Information Communication Technology

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European Definitions

National Definitions


Tecnología de la Información: Se refiere al hardware y software operados por el Organismo o por un tercero que procese información en su nombre, para llevar a cabo una función propia del Organismo, sin tener en cuenta la tecnología utilizada, ya se trate de computación de datos, telecomunicaciones u otro tipo. [1]


ICT is an umbrella term for all computer- (IT) and network- (CT) based technologies as well as related economic sectors. Information and communication technology is also used as a blanket term for all communication instruments or communication applications, including radio, television, mobile telephones, hardware and software for computers and networks, satellite systems, etc. as well as different services and applications related to these items.[2]

Überbegriff für alle Computer (IT) und Netzwerk- (KT) basierenden Technologien als auch der damit verbundenen Wirtschaftsbereiche. Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie wird auch als Deckbegriff definiert, der jegliches Kommunikationsinstrument oder Kommunikations-anwendung beinhaltet, inklusive Radio, Fernsehen, Mobiltelefone (»Handys«), Hardware und Software für Computer und Netzwerke, Satellitensysteme, etc. sowie die verschiedenen Dienstleistungen und Anwendungen, die mit diesen Dingen verbunden sind. [3]


TIC (Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones): Conjunto de recursos, herramientas, equipos, programas informáticos aplicaciones, redes y medios; que permiten la compilación, procesamiento, almacenamiento, transmisión de información como voz, datos, texto, video e imágenes. (Art 6. Ley 1341/2009 TIC). [4]

Tecnologías de la Información (TI): Hace referencia a las aplicaciones, información e infraestructura requerida por una entidad para apoyar el funcionamiento de los procesos y estrategia de negocio. [5]


Information technology (IT) encompasses all technical resources which serve for processing or communicating information. Information processing includes acquisition, recording, use, storage, communication, program-controlled processing, internal display, output and deletion of information. [6]


Information Technology (IT): Any equipment or interconnected system or subsystem of equipment that is used in the automatic acquisition, storage, manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission, or reception of data or information by the executive agency. [7]


[Definição] Tecnologias de Informação e de Comunicação (TIC): Integração de métodos, processos de produção, hardware e software, com o objetivo de proporcionar a recolha, o processamento, a disseminação, a visualização e a utilização de informação, no interesse dos seus utilizadores. [8]

South Africa

Information and Communication Technologies mean any communications device or application including radio, television, cellular phones, satellite systems, computers, network hardware and software and other services such as videoconferencing. [9]

See also
