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==== [[Kazakhstan]]====
==== [[Kazakhstan]]====
{{definition|DDoS - шабуыл (ағылш. Distributed Denial-of-Service) – кең таралған және қауіпті желілік шабуылдардың бірі болып табылатын қызмет көрсетуден бас тарту түріндегі үлестірілген шабуыл. Шабуыл нәтижесінде заңды пайдаланушыларға, желілерге, жүйелер мен өзге де ресурстарға қызмет көрсету бұзылады немесе толық істен шығарылады.<br/><br/>DDoS - (от англ. Distributed Denial-of-Service) – распределенная атака типа отказ в обслуживании, которая являет собой одну из самых распространенных и опасных сетевых атак. В результате атаки нарушается или полностью блокируется обслуживание законных пользователей, сетей, систем и иных ресурсов.<br/><br/>DDoS - distributed denial-of-service attack is an attempt to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users. A DoS attack generally consists of efforts to temporarily or indefinitely interrupt or suspend services of a host connected to the Internet. As clarification, distributed denial-of-service attacks are sent by two or more people, or bots, and denial-of-service attacks are sent by one person or system. <ref>[http://www.cert.gov.kz/en/glossary CERT.Gov.KZ Glossary]</ref>}}<br/><br/>
{{definition|DDoS - шабуыл (ағылш. Distributed Denial-of-Service) – кең таралған және қауіпті желілік шабуылдардың бірі болып табылатын қызмет көрсетуден бас тарту түріндегі үлестірілген шабуыл. Шабуыл нәтижесінде заңды пайдаланушыларға, желілерге, жүйелер мен өзге де ресурстарға қызмет көрсету бұзылады немесе толық істен шығарылады.<br/><br/>DDoS - (от англ. Distributed Denial-of-Service) – распределенная атака типа отказ в обслуживании, которая являет собой одну из самых распространенных и опасных сетевых атак. В результате атаки нарушается или полностью блокируется обслуживание законных пользователей, сетей, систем и иных ресурсов.<br/><br/>DDoS - distributed denial-of-service attack is an attempt to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users. A DoS attack generally consists of efforts to temporarily or indefinitely interrupt or suspend services of a host connected to the Internet. As clarification, distributed denial-of-service attacks are sent by two or more people, or bots, and denial-of-service attacks are sent by one person or system. <ref>[http://www.cert.gov.kz/en/glossary CERT.Gov.KZ Glossary]</ref>}}<br/><br/>
==== [[Kosovo]] ====
{{definition|Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS): Means a type of denial of service attack in which an attacker uses a malicious code installed on various computers to attack a single targe. <ref>[https://mpb.rks-gov.net/Uploads/Documents/Pdf/EN/2692/Strategjia%20p%C3%ABr%20Siguri%20Kibernetike%20-%20ENG..pdf National Cyber Security Strategy and Action Plan 2023 – 2026 (2023)]</ref>}}<br/>
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===Standard Definition===
===Standard Definition===
===Other Definitions=== -->
===Other Definitions=== -->
=== Regional Definitions ===
====[[Isle of Man]]====
{{definition|Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDoS) - A cyber-attack that stops users from accessing a service or resource, by overloading that service with requests. <ref>[https://csc.gov.im/media/qd2p4o2z/approved-national-cyber-security-strategy-1.pdf Isle of Man National Cyber Security Strategy (2022-2027)]</ref>}}<br/>
=== [[Dictionary]]===
=== [[Dictionary]]===
{{definition|Denial of Service aanval: Aanval waarbij men probeert om een computer, netwerk of dienstverlening uit te schakelen voor de gewone gebruiker of klant. Zet men hiervoor meer computers in, dan gaat het om een Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS-aanval).  <ref>[https://www.cybersecurityalliantie.nl/ecp_images/2021/12/Cybersecurity-Woordenboek-2021_ZonderSpreads.pdf Cybersecurity Woordenboek 2021]</ref>}}<br/><br/>
{{definition|Denial of Service aanval: Aanval waarbij men probeert om een computer, netwerk of dienstverlening uit te schakelen voor de gewone gebruiker of klant. Zet men hiervoor meer computers in, dan gaat het om een Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS-aanval).  <ref>[https://www.cybersecurityalliantie.nl/ecp_images/2021/12/Cybersecurity-Woordenboek-2021_ZonderSpreads.pdf Cybersecurity Woordenboek 2021]</ref>}}<br/><br/>
{{#set:defined by=Dictionary}}
{{#set:defined by=Dictionary}}
==See also==
==See also==
* [[Availability]]
* [[Availability]]
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[[Category:Protection]][[Category:Resilience]][[Category:Civil Protection]]
[[Category:Protection]][[Category:Resilience]][[Category:Civil Protection]]
{{#set:defined by=ECA|defined by=Australia|defined by=Bermuda|defined by=Cameroon|defined by=Cameroun|defined by=Canada|defined by=Czech Republic|defined by=Burkina-Faso|defined by=Eswatini|defined by=France|defined by=Germany|defined by=Hong Kong|defined by=Jamaica|defined by=Kazakhstan|defined by=Kuwait|defined by=Lebanon|defined by=Liberia|defined by=Netherlands|defined by= Philippines|defined by=Senegal|defined by=Singapore|defined by=Tunisia|defined by=Togo|defined by=United Kingdom|defined by=United States|defined by=DHS|defined by=NIST|defined by=Financial Stability Board}}
{{#set:defined by=ECA|defined by=Australia|defined by=Bermuda|defined by=Cameroon|defined by=Cameroun|defined by=Canada|defined by=Czech Republic|defined by=Burkina-Faso|defined by=Eswatini|defined by=France|defined by=Germany|defined by=Hong Kong|defined by=Jamaica|defined by=Kazakhstan|defined by=Kosovo|defined by=Kuwait|defined by=Lebanon|defined by=Liberia|defined by=Netherlands|defined by= Philippines|defined by=Senegal|defined by=Singapore|defined by=Tunisia|defined by=Togo|defined by=United Kingdom|defined by=United States|defined by=DHS|defined by=NIST|defined by=Financial Stability Board|defined by=Isle of Man}}
{{#set: Showmainpage=Yes}}
{{#set: Showmainpage=Yes}}

Latest revision as of 16:38, 11 July 2024


European Definitions


Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS): A cyberattack preventing legitimate users from accessing an online service or resource by flooding it with more requests than it can handle. [1]

[BG] Разпределена атака тип „отказ от обслужване“ (DDoS): Кибератака, която пречи на легитимните потребители да получат достъп до онлайн услуга или ресурс, като я натоварват с повече заявки, отколкото може да поеме.

[CS] Distribuované odepření služby (DDoS, Distributed Denial of Service): Kybernetický útok zabraňující oprávněným uživatelům v přístupu k on-line službě nebo zdroji tím, že je zahlcuje větším množstvím požadavků, než mohou zvládnout.

[DE] Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS): Cyberangriff, der die rechtmäßigen Nutzer am Zugang zu Online-Diensten oder -Ressourcen hindert, indem diese mit Anfragen überlastet werden.

[DK] Distribueret Denial of Service (DDoS): Et cyberangreb, der forhindrer legitime brugere i at få adgang til en onlinetjeneste eller -ressource ved at oversvømme den med flere anmodninger, end den kan klare.

[ES] Denegación de servicio distribuido (DDoS): Ciberataque para impedir que los usuarios legítimos accedan a servicios o recursos en línea inundándolos de más solicitudes de las que pueden gestionar.

[NE] Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS): Een cyberaanval die het legitieme gebruikers onmogelijk maakt toegang te krijgen tot een onlinedienst of -bron door deze dienst of bron te overspoelen met meer verzoeken dan deze aankan.

Other International Definitions

National Definitions


Denial of service: Deliberate compromise of the availability of IT systems. [2]

Denial-of-Service (DoS): An attack that is used to stop an online system (such as a website) from being available to legitimate users. [3]

These attacks often flood targeted systems with requests until they are unable to respond.


Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS): the intentional paralyzing of a computer network by flooding it with data sent simultaneously from many individual computers. [4]


Déni de service (Deny of service ou Denial of Service ou DoS): Ensemble de techniques d’attaques, venant d’une même source, ayant pour but d’interrompre la fonction d’un serveur et de le rendre indisponible. [5]

La méthode la plus classique consiste à faire crouler le serveur sous une masse de requêtes généralement mal formées pour entraîner une réponse anormale et paralysante. Une attaque distribuée venant de plusieurs sources est appelée DDoS.

DoS, DDoS, Sabotage: By this kind of an attack a system is bombarded with so many packets that the operations are delayed or the system crashes. [5]

Examples of a remote DoS are SYS-a. PING-flooding or E-mail bombing (DDoS: TFN, Trinity, etc.) However, the availability also can be affected by local actions (destruction, disruption of power supply, etc.).

Cameroon (Cameroun)

Déni de service distribué : attaque simultanée des ressources du système d’information ou du réseau de communications électroniques, afin de les saturer et amplifier les effets d’entrave. [6]


Denial of Service attack: Any activity that makes a service unavailable for use by legitimate users, or that delays system operations and functions.

Distributed Denial-of-Service attack: An attack in which multiple compromised systems are used to attack a single target. The flood of incoming messages to the target system forces it to shut down and denies service to legitimate users. [7]

Attaque par déni de service: L’attaque par déni de service (DoS pour Denial of Service) consiste en une activité visant à rendre un service inutilisable ou à ralentir l’exploitation et les fonctions d’un système donné.
Attaque par déni de service distribué: Attaque par laquelle une multitude de systèmes compromis visent une même cible. Le flux de messages envoyés est tel qu’il provoque une panne du système ciblé et l’interruption des services offerts aux utilisateurs légitimes. [8]

Czech Republic

Distribuované odmítnutí služby: Distribuované odmítnutí služby je technika útoku na internetové služby nebo stránky, při níž dochází k přehlcení požadavky a k pádu nebo nefunkčnosti a nedostupnosti systému pro ostatní uživatele a to útokem mnoha koordinovaných útočníků. [9]

Distributed denial of service (DDoS): Distributed denial of service is the technique of attack by many coordinated attackers on the internet services or pages resulting in flooding by requests or breakdown or unfunctionality or unavailability of the system for other users. [9]

Odmítnutí služby: Odmítnutí služby je technika útoku na internetové služby nebo stránky, při níž dochází k přehlcení požadavky a k pádu nebo nefunkčnosti a nedostupnosti systému pro ostatní uživatele a to útokem mnoha koordinovaných útočníků. [9]

Denial of service (DoS): Denial of service is the technique of attack by many coordinated attackers on the internet services or pages resulting in flooding by requests or breakdown or unfunctionality or unavailability of the system for other users. [9]


Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS): A cyber-attack where the perpetrator seeks to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users by temporarily or indefinitely disrupting services of a host connected to the Internet; this sort of attack is typically accomplished by flooding the targeted machine or resource with superfluous requests in an attempt to overload systems and prevent some or all legitimate requests from being fulfilled. [10]


Déni de service (DoS): attaque informatique ayant pour but de rendre indisponible un service en submergent ses ressources informatiques de traffic inutile. Lorsque l'attaque est conduite à l'aide de plusieurs source de traffic malveillant, on parle de déni de service distribué (DDoS). [11]


Denial of Service–Angriff: Bei Denial of Service–Angriffen (DoS, Verweigerung eines Dienstes) wird ein Dienst durch eine Vielzahl von Anfragen, z.B. an einen Web–Server, blockiert.
Distributed Denial of Service–Angriff: Das Grundprinzip beim Distributed Denial of Service–Angriff (DDoS) ist gleich wie bei einem Denial of Service, allerdings wird die Intensität der störenden Anfragen dadurch drastisch erhöht, dass diese von einer Vielzahl von Rechnern generiert werden. [12]

Hong Kong

攻擊者嘗試阻止用家使用網上資訊或服務。這類攻擊的例子計 有大量的 SYN,「致命小包」,小包氾濫及 Ping 氾濫等。 拒絕服務 <br/
Denial-of-Service: An attacker attempts to prevent legitimate users from accessing information or services. Examples of such attacks are SYN flood, Ping O death, packet flooding and Ping flooding. [13]

利用多台電腦向同一目標系統同時發動拒絕服務攻擊。 分布式拒絕服務攻擊

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS): An attack using multiple computers to launch denial-of-service (DoS) attacks at the same time against a targeted system. [14]


Denial of Service – is a malicious attempt to make a server or a network resource unavailable to users, usually by temporarily interrupting or suspending the services of a host connected to the Internet usually by flooding the target resource with external communication requests. [15]


DDoS - шабуыл (ағылш. Distributed Denial-of-Service) – кең таралған және қауіпті желілік шабуылдардың бірі болып табылатын қызмет көрсетуден бас тарту түріндегі үлестірілген шабуыл. Шабуыл нәтижесінде заңды пайдаланушыларға, желілерге, жүйелер мен өзге де ресурстарға қызмет көрсету бұзылады немесе толық істен шығарылады.

DDoS - (от англ. Distributed Denial-of-Service) – распределенная атака типа отказ в обслуживании, которая являет собой одну из самых распространенных и опасных сетевых атак. В результате атаки нарушается или полностью блокируется обслуживание законных пользователей, сетей, систем и иных ресурсов.

DDoS - distributed denial-of-service attack is an attempt to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users. A DoS attack generally consists of efforts to temporarily or indefinitely interrupt or suspend services of a host connected to the Internet. As clarification, distributed denial-of-service attacks are sent by two or more people, or bots, and denial-of-service attacks are sent by one person or system. [16]


Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS): Means a type of denial of service attack in which an attacker uses a malicious code installed on various computers to attack a single targe. [17]


Denial of Service: the prevention of authorized access to resources or the delaying of time-critical operations. [18]


Denial of Service: A denial-of-service (DoS) is any type of attack where the attackers (hackers) attempt to prevent legitimate users from accessing the service.
Distibuted Denial of Service (DDoS): A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) is a DoS attack from multiple sources. [19]


Denial-of-service attack: Flooding the networks or servers of individuals or organizations with false data requests so they are unable to respond to requests from legitimate users. [20]


Denial of Service is de benaming voor een type aanval die een bepaalde dienst (bijvoorbeeld een website) niet beschikbaar maakt voor de gebruikelijke afnemers. Bij websites wordt meestal een DDoS-aanval uitgevoerd. [21]

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is een vorm van DoS waarbij een bepaalde dienst (bijvoorbeeld een website) niet beschikbaar wordt gemaakt door deze te bestoken met veel netwerkverkeer vanuit een groot aantal verschillende bronnen. [21]

(Distributed) Denial of Service (DoS): Een actie waarbij wordt geprobeerd een computer, een systeem of telecommunicatienetwerk zo te belasten of te manipuleren, dat deze wordt uitgeschakeld en niet meer beschikbaar is voor (bevoegde) gebruikers. DoS houdt in dat een computer continu ‘aangevallen’ wordt door bijvoorbeeld e-mail of ander netwerkverkeer. [22]

New Zealand

Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDoS): A cyber attack that stops users from accessing a service or resource, by overloading that service with requests. [23]


Denial of Service (DOS): Interruption in an authorised user's access to a computer network, typically with malicious intent. A DOS attack is a cyber-attack where the perpetrator seeks to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users by temporarily or indefinitely disrupting services of a host connected to the Internet or the organisation’s Intranet. [24]

Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS): Denial of Service attacks are launched from multiple connected devices that are distributed across the Internet or the organisation’s Intranet. [25]


Dénis de services distribués (« DDoS »: un type d’attaque rendant un service inaccessible aux bénéficiaires habituels du service. Il s’agit d’ne technique perturbant fortement le fonctionnement normal du système par un grand nombre de requêtes. [26]


Denial of Service (DoS) / Distributed DoS (DDoS): Where an attacker attempts to prevent legitimate users from accessing information or services online. The most common and obvious type of DoS attack occurs when an attacker "floods" a network with information. In a distributed DoS attack, an attacker takes unauthorised control of multiple computers, which may be harnessed as a botnet, to launch a DoS attack. [27]


Déni de service : attaque par saturation d'une ressource du système d'information ou du réseau de communications électroniques, afin qu'il s'effondre et ne puisse plus réaliser les services attendus de lui.

Déni de service distribué: attaque simultanée des ressources du système d'information ou du réseau de communications électroniques, afin de les saturer et amplifier les effets d'entrave; [28]


Denial of Service (Deny of Service or DoS): A set of attacking techniques, coming from the same source, intended to interrupt the function of a server and make it unavailable. [29]

The most common method is to cram the server under a mass of queries usually poorly formed to cause an abnormal response and paralyzing. A distributed attack from multiple sources is called DDoS.

United Kingdom

Distributed denial-of-service attack: Where many networked devices try to communicate with another at the same time, causing the targeted device to be significantly slower to respond or cease to function. [30]

United States

Denial of Service is an attack that prevents or impairs the authorized use of information system resources or services. [31]

Distributed denial of service is a Denial of Service technique that uses numerous systems to perform the attack simultaneously. [31]

Financial Stability Board
Denial of Service (DoS): prevention of authorised access to information or information systems; or the delaying of information system operations and functions, with resultant loss of availability to authorised users. Source: Adapted from ISO/IEC 27033-1:2015. [32]

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS): A denial of service that is carried out using numerous sources simultaneously. [33]

Denial of Service: Actions that prevent the system from functioning in accordance with its intended purpose (from: NIST SP 800-24) [34]

Denial of Service: The prevention of authorized access to resources or the delaying of time-critical operations. (Time-critical may be milliseconds or it may be hours, depending upon the service provided) (from: NIST SP 800-27 Rev A) [34]

Denial of Service: The prevention of authorized access to resources or the delaying of time-critical operations. (from: NIST SP 800-33) [34]

Regional Definitions

Isle of Man

Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDoS) - A cyber-attack that stops users from accessing a service or resource, by overloading that service with requests. [35]


Denial of Service aanval: Aanval waarbij men probeert om een computer, netwerk of dienstverlening uit te schakelen voor de gewone gebruiker of klant. Zet men hiervoor meer computers in, dan gaat het om een Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS-aanval). [36]

See also



  1. Jump up European Court of Auditors, Challenges to effective EU cybersecurity policy, Briefing Paper, March 2019
  2. Jump up Protective Security Policy Framework - Glossary Oct 2017
  3. Jump up on-line glossary Stay Safe On-line
  4. Jump up National Cyber Security Strategy 2018-2022
  5. Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 CIRT-BF Glossary
  7. Jump up Glossary - Canadian Centre for Cyber Security
  8. Jump up Glossaire - Centre Canadien pour la Cybersécurité
  9. Jump up to: 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 [1]
  11. Jump up Revue stratégique de cyberdéfense 12 février 2018
  12. Jump up Bericht des Rechnungshofes: Management der IT–Sicherheit in der ¬Verwaltung ausgewählter Bundesministerien
  13. Jump up Information Security Glossary
  14. Jump up Information Security Glossary
  15. Jump up Jamaica's National Cyber Security Strategy
  16. Jump up CERT.Gov.KZ Glossary
  17. Jump up National Cyber Security Strategy and Action Plan 2023 – 2026 (2023)
  18. Jump up Glossary Communication and Information Technology Regulatory
  19. Jump up Lebanon Cyber Security Strategy v2
  20. Jump up Government of Liberia’s Policy for the Telecommunications and Information Communications Technology (ICT) sectors
  21. Jump up to: 21.0 21.1 Cyber Security Beeld Nederland 2018
  22. Jump up Handreiking Cybercrime (2012)
  23. Jump up New Zealand’s Cyber Security Strategy (2019)
  24. Jump up NHS Cyber security glossary
  25. Jump up NHS Cyber security glossary
  27. Jump up Singapore Cyber Landscape 2017
  28. Jump up Loi n°2018-026 sur la Cybersécurité et la lutte contre la cybercrinminalité (2022)
  29. Jump up ANSI Glossary
  30. Jump up Secure by Design: Improving the cyber security of consumer Internet of Things Report (2018)
  31. Jump up to: 31.0 31.1 DHS/NICSS Glossary
  32. Jump up Financial Stability Board, Cyber Lexicon (Nov. 12, 2018)
  33. Jump up Financial Stability Board, Cyber Lexicon (Nov. 12, 2018)
  34. Jump up to: 34.0 34.1 34.2 NIST Glossary
  35. Jump up Isle of Man National Cyber Security Strategy (2022-2027)
  36. Jump up Cybersecurity Woordenboek 2021