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European Definitions

Plant and apparatus connected together in order to transmit or distribute electrical power. [1]

National Definitions



Network refers to a system that collects, stores, transmits, exchanges and processes information according to certain rules and procedures, consisting of computers or other information terminals and related equipment. Cite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag

Czech Republic

Síť: Množina počítačových terminálů (pracovních stanic) a serverů, které jsou vzájemně propojeny, aby si navzájem vyměňovaly data a mohly spolu komunikovat. [2]

Network is a set of computer terminals (workstations) and servers which are mutually interconnected in order to exchange data and communicate. [3]

United Kingdom

Network (computer) is a collection of host computers, together with the sub-network or inter-network, through which they can exchange data. [4]

United States

A group of components that share information or interact with each other to perform a function. [5]
Information system(s) implemented with a collection of interconnected components. [6]

Such components may include routers, hubs, cabling, telecommunications controllers, key distribution centers, and technical control devices.

Standard Definition


An information system comprised of a collection of interconnected nodes. [7]

See also
