Additional Information

What size should I make my poster?
The poster is expected to follow the International Standards Organization (ISO) poster size format (A0) in portrait orientation. The dimensions for A0 format are 84cm x 119cm, or approximately 33″ x 47″.  You should bring your own blue tack or pins.

Will any audiovisual equipment be provided?
The only equipment provided will be the overhead projector, therefore please bring your own laptop. We regret we are unable to provide any other equipment or technical support. Hence if you bring other equipment we cannot even say if power will be available!

How long is each presentation?
Each slot is around 30 minutes long, so you should prepare your presentation to last around 20 minutes, with 5-10 minutes for questions.  We will stop presenters who exceed their time limit.

Can I bring additional materials?
Yes within reason, for example you may wish to bring fliers or leaflets to hand out during the workshop. Also if you have an idea for making your presentation more interactive then you should contact us regarding the specifics, we welcome alternatives to the normal presentation style.

Where can I get the proceedings?
The proceedings will be available for download shortly via a hidden URL. We will send you the link when they are available.

Will printed copies of the proceedings be provided?

I am unable to register for the workshop, what should I do?

If you have not received your workshop registration code please contact us, we cannot assist with the actual process of registering with CHI. Please contact the CHI organisers if you are experiencing problems.

Is there any news about the journal publication?
The precise dates, submission process and requirements for the journal will be announced during or shortly after the workshop. Our intention is to let all those who have presented work (either in poster or paper form) submit a paper to the journal.

Where is the workshop?
We do not have precise information regarding the room, however it will take place at the CHI main venue. Please check information at the venue when you arrive.
Venue information:

Are there any plans for lunch and dinner?
We do plan to have a workshop lunch and dinner, an announcement will be made during the workshop.

What is the status of my workshop (extended abstract) publication?
Please note workshop publications do not appear in the CHI proceedings, therefore it does not count as an archived publication.

Who is organising the workshop?

The workshop is being organised by various members of the EU funded IPCity project ( with assistance of additional members of the programme committee.

Reviewing process?
All extended abstracts were reviewed by a number of experts, only those passing a certain score were invited for presentation or as posters.

Will notepads or other stationary be provided?

Due to cost constraints no, please bring these with you. We will endeavour to supply common items which are specifically required by the workshop participants.

Any other points I should know about?

The purpose of CHI workshops is to advance knowledge in the field by exploring areas which as yet remain somewhat fluid with regards to formal approaches etc. As such as the end of the workshop we have to devise a poster which will be on display for the duration of CHI. Therefore please keep a note of any topics or questions which you find particularly relevant or challenging during the workshop.

Any other questions:

Please contact (Rod McCall)