Best Practise
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Also known as: Code of practice | Anleitung für die Praxis | Menettelyohje | Codice di buona pratica | 実施基準 | Kodeks postępowania, | Código de boas práticas | правило праксе, с јд | 规程
European Definitions
National Definitions
Best practice is a requirement of statutory policy. [1]
Czech Republic
Příklad dobré praxe, osvědčený způsob: Vyzkoušená metoda nebo postup, která v dané oblasti nabízí nejefektivnější řešení, které se opakovaně osvědčilo a vede k optimálním výsledkům. [2]
Best practice: Well-tested method or procedure which in the given area offers the most effective solution which has been repeatedly proven as right and leads towards optimum results. [2]
Best practice: Well-tested method or procedure which in the given area offers the most effective solution which has been repeatedly proven as right and leads towards optimum results. [2]
Praktik Terbaik (Best practice): Praktik-praktik yang sudah erlangsung di suatu satuan kerja dan telah dibuktikan dapat memberikan manfaat bagi satuan kerja, para pelaksananya dan berpotensi bermanfaat bagi satuan kerja lainnya. [3]
[HEALTH sector]Benchmarking: Het vergelijken van prestaties van organisaties met de (beste) prestaties in de branche. [4]
United Kingdom
Best practice involves making decisions based on knowledge of the research evidence, knowledge of the individual service user and their social context, knowledge of the service user’s own experience, and clinical judgement. [5]
United States
Best Practices are peer-validated techniques, procedures, and solutions that prove successful and are solidly grounded in actual experience in operations, training, and exercises. Exercise after action reports should identify lessons learned and highlight best practices. [6]
Standard Definition
Code of practice is a document that recommends practices or procedures for the design, manufacture, installation, maintenance or utilization of equipment, structures or products. [7]
Code de bonne pratique est une document qui recommande des pratiques ou des procédures en matière de conception, de fabrication, d'installation, d'entretien ou d'utilisation d'équipements, de structures ou de produits. [7]
Best Practice is defined as the innovative policy, processes, methods, processes or procedures that, at any known period of time, are generally considered by peers (member countries) as the superior practice that delivers the optimal outcomes, such that they are proven worthy to be adopted. [8]
Best practice: Een techniek, werkmethode of activiteit die in de in de praktijk heeft bewezen effectief te zijn. [9]
See also
It may be hard to determine which practice is "best" as this requires a set of metrics. Therefore, the notion "Good Practices" may be more appropriate.
- ↑ Australian EPA, Demonstrating Best Practice (2013)
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 [1]
- ↑ Rencana Strategis BPK 2016—2020, Indonesia
- ↑ Patiëntveiligheid Definitielijst (2005)
- ↑ Dept. of Health, Best Practice in Managing Risk
- ↑ Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience Toolkit (Glossary), US Department of Homeland Security
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 IEV 901-02-09
- ↑ 2013 Pacific Public Service Commissioners Conference Terms of Reference Discussion Paper #1
- ↑ Cybersecurity Woordenboek 2021