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International Definitions


Authentication is the provision of assurance that a claimed characteristic of an entity is correct. [1]

National Definitions


Authentication: The process of verifying the identity of a user, process or device as a prerequisite to allowing access to resources in a system. [2]


Auteneticacão: Medida de segurança destinada a proteger as comunicações contra a transmissão/recepção de mensagens falsas. [3]


Authentication: [Any] Security measure designed to establish the validity of a transmission, message, or originator, or a means of verifying an individual’s eligibility to receive specific categories of information. [4]


L’authentification a pour but de vérifier l’identité dont une entité se réclame. [5]

Généralement l’authentification est précédée d’une identification qui permet à cette entité de se faire reconnaître du système par un élément dont on l’a doté. En résumé, s’identifier c’est communiquer son identité, s’authentifier c’est apporter la preuve de son identité.


Authentication is the process of verifying and securing the identity of a user or a program when accessing electronically secured data and systems or when performing communication processes. [6]

In the authentication process, a certain attribute of a user or system certifies authorized access to such systems or data, for example, a key (see public key cryptography), a smart card, a password, the user name or even biometrical traits (fingerprint). A higher security level can be achieved by the combination of different traits used for authentication.

Hong Kong

認證 : 用以辨識及證明嘗試發出信息或接達數據的用戶╱一方身份的 程序或方法。信息認證指用以證明特定資訊的完整性的程序。

Authentication: A process or method to identify and to prove the identity of a user/party who attempts to send message or access data. [7]


Autenticazione: Verifica dell’identità o di altre caratteristiche di un utente, di un dispositivo o di una procedura ovvero dell’originatore e dell’integrità dei dati. [8]

Costituisce spesso una condizione per accedere ai sistemi informativi e di comunicazione. A tal fine vengono frequentemente impiegati metodi che associano vari strumenti di riconoscimento, quali dati biometrici, tesserini identificativi, password, etc.


Authentication: A security measure designed to verify an individual's authorization to access computer or security information. [9]


Authenticatie is het nagaan of een bewijs van identiteit van een gebruiker, computer of applicatie overeenkomt met vooraf vastgelegde echtheidskenmerken. [10]

Het bewijzen en controleren van de geclaimde identiteit van een HANDELENDE PERSOON via een (set van) authenticatiemiddel(len) op een bepaald betrouwbaarheidsniveau. [11]


Authentication is the process of confirming the correctness of the claimed identity. [12]


Autentificare: Dovadă prin care se confirmă veridicitatea unui atac, document, înscris. [13]


Authentification: L'authentification pour un système informatique est un processus permettant au système de s'assurer de la légitimité de la demande d'accès faite par une entité (être humain ou un autre système) afin d'autoriser l'accès de cette entité à des ressources du système (systèmes, réseaux, applications) conformément au paramétrage du contrôle d'accès. [14]

United States

Verifying the identity of a user, process, or device, often as a prerequisite to allowing access to resources in an information system. [15]

Other definitions


Authentication is the process of verifying that someone or something is the actual entity that they claim to be. [16]

Authentication is what happens when you log into a system. It compares your credentials (often user name and password) with a previously established known value such that the system can know that you are who you say you are. For sensitive systems, there is a trend toward using two factor authentication (2FA) which essentially means that users must supply two different secrets, usually one is a password (something they know) and the other is a pin supplied via text (verifying something they have).

International Standard


Authentication: Provision of assurance that a claimed characteristic of an identity is correct. [17]

Authentication: The process of verifying an identity claimed by or for a system entity. [18]

ISO/IEC - ISO/IEC 27000:2014

Authentication is a process that is used to confirm that a claimed characteristic of an entity is actually correct. To authenticate is to verify that a characteristic or attribute that appears to be true is in fact true. [19]

See also

