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European Project Definitions

CIPRNet project

The CIPRNet project [1] uses the following definition:

A gateway is a technical interface component that makes a proprietary simulator compatible with the DIESIS schemes for dependency modelling, time synchronisation and simulation control. Synonyms used: federation adapter and federation simulation controller.

DIESIS project

The DIESIS project [2] gives the following definition:

A gateway is a technical interface component that makes a proprietary simulator compatible with the DIESIS schemes for dependency modelling, time synchronisation and simulation control. Synonyms used: federation adapter and federation simulation controller.

Other International Definitions

National Definitions


Gateway (in a communications network): a network node equipped for interfacing with another network that uses different protocols. [3]

Note 1: A gateway may contain devices such as protocol translators, impedance matching devices, rate converters, fault isolators, or signal translators as necessary to provide system interoperability. It also requires that mutually acceptable administrative procedures be established between the two networks. Note 2: A protocol translation/mapping gateway interconnects networks with different network protocol technologies by performing the required protocol conversions.


Gateway: Nel linguaggio informatico, sistema telematico che consente ad un utente di connettere le proprie banche dati a una banca dati centrale. [4]


ゲートウェイ: 同様の機能をもつが異なる実装がなされている 2 つ(以上)のコンピュータネットワークをつなぎ、あるネットワーク上のホストコンピュータが、他のネットワーク上にあるホストと通信することを可能にする中継メカニズム。; 2つのコンピュータ ネットワーク間のインターフェィスである中継システム.

(Cyber) A relay mechanism that attaches to two (or more) computer networks that have similar functions but dissimilar implementations and that enables host computers on one network to communicate with hosts on the other; an intermediate system that is the interface between two computer networks. [5]


Gateway: A point of entrance and exit to another system, such as the connection point between a local area network and an external communication network (WAN, Internet, etc.). [6]


Gateway: A network point that acts as an entrance to another network. [7]


Gateway - A network point that acts as an entrance to another network. [8]

United States

Gateway: An intermediate system (interface, relay) that attaches to two (or more) computer networks that have similar functions but dissimilar implementations and that enables either one-way or two-way communication between the networks. [9]

Standard Definition


An intermediate system (interface, relay) that attaches to two (or more) computer networks that have similar functions but dissimilar implementations and that enables either one-way or two-way communication between the networks. [10]

Discussion Topic

See also
