Technology Table

Full NameAcronymGeneral CategoryPurposeDescriptionRelevant WPAvailable Implementation(s)
Open Policy AgentOPAPolicy-based control for cloud native environments3.3.3Alternatives: Pulumi Crossguard, Kyverno
Terminology ServiceDienstService that will be integrated in the FAIR-DS demonstratorsThe Terminology Service of TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology and University Library is a single-point-of-entry web-service providing access to terms from generic and domain-specific controlled vocabularies and ontologies. TIB Central Terminology Service is the backbone of all the Terminology Services presented by TIB. It hosts and stores the terminologies of various research communities mainly through this web site. 3.6
Sovereign Cloud StackSCSModular Open Source Software Stack to provide Infra Mgmt, IaaS, CaaS, KaaS, PaaS. Standard implementation for GAIA-X compliant nodes and basic services. Sovereign Cloud Stack (SCS) is a network of existing and future providers of standardized sovereign cloud and container infrastructure to join forces in defining, implementing and operating a fully open, federated, compatible platform.3.2
SNOMED CTOntologyTerminology used by NFDI4HealthSNOMED CT based clinical information benefits individual patients and clinicians as well as populations while supporting evidence-based care.3.6
LOINCTerminology used by NFDI4HealthLOINC is a common language (set of identifiers, names, and codes) for identifying health measurements, observations, and documents. If you think of an observation as a "question" and the observation result value as an "answer."3.6
ICD-10-GMTerminology used by NFDI4HealthDie Internationale statistische Klassifikation der Krankheiten und verwandter Gesundheitsprobleme, 10. Revision, German Modification (ICD-10-GM) ist die amtliche Klassifikation zur Verschlüsselung von Diagnosen in der ambulanten und stationären Versorgung in Deutschland.3.6
OrphaNetTerminology used by NFDI4HealthOrphanet is the international reference knowledge base for rare diseases and orphan drugs. Orphanet provides freely-accessible information on rare diseases with the aim of helping improve the diagnosis, care and treatment of patients with rare diseases.3.6
Human Phenotype OntologyHPOOntologyTerminology used by NFDI4HealthThe Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) provides a standardized vocabulary of phenotypic abnormalities encountered in human disease. Each term in the HPO describes a phenotypic abnormality, such as Atrial septal defect.3.6
Operationen- und ProzedurenschlüsselOPSTerminology used by NFDI4HealthThe German procedure classification (Operationen- und Prozedurenschlüssel - OPS) is the official classification for the encoding of operations, procedures and general medical measures. The currently valid version is OPS 2021.3.6
Unified Code for Units of MeasureUCUMTerminology used by NFDI4HealthThe Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM) is a code system intended to include all units of measures being contemporarily used in international science, engineering, and business. The purpose is to facilitate unambiguous electronic communication of quantities together with their units. The focus is on electronic communication, as opposed to communication between humans. A typical application of The Unified Code for Units of Measure are electronic data interchange (EDI) protocols, but there is nothing that prevents it from being used in other types of machine communication.

UCUM support EDI protocols for the quantities and units in the domains of knowledge specified in ISO 80000 standards parts 2-14 above
OpenSCENARIOOntologyTerminology used by NFDI4Ing3.6
OpenDRIVEOntologyTerminology used by NFDI4Ing3.6
CoscineSoftwarePlattform for research data management, especially metadata management and quota management3.5, 3.6
GitLabSoftwarePlattform used in AP 4.2GitLab is a complete DevOps platform delivered as a single application, fundamentally transforming the way development, security, ops, and product teams collaborate. Build, test, and deploy software faster with just one solution.4.2
Metadata for MachinesM4MSet of practices to implement machine readible FAIR metadataTypically, the FAIRification process begins when a community of practice considers its domain-relevant metadata requirements and other policy considerations, and formulates these considerations as machine-actionable metadata components. These considerations can be guided in Metadata for Machines (M4M) Workshops.3.4
FAIR Implementation ProfileFIPDocumentation guideline for Interfaces that provide FAIR DataThe re-usable metadata schemata produced in the M4M compose part of the larger FAIR Implementation Profile (FIP).3.4
FAIR Data PointFDPSpecificationSpecification for FAIR data and metadata exchange based on existing (web) standardsA FAIR Data Point (sometimes abbreviated to FDP) is the realisation of the vision of a group of authors of the original paper on FAIR on how (meta)data could be presented on the web using existing standards, and without the need of APIs.

A FAIR Data Point ultimately stores information about data sets, which is the definition of metadata. And just like the webserver in the WWW in the beginning of the 1990s brought the power of publishing text to anyone, a FAIR data point aims to give anyone the power of putting their own data on the web.

The system is called a FAIR data point because it takes care of a lot of the issues that need to be taken care of to make data FAIR; especially with the metadata needed for Findability and Reusability, and a uniform open way of Accessing the data. The FAIR data point also addresses the Interoperability of the metadata it stores, but it leaves the Interoperability aspects for the data itself to the data provider.
3.4, 3.6
Linked Data PlatformLDPW3C Standard for exchange of Linked Data and Binary Data, likely to be used by NFDI4Ing
DFN-AAIAAI-Federation of German Higher Education and Research Facilities3.5
edugain-AAIAAI-Federation of Worldwise Higher Education and Research Facilities3.5
Research Organization RegistryRORRegistry with PIDs for Research Organizations3.5
Open Researcher and Contributor IDORCIDRegistry with PIDs for researchers, can be used as Open ID provider3.5
IDSA Dataspace ConnectorDSCSoftwareConnector for participation in dataspacesNOTE: The DSC will be migrated to the Eclipse Dataspace Connector in the future

The Eclipse Dataspace Connector provides a framework for sovereign, inter-organizational data exchange. It will implement the International Data Spaces standard (IDS) as well as relevant protocols associated with GAIA-X. The connector is designed in an extensible way in order to support alternative protocols and integrate in various ecosystems.
Eclipse Dataspace ConnectorEDCSoftwareConnector for participation in dataspacesThe Eclipse Dataspace Connector provides a framework for sovereign, inter-organizational data exchange. It will implement the International Data Spaces standard (IDS) as well as relevant protocols associated with GAIA-X. The connector is designed in an extensible way in order to support alternative protocols and integrate in various ecosystems.3
EOSC Datasets Minimum InformationEOSC-EDMIOntologyDataset metadata vocabulary used in EOSCA minimum information metadata guideline to help users and services to find and access datasets reusing existing data models and interfaces.3.1
IDS Information ModelOntologyInformation model for the International Data Spaces3.1
GAIA-X Core OntologyOntologyThe GAIA-X core ontology contains the components needed to model an efficient, competitive, secure and trustworthy federation of data infrastructure and service providers.3.6GAIA-X Core Ontology
HPO ORDO Ontological Module (HOOM)HOOMOntologyTerminology used by NFDI4HealthThe HPO – ORDO Ontological Module (HOOM) qualifies the annotations between a clinical entity (from ORDO) and phenotypic abnormalities from HPO (Human Phenotype Ontology) according to frequency and by integrating the notion of diagnostic criterion.3.6HPO - ORDO ONTOLOGICAL MODULE
Access to Biological Collection Data (ABCD)ABCDOntologyTerminology used by NFDI4BiodiversityThe base ontology of the ABCD Standard.3.6ABCD Base Ontology
Audubon Core - Main VocabularyACOntologyTerminology used by NFDI4BiodiversityThis vocabulary contains all Audubon Core class and property terms3.6Audubon Core main vocabulary
Audubon Core - Variant Controlled VocabularyACVARIANTOntologyTerminology used by NFDI4BiodiversityControlled vocabulary for the Audubon Core term variant3.6variant controlled vocabulary
Audubon Core - Format Controlled VocabularyFORMATOntologyTerminology used by NFDI4BiodiversityControlled vocabulary for the Dublin Core term format3.6format controlled vocabulary
Audubon Core - Subtype Controlled VocabularyACSUBTYPEOntologyTerminology used by NFDI4BiodiversityControlled vocabulary for the Audubon Core term subtype3.6subtype controlled vocabulary
Darwin Core - Main VocabularyDWCOntologyTerminology used by NFDI4BiodiversityThis vocabulary contains Darwin Core terms suitable for use with both literal and IRI values3.6Darwin Core main vocabulary
Darwin Core - EstablishmentMeans Controlled VocabularyDWCEMOntologyTerminology used by NFDI4BiodiversityControlled vocabulary for the Darwin Core term establishmentMeans3.6establishmentMeans controlled vocabulary
Darwin Core - DegreeOfEstablishment Controlled VocabularyDWCDOEOntologyTerminology used by NFDI4BiodiversityControlled vocabulary for the Darwin Core term degreeOfEstablishment3.6degreeOfEstablishment controlled vocabulary
Darwin Core - Pathway Controlled VocabularyDWCPWOntologyTerminology used by NFDI4BiodiversityControlled vocabulary for the Darwin Core term pathway3.6pathway controlled vocabulary
Darwin Core - Chronometric Age Extension VocabularyCHRONOOntologyTerminology used by NFDI4BiodiversityVocabulary for the Darwin Core Chronometric Age Extension3.6Darwin Core Chronometric Age Extension vocabulary
TDWG Standards - Documentation StandardSDSOntologyTerminology used by NFDI4BiodiversityThe TDWG Standards Documentation Standard consists of a single document: the Standards Documentation Specification.3.6Standards Documentation Standard
TDWG Vocabulary Maintenance StandardVMSOntologyTerminology used by NFDI4BiodiversityThe TDWG Vocabulary Maintenance Standard consists of a single document: the Vocabulary Maintenance Specification.3.6Vocabulary Maintenance Standard
OGC Standard - Semantic Sensor Network OntologySSNOntologyTerminology used by NFDI4BiodiversityThis ontology describes sensors, actuators and observations, and related concepts. It does not describe domain concepts, time, locations, etc. these are intended to be included from other ontologies via OWL imports.3.6Semantic Sensor Network Ontology
OGC Standard - Time Ontology in OWLTIMEOntologyTerminology used by NFDI4BiodiversityDescription of date and time structured with separate values for the various elements of a calendar-clock system. The temporal reference system is fixed to Gregorian Calendar, and the range of year, month, day properties restricted to corresponding XML Schema types xsd:gYear, xsd:gMonth and xsd:gDay, respectively.3.6Time Ontology in OWL
OGC Standard - GeoSPARQL ontologyGEOSPARQLOntologyTerminology used by NFDI4BiodiversityAn RDF/OWL vocabulary for representing spatial information3.6GeoSPARQL Ontology
EML Standard - Ecosystem OntologyECSOOntologyTerminology used by NFDI4BiodiversityDataONE ontology of Carbon Flux measurements for MsTMIP and LTER Use Cases3.6The Ecosystems Ontology
EML Standard - Environment OntologyENVOOntologyTerminology used by NFDI4BiodiversityENVO is an ontology which represents knowledge about environments,environmental processes, ecosystems, habitats, and related entities3.6The Environment Ontology
EML Standard - Information Artifact OntologyIAOOntologyTerminology used by NFDI4BiodiversityThe Information Artifact Ontology (IAO) is an ontology of information entities, originally driven by work by the OBI digital entity and realizable information entity branch.3.6Information Artifact Ontology (IAO)
EML Standard - Extensible Ontology for ObservationsOBOEOntologyTerminology used by NFDI4BiodiversityThe Extensible Observation Ontology (OBOE) is a formal ontology for capturing the semantics of scientific observation and measurement. The ontology supports researchers to add detailed semantic annotations to scientific data, thereby clarifying the inherent meaning of scientific observations.3.6The Extensible Observation Ontology
EML Standard - Schema.orgSCHEMAORGOntologyTerminology used by NFDI4BiodiversityThis page provides basic developer-oriented information about In particular it gives access to machine-readable representations of our Vocabulary
Ecological Trait-data StandardETSOntologyTerminology used by NFDI4BiodiversityThe Ecological Trait-data Standard defines terms for the use in datasets containing quantitative and qualitative functional traits.3.6Ecological Trait-data Standard (ETS)
Darwin-SWDSWOntologyTerminology used by NFDI4BiodiversityVersion 0.4 to 1.0 fixed reversed dsw:locates and dsw:locatedAt. Added labels. Changed comments and descriptions to conform to DC and DwC precedent. Added subClassOf relations to RO hasEvidence and isEvidenceFor. Specified preferred direction for inverse object property pairs.3.6Darwin Semantic Web
ISO 3166-1 Country Codes OntologyLCC_3166_1OntologyTerminology used by NFDI4BiodiversityThis ontology represents the subset of the ISO 3166 standard that include the actual ISO 3166-1 country codes, with the ontology and codes for the other parts of the standard represented in dependent models.3.6ISO 3166-1 Country Codes Ontology
ISO 3166-1 Country Codes Adjunct OntologyLCC_3166_1_ADJOntologyTerminology used by NFDI4BiodiversityThis ontology represents an additional set of URIs for ISO 3166-1 countries, based on their 2-char codes.3.6ISO 3166-1 Country Codes Adjunct Ontology
ISO 3166-2 Subdivision Codes OntologyLCC_3166_2OntologyTerminology used by NFDI4BiodiversityThis ontology defines the code set relevant to representation of subdivisions of countries, as required to support the ISO 3166-2 subdivision codes. The codes for each country are defined by country in subordinate, regional ontologies.3.6ISO 3166-2 Subdivision Codes Ontology
ISO 3166-2 Subdivision Codes Adjunct OntologyLCC_3166_2_ADJOntologyTerminology used by NFDI4BiodiversityThis ontology represents an additional set of URIs for ISO 3166-2 subdivisions, based on their 2-char+2/3 char codes.3.6ISO 3166-2 Subdivision Codes Adjunct Ontology
Grant agreement ID: FAIRDS05