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European Definitions

Reliability HDVC is a measure of the capability of the HVDC link to transmit power above some minimum defined value at any point in time under normal operating conditions. [1]

Reliability is normally expressed as the number of times in one year the scheme is incapable of transmitting power above a minimum defined value. This inability to transmit above a defined power level is termed Forced Outage Rate (F.O.R.).

International defintions


Reliability: the ability of an item to perform a required function under given conditions for a given time interval. [2]

National Definitions


1. Capacidade de desempenho de componentes, de equipamentos ou sistemas, em função de padrões preestabelecidos.
2. Probabilidade de um equipamento ou sistema desempenhar correta e satisfatoriamente suas funções específicas, por um período de tempo determinado, sob um conjunto estabelecido de condições de operações. É uma medida de qualidade e depende da variável tempo. [3]


Reliability (power grid) means the combination of adequacy and system security. [4]

Czech Republic

Spolehlivost: Vlastnost konzistentního zamýšleného chování nebo výsledků. [5]

Reliability is an attribute of consistent intentional behaviour or results. [6]


Reliability: The ability of an item to perform a required function under stated conditions for a specified period of time. [7]

Reliability: The probability that a functional unit will perform its required function for a specified interval under stated conditions. [7]

Reliability: The continuous availability of communication services to the general public, and emergency response activities in particular, during normal operating conditions and under emergency circumstances with minimal disruption. [7]


Affidabilità: La combinazione di due condizioni: (1) Disponibilità: idoneità a far fronte staticamente ed in ogni istante alle richieste globali di potenza ed energia elettrica dei clienti nei punti di connessione, tenendo in conto i fuori servizi programmati e forzati dei componenti del sistema elettrico, (2) Sicurezza: idoneità ad affrontare i disturbi improvvisi come cortocircuiti o perdita forzata di componenti del sistema elettrico. Tale aspetto considera quindi proprio gli effetti delle transizioni non affrontate con il precedente criterio. [8]


信頼性: 定の期間、宣言された条件下において要求された機能を行うシステムの能力.

(Cyber) Reliability is the ability of a system to perform a required function under stated conditions for a specified period of time. [9]

United States

Financial Stability Board
Reliability: property of consistent intended behaviour and results. Source: ISO/IEC 27000:2018 [10]

Standard Definition


The ability of a system to perform a required function under stated conditions for a specified period of time. [11]

ISO/IEC 27000:2014

Reliability is the property of consistent intended behaviour and results. [12]


Betrouwbaarheid Mate waarin digitale (genetwerkte) systemen beschikbaar zijn voor gebruik. Cyberaanvallen, uitval en storingen kunnen de betrouwbaarheid beïnvloeden. [13]

See also

