Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

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A whole family of terms denote the accessing of measuring devices, automated analysis, human understandable display and interactive control, and the control of actuators, such as: Industrial Automation and Control Systems, Industrial Control Systems, Process Control Systems, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, and Distributed Control Systems. The Cyber Security aspects and Good Practices are discussed in [1]


Other International Definitions

International Society of Automation (ISA)

A generic name for a computerized system that is capable of gathering and processing data and applying operational controls over long distances. Typical uses include power transmission and distribution and pipeline systems. SCADA was designed for the unique communication challenges (delays, data integrity, etc.) posed by the various media that must be used, such as phone lines, microwave, and satellite. Usually shared rather than dedicated. [2]

National Definitions


SCADA is het verzamelen, doorsturen, verwerken en visualiseren met meet- en regelsignalen van verschillende machines of toestellen in industriële procescontrolesystemen. [3]
SCADA consiste à collecter, transmettre, traiter et visualizer des signeaux de mesure et de regulation de different appareils ou machines dans des systèmes de contrôle de processus industriels. [4]


SCADA: Sistimi impiegatie per il monitoraggio ed il controllo di impianti e dispositivi in settori quali il controllo del traffico (aereo, ferroviaro, automobilistico), della gestione dei sistemi di transport dei fluidi, della distribuzione dellénergia electrica, della gestione delle line di produzione che realizzano I processi industriali, e del telerilevamento ambientale. [5]

SCADA: systems employed in the monitoring and control of plants and equipment in sectors such as traffic control (air, rail, automobile), the control of systems of fluids transportation (aqueducts, pipeline, etc.), of the distribution of the electrical energy, managing production lines that realise industrial processes and remote environmental detection surveys. [6]


Industriële controlesystemen (ook Supervisory Control And Data Acqusition, SCADA genoemd) zijn meet- en regelsystemen, bijvoorbeeld voor de aansturing van industriële processen of gebouwbeheersystemen. ICS’en verzamelen en verwerken meet- en regelsignalen van sensoren in fysieke systemen en regelen de aansturing van de bijbehorende machines of apparaten. [7]

United States

SCADA is a system of remote control and telemetry used to monitor and control the transmission system. [8]

SCADA is a generic name for a computerized system that is capable of gathering and processing data and applying operational controls over long distances. [9]

SCADA systems are highly distributed systems used to control geographically dispersed assets, often scattered over thousands of square kilometers, where centralized data acquisition and control are critical to system operation. They are used in distribution systems such as water distribution and wastewater collection systems, oil and natural gas pipelines, electrical power grids, and railway transportation systems. A SCADA control center performs centralized monitoring and control for field sites over long-distance communications networks, including monitoring alarms and processing status data. Based on information received from remote stations, automated or operator-driven supervisory commands can be pushed to remote station control devices, which are often referred to as field devices. Field devices control local operations such as opening and closing valves and breakers, collecting data from sensor systems, and monitoring the local environment for alarm conditions [10].

SCADA systems consist of both hardware and software. Typical hardware includes an MTU placed at a control center, communications equipment (e.g., radio, telephone line, cable, or satellite), and one or more geographically distributed field sites consisting of either an RTU or a PLC, which controls actuators and/or monitors sensors. The MTU stores and processes the information from RTUinputs and outputs, while the RTU or PLC controls the local process. The communications hardware allows the transfer of information and data back and forth between the MTU and the RTUs or PLCs. The software is programmed to tell the system what and when to monitor, what parameter ranges are acceptable, and what response to initiate when parameters change outside acceptable values. [10]

SCADA systems are usually designed to be fault-tolerant systems with significant redundancy built into the system architecture. [10]

See also


Distributed Control System (DCS) refers to control achieved by intelligence that is distributed about the process to be controlled, rather than by a centrally located single unit. [11]
