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European Definitions


Any individual, group or organization that can affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to be affected by, a risk (ISO/IEC Guide 73). [1]

Risk perception depends on the stakeholder’s needs, issues and knowledge. Risk perception can differ from objective data.

European Project Definitions

CIPRNet project

The CIPRNet project [2] uses the following definition:

Stakeholder is a person or organization that can affect, be affected by, or perceive themselves to be affected by a decision or activity.

Key stakeholders of CIPRNet are: (1) Governmental CIP/CIR policy-makers; (2) CI operators; (3) Public crisis management/emergency management organisations; (4) Private sector crisis management/emergency management (e.g. of CI operators); (5) CIP R&D community (academic and applied R&D).

National Definitions


Stakeholder: Tutti coloro (persone, gruppi, organizzazioni, istituzioni) che hanno interesse per l’operato dell’impresa, a maggior ragione se tale operato produce nei loro confronti un impatto diretto sul piano economico – come per gli azionisti, i dipendenti, i clienti e i fornitori – ma anche se la relazione è più indiretta e lontana, come nel caso dell’interesse della collettività alla preservazione dell’ambiente. [3]

United Kingdom

Stakeholder: People, including organisations, who have an investment, financial or otherwise, in the consequences of any decisions taken. [4]

Standard Definition

ISO 22300:2012(en)

Person or group of people that holds a view that can affect the organization.[5]

ISO 31000:2009(en)

Person or organization that can affect, be affected by, or perceive themselves to be affected by a decision or activity. [6]

See also


  1. ENISA Risk Glossary
  3. Glossary Italian power operator Terna
  4. The National Adaptation Programme Making the country resilient to a changing climate, 2013
  5. ISO 22300:2012(en) Societal security — Terminology
  6. ISO 31000:2009(en) Risk Management Principles and Guidelines