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Other International Definitions
Redundancy: Provision of alternative (identical or diverse) structures, systems and components, so that any one can perform the required function regardless of the state of operation or failure of any other. [1]
National Definitions
Czech Republic
Redundance: Obecný význam je nadbytečnost, hojnost. V IT se používá ve smyslu záložní. Například redundantní (záložní) zdroj napájení, redundantní (záložní) data. [2]
Redundancy: General meaning is redundancy, abundance. In IT it is used in the sense of backup. For example, a redundant (backup) power supply, redundant (backup) data. [2]
Redundancy: General meaning is redundancy, abundance. In IT it is used in the sense of backup. For example, a redundant (backup) power supply, redundant (backup) data. [2]
Redundancy: In the transmission of data, the excess of transmitted message symbols over that required to convey the essential information in a noise-free circuit. [3]
Note: Redundancy may be introduced intentionally (as in the case of error detection or correction codes) or inadvertently (such as by oversampling a band-limited signal, inefficient formats, etc.).
In a communication system, surplus capability usually provided to improve the reliability and quality of service. [3]
Redundancia: Capacidad de un sistema de comunicaciones para detectar un fallo en la red de la manera más rápida posible y que a la vez, sea capaz de recuperarse del problema de forma eficiente y efectiva. [4]
Ridondanza: Caratteristica della catena di protezione principale che discende dalla presenza di opportune duplicazioni degli elementi della catena stessa, di modo che, ipotizzando malfunzionante un qualunque elemento della catena, questa assicuri ancora l’eliminazione del guasto con degrado di selettività e rapidità prestabilito. [5]
United States
Redundancy: additional or alternative systems, sub-systems, assets, or processes that maintain a degree of overall functionality in case of loss or failure of another system, sub-system, asset, or process. [6]
See also