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National Definitions


Exercise is the simulation of emergency management events, through discussion or actual deployment of personnel, in order (1) to train personnel; (2) to review/test the planning process or other procedures; (3) to identify needs and/or weaknesses; (4) to demonstrate capabilities; and (5) to practice people in working together. [1]


Exercise encompasses the simulation of responses to emergencies and crises and the process of checking that emergency and crisis response processes are working when there is no real emergency. [2]

United States (DHS)

An instrument to train for, assess, practice, and improve performance in capabilities in a risk-free environment. Exercises can be used for: testing and validating policies, plans, procedures, training, equipment, and inter-agency agreements; clarifying and training personnel in roles and responsibilities; improving inter-agency coordination and communications; identifying gaps in resources; improving individual performance; and identifying opportunities for improvement. [3]

Other Definitions

Ontario (Canada)

Exercise: a simulated emergency in which players carry out actions, functions, and responsibilities that would be expected of them in a real emergency. [4]

Exercises can be used to validate plans and procedures, and to practice prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery capabilities.

Exercice: simulation d’une situation d’urgence dans laquelle les participants agissent, remplissent les fonctions et assument les responsabilités dans la capacité qui serait attendue d’eux dans une situation d’urgence réelle.[5]

Les exercices peuvent être utilisés pour évaluer l’efficacité des plans et procédures et pour mettre à l’épreuve les capacités de prévention, d’atténuation, de préparation, d’intervention et de rétablissement.

See also
