National Critical Infrastructure

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This refers to the definition of Critical Infrastructures and Critical Infrastructure Sectors by nations.

International Definitions


Critical Infrastructure which, if disrupted or destroyed, would have a serious impact on the health, safety, security or economic well-being of nations or the effective functioning of governments in EAPC nations. [1]

National Definitions


Nationale kritieke infrastructuur is kritieke infrastructuur op het Belgisch grondgebied waarvan de verstoring van de werking of de vernietiging een aanzienlijke weerslag in het land zou hebben. [2]

Infrastructure critique nationale: l'infrastructure critique située sur le territoire belge, dont l’interruption du fonctionnement ou la destruction aurait une incidence significative dans le pays. [3]

National critical infrastructure is critical infrastructure on Belgium territory of which disruption or destruction would have a significant impact on the nation. [4]

United Kingdom (UK)

The term Critical National Infrastructure is used.

United States

Military JP 3-28 (withdrawn definition)
National critical infrastructure and key assets (NCI&KA) are the infrastructure and assets vital to a nation’s security, governance, public health and safety, economy, and public confidence. [5]

See also
