Model Based Systems Engineering

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Model Based Systems Engineering
Relevant für Projekte aus der ASE-Initiative AdWiSE
Stadium Up-to-date

ASE-Definition (dt.)

Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) ist ein multidisziplinärer Ansatz mit dem Ziel, eine ausgewogene Systemlösung als Reaktion auf diverse Stakeholder-Bedürfnisse zu entwickeln. MBSE hilft dem Ingenieur den Überblick über komplexe Systeme zu behalten, den Zusammenhang zu verstehen und die Spezifikation und damit alle definierten Anforderungen zu erfüllen. Während klassische Methoden des Systems Engineerings papier- oder dokumentenbasiert sind, basiert MBSE auf digitalen Systemmodellen.

ASE-Definition (engl.)

​Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) is the formalized application of modeling to support system requirements, design, analysis, verification and validation activities beginning in the conceptual design phase and continuing throughout development and later life cycle phases. MBSE is part of a long-term trend toward model-centric approaches adopted by other engineering disciplines, including mechanical, electrical and software. In particular, MBSE is expected to replace the document-centric approach that has been practiced by systems engineers in the past and to influence the future practice of systems engineering by being fully integrated into the definition of systems engineering processes.


International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) (2007): Systems Engineering Vision 2020, p.15

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Systems Engineering, Digitaler Zwilling