubicata negli Stati membri il cui danneggiamento o la cui distruzione avrebbe un significativo impatto su almeno due Stati membri. La rilevanza dell’impatto è valutata in termini intersettoriali. Sono compresi gli effetti derivanti da dipendenze intersettoriali in relazione ad altri tipi di infrastrutture. [26]


Eiropas kritiskā infrastruktūra jeb EKI ir dalībvalstīs izvietota kritiskā infrastruktūra, kuras darbības traucējumi vai iznīcināšana būtiski ietekmētu vismaz divas dalībvalstis. Šādas ietekmes nozīmīgumu novērtē pārnozaru kritēriju izteiksmē. Tas ietver arī sekas, ko rada vairāku nozaru atkarība no cita veida infrastruktūras. [27]


Europos ypatingos svarbos infrastruktūros objektas – Europos Sąjungos valstybėse narėse (toliau – valstybės narės) esantis valstybinės reikšmės objektas, kurio sunaikinimas ar veiklos sutrikdymas turėtų didelį poveikį bent dviem valstybėms narėms. [28]

Europos ypatingos svarbos infrastruktūros objektas arba ESI – ypatingos svarbos infrastruktūros objektas, esantis valstybėse narėse, kurio veikimo sutrikdymas ar sunaikinimas turėtų didelį poveikį bent dviems valstybėms narėms. Poveikio mastas įvertinamas pagal bendrus kriterijus. Tai apima tarpsektorinės priklausomybės nuo kitų rūšių infrastruktūros objektų sukeltą poveikį. [29]


Infrastructure critique européenne (ICE): une infrastructure critique située dans les Etats membres de l'Union européenne dont l'arrêt ou la destruction aurait un impact considérable sur deux Etats membres au moins. L'importance de cet impact est évaluée en termes de critères intersectoriels. Cela inclut les effets résultant des dépendances intersectorielles par rapport à d'autres types d'infrastructures. [30]


Infrastruttura Kritika Ewropea jew ECI tiffisser infrastruttura kritika li tinsab fl-Istati Membri li l-interruzzjoni jew ilqerda tagħha jkollha impatt sinifikanti fuq mill-inqas żewġ Stati Membri. Is-sinifikat ta’ l-impatt għandu jiġi vvalutat f’termini ta’ kriterji transversali. Dan jinkludi l-effetti li jirri¬ żultaw minn dipendenzi transsettorjali fuq tipi oħra ta’ infrastruttura. [31]


Europese kritieke infrastructuur of ECI: kritieke infrastructuur op het grondgebied van de lidstaten waarvan de verstoring of vernietiging aanzienlijke gevolgen in ten minste twee lidstaten zou hebben. Hoe aanzienlijk de gevolgen zijn, wordt beoordeeld naar sectoroverstijgende criteria. Dit omvat mede de effecten die het resultaat zijn van sectoroverstijgende afhankelijkheden van andere soorten infrastructuur. [32]


Europejska infrastruktura krytyczna lub EIK oznacza infrastrukturę krytyczną zlokalizowaną na terytorium państw członkowskich, której zakłócenie lub zniszczenie miałoby istotny wpływ na co najmniej dwa państwa członkowskie. To, czy wpływ jest istotny, ocenia się w odniesieniu do kryteriów przekrojowych. Obejmuje to skutki wynikające z międzysektorowych współzależności z innymi rodzajami infrastruktury. [33]


Infraestrutura Crítica Europeia: Infra-estrutura crítica europeia ou «ICE» a infra-estrutura crítica situada em território nacional cuja perturbação ou destruição teria um impacto significativo em, pelo menos, mais um Estado membro da União Europeia, sendo o impacto avaliado em função de critérios transversais, incluindo os efeitos resultantes de dependências intersectoriais em relação a outros tipos de infra -estruturas. [34] [35]

(equals the EU definition)


Infrastructură critică europeană sau ICE înseamnă o infrastructură critică localizată în statele membre, a cărei perturbare sau distrugere ar avea un impact semnificativ asupra a cel puțin două state membre. Importanța impactului se evaluează din perspectiva criteriilor intersectoriale. Aceasta include efectele ce rezultă din relațiile intersectoriale de dependență de alte tipuri de infrastructuri. [36]


Prvkom európskej kritickej infraštruktúry najmä inžinierska stavba, služba vo verejnom záujme a informačný systém v sektore, ktorých narušenie alebo zničenie by malo podľa európskych sektorových kritérií a európskych prierezových kritérií závažné nepriaznivé dôsledky uvedené v písmene a) v Slovenskej republike a aspoň v jednom ďalšom členskom state Európskej únie (ďalej len „dotknutý členský štát“). [37]

Európska kritická infraštruktúra alebo „ECI“ je kritická infra¬ štruktúra nachádzajúca sa v členských štátoch, ktorej naru¬ šenie alebo zničenie by malo závažné dôsledky minimálne v dvoch členských štátoch. Závažnosť dôsledkov sa posudzuje podľa prierezových kritérií. Toto zahŕňa účinky vyplý¬ vajúce z medzisektorových závislostí od iných typov infra¬ štruktúry. [38]


Evropska kritična infrastruktura ali „EKI“ pomeni kritično infrastrukturo, ki se nahaja v državah članicah in katere okvara ali uničenje bi imelo resne posledice v vsaj dveh državah članicah. Kaj so resne posledice se oceni v skladu z medsektorskimi merili. To vključuje vplive na druge vrste infrastruktur, ki izhajajo iz medsektorskih odvisnosti. [39]


Infraestructura crítica europea o ICE, la infraestructura crítica situada en los Estados miembros cuya perturbación o destrucción afectaría gravemente al menos a dos Estados miembros. La magnitud de la incidencia se valorará en función de criterios horizontales, como los efectos de las dependencias intersectoriales en otros tipos de infraestructuras. [40]

Infraestructuras críticas europeas: aquellas infraestructuras críticas situadas en algún Estado miembro de la Unión Europea, cuya perturbación o destrucción afectaría gravemente al menos a dos Estados miembros, todo ello con arreglo a la Directiva 2008/114, del Consejo, de 8 de diciembre, sobre la identificación y designación de Infraestructuras Críticas Europeas y la evaluación de la necesidad de mejorar su protección (en adelante, Directiva 2008/114/CE). [41]

Infraestructuras críticas europeas (ICE): Aquellas infraestructuras críticas situadas en algún Estado miembro de la Unión Europea, cuya interrupción o destrucción afectarían gravemente al menos a dos Estados miembros, todo ello con arreglo a la Directiva 2008/114/CE. [42]


Europeisk kritisk infrastruktur: i medlemsstaterna belägen kritisk infrastruktur vars driftsstörning eller förstörelse skulle få betydande konsekvenser för minst två medlemsstater. Konsekvensernas omfattning ska bedömas utifrån sektorsövergripande kriterier. Detta inbegriper verkningar till följd av tvä¬ rsektoriella beroenden av andra typer av infrastruktur. [43]

United Kingdom

European critical infrastructure or ECI means critical infrastructure located in Member States the disruption or destruction of which would have a significant impact on at least two Member States. The significance of the impact shall be assessed in terms of cross-cutting criteria. This includes effects resulting from cross-sector dependencies on other types of infrastructure. [44]


  1. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
  2. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
  3. N. 2011 — 1799 C − 2011/00399 1 JULI 2011. — Wet betreffende de beveiliging en de bescherming van de kritieke infrastructure
  4. N. 2011 — 1799 C − 2011/00399 1er JUILLET 2011. — Loi relative à la sécurité et la protection des infrastructures critiques
  5. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
  6. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
  7. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
  8. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
  9. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
  10. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
  11. Κανονισμοί περί Προσδιορισμού και Χαρακτηρισμού των Ευρωπαϊκών Υποδομών Ζωτικής Σημασίας και Αξιολόγησης της Ανάγκης Βελτίωσης της Προστασίας τους
  12. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
  13. Výkladový slovník kybernetické bezpečnosti (2013)
  14. Výkladový slovník kybernetické bezpečnosti (2013)
  15. Bekendtgørelse om identifikation og udpegning af europæisk kritisk infrastruktur på energiområdet og vurdering af behovet for bedre beskyttelse (EPCIP-direktivet)
  16. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
  17. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
  18. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
  19. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
  20. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
  21. Προεδρικό Διάταγμα 39/2011 της Ελληνικής Δημοκρατίας που αφορά την προσαρμογή της ελληνικής νομοθεσίας προς τις διατάξεις τις οδηγίας 2008/114/ΕΚ του Συμβουλίου της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης.
  22. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
  23. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
  24. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
  25. National Strategic Framework for the Security of Cyberspace (2013)
  26. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
  27. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
  29. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
  30. Règlement grand-ducal du 12 mars 2012 portant application de la directive 2008/114/CE du Conseil du 8 décembre 2008
  31. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
  32. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
  33. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
  34. Decreto-Lei n.º 62/2011 de 9 de Maio (2011)
  35. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection/Decreto-Lei n.º 62/2011, de 9 de maio, que estabelece os procedimentos de identificação e de protecção das infra-estruturas ssenciais para a saúde, a segurança e o bem-estar económico e social da sociedade nos sectores da energia e transportes e transpõe a Directiva n.º 2008/114/CE do Conselho, de 8 de dezembro.
  36. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
  37. Act no. 45/ 2011 Col. On Critical Infrastructure
  38. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
  39. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
  40. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
  41. [ 7630 Ley 8/2011, de 28 de abril, por la que se establecen medidas para la protección de las infraestructuras críticas.
  43. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.
  44. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.