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European Definitions

National Definitions


Disturbance(power grid) means an unplanned event which produces an abnormal system condition or the effects experienced by a power system following a contingency, such as high or low frequency, abnormal voltage, or oscillations in the system. [1]


Häiriötilanne: Uhka tai tapahtuma, joka vaarantaa yhteiskunnan turvallisuutta, toimintakykyä tai väestön elinmahdollisuuksia ja jonka hallinta edellyttää viranomaisten ja muiden toimijoiden tavanomaista laajempaa tai tiiviimpää yhteistoimintaa ja viestintää. [2]

Disturbance is a threat or an occurrence which endangers security in society, capacity to act or the population’s living conditions. Co-operation and communication of the authorities and other actors on a wider or more intensive scale are needed to manage the situation [3]

United States

Disturbance: An undesired change in a variable being applied to a system that tends to adversely affect the value of a controlled variable. 
(from: NIST SP 800-82 Rev. 2) [4]

See also
