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National Definitions


Interoperabilidad: La interoperabilidad se define como la capacidad de intercambiar y compartir datos entre sistemas o componentes informáticos sin la intervención de un tercero, de modo que la información o datos compartidos puedan ser utilizados sin requerir una comunicación previa. [1]


Interoperability is both operational / functional and technical:
(1) Operational / functional interoperability is the ability to work together effectively. Specifically, it is the ability of different jurisdictions or disciplines to provide services to and accept services from other jurisdictions or disciplines in a coordinated manner, and to use those services to operate more effectively together at an emergency. From a practical perspective, operational interoperability means that personnel from different jurisdictions or services perform as a team under a common command-and-control structure.
(2)Technical interoperability is the ability to communicate and exchange information and to integrate equipment and technical capabilities. It is the ability of systems to provide dynamic interactive information and data exchange among command, control, and communications elements for planning, coordinating, integrating, and executing response operations. [2]


Interoperabilidad: Habilidad de transferir y utilizar información de manera uniforme y eficiente entre varias organizaciones y sistemas de información. (Gobierno de Australia).

Habilidad de dos o más sistemas (computadoras, medios de comunicación, redes, software y otros componentes de tecnología de la información) de interactuar y de intercambiar datos de acuerdo con un método definido, con el fin de obtener los resultados esperados. (ISO).

El ejercicio de colaboración entre organizaciones para intercambiar información y conocimiento en el marco de sus procesos de negocio, con el propósito de facilitar la entrega de servicios en línea a ciudadanos, empresas y a otras entidades. (Marco de Interoperabilidad para el Gobierno en línea, Versión 2010). [3]

Czech Republic

Interoperabilita: Schopnost společně působit při plnění stanovených cílů, neboli schopnost systémů, jednotek či organizací poskytovat služby jiným systémům, jednotkám či organizacím a akceptovat je od nich a používat takto sdílené služby pro efektivní společnou činnost. [4]

Interoperability: Capability to act jointly in fulfilling set objectives, or the capability of systems, units or organizations to provide services to other systems, units or organizations and accept these from them and thus use shared services for an effective common activity. [4]


Interoperability: The ability of systems, units, or forces to provide services to and accept services from other systems, units or forces and to use the services so exchanged to enable them to operate effectively together. [5]

Interoperability: The condition achieved among communications-electronics systems or items of communications-electronics equipment when information or services can be exchanged directly and satisfactorily between them and/or their users. [5]

The degree of interoperability should be defined when referring to specific cases.


Interoperability The ability of disparate and diverse organisations to interact towards mutually beneficial and agreed common goals, involving the sharing of information and knowledge between the organisations, through the business processes they support, by means of the exchange of data between their respective ICT systems. [6]

Interoperability describes the ability and the instruments for the direct communication and cooperation between different systems and organizational units based upon common standards, technologies and concepts. Furthermore, interoperability needs a shared understanding of information and an adjustment of data structure. This means, for example, on a technical level that devices with different hardware can communicate in a network based on a common protocol. An example is the connection between a mobile phone and a computer over Bluetooth.


Interoperabilität ist die Fähigkeit zur Kombination und Interaktion verschiedener Systeme, Techniken oder Daten. [7]


Interoperabilidad: Habilidad de instituciones o sistemas dispares y diversos para interactuar con objetivos onsensuados y comunes; la interacción implica compartir información y conocimiento a través de sus procesos de gestión, mediante el intercambio de datos entre sus respectivos sistemas de tecnología de la información y las comunicaciones. [8]


Interoperabilidad: Es la capacidad de organizaciones y sistemas, dispares y diversos, para interactuar con objetivos consensuados y comunes, con la finalidad de obtener beneficios mutuos, en donde la interacción implica que las dependencias y entidades compartan infraestructura, información y conocimiento mediante el intercambio de datos entre sus respectivos sistemas de tecnología de información y comunicaciones. [9]

Cadena de Interoperabilidad: Es una secuencia de trámites interrelacionados entre sí con un objetivo o un resultado común, dichas relaciones están dadas por las necesidades de información tanto de datos como de documentos que requieren los trámites para ser efectuados. [10]


Interoperabilitate: abilitatea unor entităţi de a acţiona împreună în mod coerent şi eficient în scopul realizării obiectivelor tactice, operaţionale şi strategice, prin acceptarea doctrinelor şi procedurilor comune, folosirea în comun a unor elemente de infrastructură şi comunicare eficientă. [11]

{raw translation} Interoperability: the ability of entities to act together in a way coherent and effective to achieve tactical, operational and strategic, by accepting common doctrines and procedures, shared use efficient infrastructure and communication.


Inter-operabilitatea: Nivel al standardizării, ce constă în capacitatea sistemelor sau forţelor de a furniza şi accepta servicii către şi de la alte sisteme sau forţe cu care cooperează în mod eficient, în cadrul unor misiuni comune; concordanţa dintre forţele şi mijloacele avute la dispoziţie, respectiv dintre acţiunile a două sau mai multe unităţi care cooperează pentru îndeplinirea unei misiuni. [12]

South Africa

Interoperability: refers to the ability to make systems and organisations work together (inter-operate). [13]


Interoperabilidad: Capacidad de los sistemas de información, y por ende de los procedimientos a los que éstos dan soporte, de compartir datos y posibilitar el intercambio de información y conocimiento entre ellos. (Igual definición en Leyes 11/2007 y 18/2011) [14]

United States

Interoperability is the ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged. [15]

Interoperability: A measure of the ability of one set of entities to physically connect to and logically communicate with another set of entities. (from: NIST SP 800-130) [16]


Interoperability describes the extent to which systems and devices can exchange data, and interpret that shared data. For two systems to be interoperable, they must be able to exchange data and subsequently present that data such that it can be understood by a user. [17]

Standard Definition

Discussion Topic

See also
