Critical Information Infrastructure Sector

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European Definitions


See: Council Directive 2022/2557 (CER Directive) and the NIS2 Directive

National Definitions


Chile's national critical information infrastructure is categorised by the following critical sectors: [1] [2]}}

  1. energía (energy)
  2. telecomunicaciones (telecommunications)
  3. agua (water)
  4. salud (health)
  5. servicios financieros (financial services)
  6. seguridad pública (public safety)
  7. transporte (transport)
  8. administración pública (civil service)
  9. protección civil (civil protection)
  10. defense(defence)

Costa Rica

Operador de Infraestructuras Críticas de Información: Son todas las organizaciones o entidades que operen sistemas físicos o virtuales, que ofrecen servicios esenciales para dar apoyo a los sistemas básicos a nivel social, educativo, económico, medioambiental y político. [3]


Ghana's national critical information infrastructure is categorised by the following critical sectors: [4]

  1. National Security and Intelligence
  2. Information and Communication Technology
  3. Banking and Finance
  4. Energy
  5. Water
  6. Transport
  7. Health
  8. Emergency Services
  9. Government
  10. Food and Agriculture
  11. Manufacturing
  12. Mining
  13. Education


The critical sectors which comprise Qatar's national critical infrastructure include but are not restricted to [5] [6] :

  1. Energy, Electricity, and Water (قطاع الطاقة والكهرباء والماء)
  2. Finance (القطاع الما ي ل)
  3. Government (القطاع الحكومي)
  4. Healthcare (قطاع الرعاية الصحية)
  5. Information and Communications Technology (قطاع تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات)
  6. Transportation (قطاع النقل والمواصلات)

Republic of Trinidad & Tobago

The national cyber security strategy recognizes the following critical information infrastructure sectors [7]:

  1. Banking and financial services
  2. Communications infrastructure
  3. Public health
  4. Public safety
  5. Public transportation
  6. Key infrastructure

Sierra Leone

The Critical National Information Infrastructure encompasses The Cyber Security and Crime Act 2021

  1. the security, defence or international relations of Siena Leone
  2. criminal law enforcement
  3. communications infrastructure
  4. banking and financial services
  5. public utilities
  6. public transportation
  7. public-key infrastructure
  8. public safety and essential emergency services.

United Arab Emirates

The United Arab Emirates' national information infrastructure is currently categorised by nine critical sectors [8] [9]:

  1. Energy (الطاقة)
  2. ICT (المعلومات الاتصالات وتقنية)
  3. Government (القطاع الحكومي)
  4. Electricy & Water (الكهرباء والمياه)
  5. Finance & Insurance (القطاع المالي والتأمين)
  6. Emergency Services (خدمات الطوارئ)
  7. Health Services (الخدمات الصحية)
  8. Transportation (المواصلات)
  9. Food & Agriculture (الغذاء والزراعة)


The 11 key cyber security protection areas (11 lĩnh vực) include [10]: (* 12 key areas are listed)

  1. transport,
  2. energy,
  3. natural resources and environment,
  4. information,
  5. health,
  6. finance,
  7. banking,
  8. defence,
  9. security,
  10. social order and safety,
  11. urban areas, and
  12. the Government's direction and administration.

See also

Critical Infrastructure Sector Critical Information Infrastructure

