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==== [[Denmark]]====
==== [[Denmark]]====
{{definition|National Risk Profile for Denmark, April 2018. <ref>[https://brs.dk/globalassets/brs---beredskabsstyrelsen/dokumenter/krisestyring-og-beredskabsplanlagning/2020/-national_risk_profile_for_denmark_2017_lowres-.pdf Denmark's National Risk Profile]</ref>}}<br/>
{{definition|National Risk Profile for Denmark, April 2018. <ref>[https://brs.dk/globalassets/brs---beredskabsstyrelsen/dokumenter/krisestyring-og-beredskabsplanlagning/2020/-national_risk_profile_for_denmark_2017_lowres-.pdf Denmark's National Risk Profile]</ref>}}<br/>
{{definition|. <ref>[https://brs.dk/globalassets/brs---beredskabsstyrelsen/dokumenter/krisestyring-og-beredskabsplanlagning/2020/-nationalt_risikobillede_2013-.pdf DK National Risk Billede (2013)]</ref>}}<br/><br/>
{{definition|National Risk Billede (2013) <ref>[https://brs.dk/globalassets/brs---beredskabsstyrelsen/dokumenter/krisestyring-og-beredskabsplanlagning/2020/-nationalt_risikobillede_2013-.pdf DK National Risk Billede (2013)]</ref>}}<br/><br/>
==== [[Netherlands]]====
==== [[Netherlands]]====

Revision as of 14:50, 19 December 2020


National Definitions


National Risk Profile for Denmark, April 2018. [1]

National Risk Billede (2013) [2]


[Dutch] In de nationale risicobeoordeling worden de dreigingen die in de thematische verdieping in scenario’s zijn uitgewerkt langs één meetlat gelegd op basis van een vooraf overeengekomen model, de methodiek NRB. [3]

Scenario’s zijn bijvoorbeeld overstromingen, pandemieën en incidenten met een moedwillige oorzaak. Voor de methodiek NRB worden de scenario’s op eenduidige manier beschreven, onderbouwd met cijfers en geaggregeerd. Op deze manier worden de risico’s voor de nationale veiligheid vergelijkbaar en wordt rangschikking naar (beleids)prioriteit mogelijk. Geïntegreerde risicoanalyse Nationale Veiligheid 2019. [4]


Estimare informativă de interes naţional: Evaluarea a informaţiilor din domeniul economic, diplomatic, militar şi de altă natură, aflate la dispoziţia factorilor decizionali, la un moment dat, cu referire la situaţia operativă, la nivelul întregii ţări, în scopul identificării posibilelor ameninţări la adresa unor obiective socialpolitice şi adoptării celor mai eficiente decizii pentru statul respectiv. [5]

United Kingdom

The full and classified assessment of the likelihood and potential impact of a range of different risks that might directly affect the UK. [6]

Through the National Risk Assessment (NRA), the Government monitors the most significant risks of terrorism and other malicious acts, major accidents and natural hazards–collectively known as civil emergencies- that the United Kingdom and its citizens could face over the next five years. This assessment is conducted annually and draws on expertise from a wide range of departments and agencies of government. The NRA takes into account the impacts of emergencieson human welfare, including the social disruption that is caused by civil emergencies, and on economic output. [7]

See also
