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Also visit computer simulation and related terms under See also.

National Definitions (wider than computer-simulation)


Simulacion: Ejercicio de escritorio, con juego de roles, que se lleva a cabo en una sala. [1]

Czech Republic

Simulace: Použití systému zpracování dat k vyjádření vybraných vlastností chování fyzického nebo abstraktního systému. [2]

Simulation: Use of a data processing system to extract selected properties in the behaviour of a physical or abstract system. [2]


Simulation: Representations of real or hypothetical processes, mechanisms or systems. [3]

Through these structured processes, stakeholders can “play out” scenarios that

simulate possible real world environments of interest, typically for the purpose of analysis or education.

Sri Lanka

Simulation: The use of a data processing system to represent selected behavioral characteristics of a physical or abstract system. [4]

See also
