Information Sharing

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Information sharing in the context of Critical Infrastructure is about sharing security related information. Most often it concerns Cyber Security but physical security related information may be shared as well between private, public-private and public partnerships.


European Definitions


'Information sharing‘ is the exchange of a variety of network and information security related information such as risks, vulnerabilities, threats and internal security issues as well as good practice. [1]

National Definitions


情報共有 - システムの不具合等に関する情報(重要インフラサービス障害を含むシステムの不具合や予 兆・ヒヤリハットに関する情報)や情報セキュリティの確保に資する情報について、関係主体 間で相互に提供し、共有すること。情報連絡及び情報提供の双方を含む。[2]

Information sharing: The mutual provision and sharing among relevant entities of information on system failures (information including that on CISs outages and any signs of possible system failures and Hiyari-Hatto events) and information that will contribute to ensuring cybersecurity. [3]

This includes both information sharing to NISC and information sharing from NISC.

The mutual sharing of information such as experience, knowledge and know-how by transferring to associates and communicating among organizations and members. [4]

It includes both information sharing to NISC and information sharing from NISC.

United States

White House
The term “information sharing” refers to the bi-directional sharing of timely and relevant information concerning risks to United States Critical Infrastructure. [5]

In the context of this memorandum only, intelligence sharing is an element of information sharing.

Information Sharing: The requirements for information sharing by an IT system with one or more other IT systems or applications, for information sharing to support multiple internal or external organizations, missions, or public programs. (from: NIST SP 800-16) [6]

Financial Stability Board
Information Sharing: an exchange of data, information and/or knowledge that can be used to manage risks or respond to events. [7]

International Standards

ISO/IEC 27010 (2012), “ISO/IEC 27010:2012: Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management for inter-sector and inter-organisational communications”, ISO, Geneva, Switzerland.

Good Practice on Information Sharing

European Union

  • Actionable Information for Security Incident Response (ENISA). [8]
  • Standards and tools for exchange and processing of actionable Information (ENISA). [9]
  • Good Practice Guide Network Security Information Exchanges (ENISA). [10]

Global Conference on CyberSpace 2015 (GCCS2015)

  • Sharing Cyber Security Information [11]
    As the threat landscape is continuously changing, the sharing of cyber security related information between organisations – in a critical sector, cross-sector, nationally and internationally – is widely perceived as an effective measure in support of managing the security challenges. Information sharing, however, is not an easy topic as it comes with many facets. The booklet aims to support the cyber security and resilience governance. Its aim is to assist public and private policy-makers, middle management, researchers, and cyber security practitioners, and to steer you away from pitfalls.

Global Conference on CyberSpace 2017 (GCCS2017)

  • Global Good Practice on Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure. [12]

See also
