Critical Asset

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European Definitions

Other International Definitions

National Definitions


Critical assets are those assets with a high consequence of failure.

Bien indispensable: bien de première importance pour la prestation d'un service indispensable [1]


Critical assets are those assets with a high consequence of failure. They are often found as part of a network in which, for example, their failure would compromise the performance of the entire network.

حألطٍٞ حُظ٢ ٣ظشطذ ػ٠ِ طؼطِٜخ ػٞحهذ ٝ خٔ٤ش، ٝطٌٕٞ ٛزٙ حألطٍٞ ؿخُزخ ؿضءح ٖٓ شزٌش ٣ئد١ طٞهلٜخ ػٖ حُؼَٔ -ػ٠ِ عزَ٤ حُٔؼخ-ٍ ا٠ُ طؼطَ٤ أدحء حُشزٌش رؤًِٜٔخ [2]

They are often found as part of a network in which, for example, their failure would compromise the performance of the entire network.


[Definição] Ativo crítico: Ativo que suporta pelo menos um serviço essencial. [3]

Standard Definition

Discussion Topic

See also

