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European Definitions


Cyberspace: The intangible global environment in which online communication occurs between people, software and services via computer networks and technological devices. [1]

[BG] Киберпространство: Нематериалната глобална среда, в която се осъществява онлайн комуникация между хора, софтуер и услуги чрез компютърни мрежи и технологични устройства.

[CS] Kyberprostor: Nehmotné globální prostředí, v němž dochází k on-line komunikaci mezi lidmi, softwarem a službami prostřednictvím počítačových sítí a technologických zařízení.

[DE] Cyberraum: Das virtuelle globale Umfeld, in dem Menschen mithilfe von Computernetzen und technischen Geräten über Software mit Diensten online kommunizieren.

[DK] Cyberspace: Det uhåndgribelige globale miljø, hvor onlinekommunikation foregår mellem mennesker, software og tjenesteydelser via computernet og teknologisk udstyr.

[ES] Ciberespacio: Entorno global intangible en el que se produce la comunicación en línea entre las personas, el software y los servicios a través de redes informáticas y dispositivos tecnológicos.

[NE] Cyberspace: De immateriële wereldwijde omgeving waarin onlinecommunicatie plaatsvindt tussen mensen, software en diensten via computernetwerken en technologische apparaten.

International Definitions


CCD-CoE (Tallinn manual)
Cyberspace: the environment formed by physical and non-physical components, characterized by the use of computers and the electromagnetic spectrum, to store, modify, and exchange data using computer networks. [2]

National Definitions


Hapësirë kibernetike – konsiderohet hapësira virtuale globale e të gjithë sistemeve të informacionit dhe të komunikimit të ndërlidhur në nivel të dhënash. [3]


Cyberspace: the environment formed by physical and non-physical components to store, modify, and exchange data using computer networks. [4]


Cyber space is the virtual space of all IT systems interconnected at data level on a global scale. [5]

Cyberspace Cyber Raum / Cyber Space / Virtueller Raum: ist der virtuelle Raum aller auf Datenebene vernetzten IT-Systeme im globalen Maßstab. [6]


Cyberspace is de globale omgeving die ontstaat door de interconnectie van informative- en communicatiesystemen. [7]

Le Cyberespace est l'environment global né de l'interconnexion des systèmes d'information et de communication. [8]

Cyberspace is ruimer dan de informaticawereld en omvat eveneens de fysieke en virtuele computernetwerken, computersystemen, digitale media en digitale gegevens.


Cyberspace: the online world of computer networks and especially the Internet. [9]


Кибер пространство: интерактивна среда от електронни мрежи и информационна инфраструктура използвана за създаване, унищожаване, съхранение, обработка, обмяна на информация, управление на обекти, системи и услуги. [10]

Кибер пространство: сферата, в която информационната среда съставена от независими мрежи на информационни системни инфраструктури включително интернет, телекомуникационни мрежи, компютърни системи, вградени процесори и контролери се използват за обработване, съхраняване и пренасяне на информация и дейности на потребители. [10]


Cyberespace: Espace de communication constitué par l’interconnexion mondiale d’équipements de traitement automatisé de données numériques. [11]


Cyberspace is the electronic world created by interconnected networks of information technology and the information on those networks. [12]

Le cyberespace est le monde électronique créé par des réseaux interconnectés formés de systèmes de technologie de l’information et de l’information qui se trouve sur ses réseaux. [13]


Ciberespacio: es un ambiente compuesto por las infraestructuras tecnológicas, los componentes lógicos de la información y las interacciones sociales que se verifican en su interior. [14]


Ciberespacio: Es el ambiente tanto físico como virtual compuesto por computadores, sistemas computacionales, programas computacionales (software), redes de telecomunicaciones, datos e información que es utilizado para la interacción entre usuarios. [15]

Cyber security is the ability of the state to minimize the level of risk their citizens from threats or incidents of cyber nature are exposed to.

Entorno digital: Ambiente, tanto físico como virtual sobre el cual se soporta la economía digital. Siendo esta última la economía basada en tecnologías, cuyo desarrollo y despliegue se produce en un ecosistema caracterizado por la creciente y acelerada convergencia entre diversas tecnologías, que se concreta en redes de comunicación, equipos de hardware, servicios de procesamiento y tecnologías web. [16]

Costa Rica

Ciberespacio: Entorno complejo resultante de la interacción de personas, software y servicios en el internet por medio de dispositivos tecnológicos y redes conectadas a este, que no existe en forma física. [17]


Kibernetički proctor: prostor unutar kojeg se odvija komunikacija između informacijskih sustava. [18]


Ciberespacio Ambiente virtual interconectado formado por personas, información, hardware, software, sistemas de control o servicios. [19]

Czech Republic

Kybernetický prostor: Digitální prostředí umožňující vznik, zpracování a výměnu informací, tvořené informačními systémy, a službami a sítěmi elektronických komunikací. [20]

Cyberspace is the digital environment enabling the origin, processing and exchange of information, made up of information systems and the services and networks of electronic communications. [21]

Dominican Republic

Ciberespacio: espacio virtual, no geográfico, determinado por la interconexión de personas a través de redes telemáticas. [22]


Cyber space is a shared space where communications and information exchange take place on the global level. [23] [24]

يضم الفضاء الإلكتروني مزودي الاتصالات وخدمات الإنترنت والمؤسسات التي تقوم بتطوير البرمجيات والأجهزة الرقمية وتقديم ا ما تكون من القطاع الخاص أو الخدمات عبر الإنترنت والتي غالب المؤسسات شبه الحكومية، ويجب أمن هذا الفضاء، وكذلك المؤسسات المصنفة ضمن برنامج حماية


Cyberspace: The interdependent network of IT infrastructures including internet connected devices, computer systems, telecommunications networks, and the Internet. [25]


Cyberspace means a virtual space that comprises interconnected information, information infrastructure, information systems, and human resource that turns information into knowledge and use it, and the institutional and social culture. [26]


Cyberrymd: toimintaympäristö, joka muodostuu yhdestä tai useammasta sähköisessä muodossa olevan datan tai informaation käsittelyyn tarkoitetusta tietojärjestelmästä. [27]


Cyberespace: Espace de communication constitué par l’interconnexion mondiale d’équipements de traitement automatisé de données numériques. [28]

Cyberspace: the communication space created by the worldwide interconnection of automated digital data processing equipment. [29]


Der Cyber-Raum ist der virtuelle Raum aller weltweit auf Datenebene vernetzten bzw. vernetzbaren informationstechnischen Systeme. Dem Cyber-Raum liegt als öffentlich zugängliches Verbindungsnetz das Internet zugrunde, welches durch beliebige andere Datennetze erweitert warden kann. [30] [31]

Cyberspace is the virtual space of all IT systems linked at data level on a global scale. (2011) [32]

Der Cyber-Raum ist der virtuelle Raum aller auf Datenebene vernetzten IT-Systeme im globalen Maßstab. (2011) [33]


Ciberespacio: Es una red interdependiente de infraestructuras de información y comunicaciones, que incluye internet, redes de telecomunicaciones, sistemas informáticos, procesos y controles embebidos. Fuente: US-CERT NICCS Cyber Glossary [34]


Cyberspace means the combined phenomenon of globally interconnected, decentralised and ever-growing electronic information systems as well as the societal and economic processes appearing in and through these systems in the form of data and information. [35]

The Hungarian cyberspace includes the parts of the electronic information systems of the global cyberspace which are located in Hungary, as well as the societal and economic processes appearing in and through the electronic systems of the global cyberspace in the form of data and information that take place in, are directed to, or affect Hungary.


Cyberspace is a complex environment consisting of interactions between people, software and services, supported by worldwide distribution of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), devices and networks. [36]


Ruang siber (cyberspace) atau siber adalah ruang dimana komunitas saling terhubung menggunakan jaringan (misalnya internet) untuk melakukan berbagai kegiatan sehari-hari. [37]

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Cyber space: The environment, which consists of information systems that span across the world including the networks that interconnect these systems. [38]


המארג הגלובאלי של תשתיות המידע הטכנולוגיות, הכולל את המרשתת (אינטרנט), רשתות התקשורת, מערכות המחשוב וכל המעבדים והבקרים (global cyberspace) [39]

מכלול מרכיביו של מרחב הסייבר הגלובאלי, שלמדינת ישראל יש בהם זכויות (national cyberspace) [39]

Cyberspace comprises the physical and non-physical domain that is created or composed of part or all of the following components: mechanized and computerized systems, computer and communications networks, programs, computerized information, content conveyed by computer, traffic and supervisory data and those who use such data. [40]


Lo spazio cibernetico è l'insieme delle infrastrutture informatiche interconnesse, comprensivo di hardware, software, dati ed utenti, nonce delle relazioni logiche , comunque stabilite, tra di essi. [41]

Cyber-space: L’insieme delle infrastrutture informatiche interconnesse, comprensivo di hardware, software, dati ed utenti nonché delle relazioni logiche, comunque stabilite, tra di essi. [42]

Include tra l’altro internet, reti di comunicazione, sistemi attuatori di processo ed apparecchiature mobili dotate di connessione di rete.

defined by=Italy|


Cyberspace is an artificial domain for the free exchange of ideas without regard to national borders. [43]

サイバー空間は「国境を意識することなく自由にアイディアを議論でき、そこで生ま [44]


Cyberspeace: The interdependent network of information technology infrastructures that includes the Internet, telecommunications networks, computer systems,internet connected devices and embedded processors and controllers. [45]


The notional environment in which communication over computer networks occurs. [46]

‘Cyberspace’ is the virtual space created by interconnected computers and computer networks on the internet. [47]

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

A global domain within the information environment consisting of the interdependent networks of information systems infrastructures including the internet, telecommunications networks, computer systems, embedded processors and controllers. [48]


Hapësira kibernetike është hapësira virtuale e të gjitha sistemeve të TI-së të ndërlidhura në nivel të dhënash në shkallë globale. Baza e hapësirës kibernetike është Interneti, si rrjet universal dhe publikisht i qasshëm për lidhje dhe transportim, i cili mund të plotësohet e zgjerohet tutje për çfarëdo numri të rrjeteve të tjera të të dhënave. Sistemet e TI-së në hapësira të izoluara virtuale nuk janë pjesë e hapësirës kibernetike. [49]

Cyberspace is the virtual space of all IT systems linked at data level on a global scale. The basis for cyberspace is the Internet as a universal and publicly accessible connection and transport network which can be complemented and further expanded by any number of additional data networks. IT systems in an isolated virtual space are not part of cyberspace. [50]


Arab definition - see doc [51]

Cyberspace or cyberspace environment: is figuratively the virtual space for computer systems and electronic networks, where information stored electronically and directly connect to the network, it is an intangible space including data such as personal information, electronic transactions, intellectual property and other related topics. [52]


киберпространство - сфера деятельности в информационном пространстве, образуемая за счет любых форм взаимодействия людей, программного обеспечения и сервисов, осуществляемого при помощи информационно-телекоммуникационных сетей (включая глобальную информационно-телекоммуникационную сеть Интернет) и любых других видов информационной инфраструктуры. [53]


Cyberspace Cyber space is an interactive environment that includes users, networks, computing technology, software, processes, information in transit or storage, applications, services, and systems that can be connected directly orindirectly to the Internet, telecommunications and computer networks. [54]

Cyber space has no physical boarders.


The notional environment in which communication over computer networks occurs. Cyberspace refers to the virtual computer world, and more specifically, is an electronic medium used to form a global computer network to facilitate online communication. It is a large computer network made up of many worldwide computer networks to aid in communication and data exchange activities. Cyberspace's core feature is an interactive and virtual environment for a broad range of participants. [55]


Cyberspace: An environment in which digitized information is distributed on networks of computers. [56]


Cyberspace is a global space which has no national boundaries. Hence, the rapid spread of threats across cyberspace. [57]

Cyber space has no physical boarders.


Ciberespacio: ​Es un entorno digital global constituido por redes informáticas y de telecomunicaciones, en el que se comunican e interactúan las personas y permite el ejercicio​ ​de​ ​sus​ ​derechos​ ​y​ ​libertades​ ​como​ ​lo​ ​hacen​ ​en​ ​el​ ​mundo​ ​físico.  [58]


(Information space) Spaţiu informaţional – mediu de activitate asociat cu formarea, crearea, transformarea, transmiterea, utilizarea, stocarea informaţiilor, care produce efecte la nivel de conştiinţă individuală şi socială, infrastructură informaţională şi informaţie. [59]

{raw translation} Information space - activity environment associated with the formation, creation, transformation, transmission, use, storage of the information it produces effects at the level of individual and social consciousness, information infrastructure and information.


Cyberespace: Ensemble de données numérisées constituant un univers d’information et un milieu de communication, lié à l’interconnexion mondiale des ordinateurs. [60]

Cyberspace: A set of digitized data constituting an information universe and a communication medium, linked to the global interconnection of computers.


Ciberespaço: espaço de comunicação aberto pela interconexão de computadores e das memórias dos computadores a nível mundial. [61]

Ciberespaço: O termo ciberespaço descreve sistemas e serviços conectados, direta ou indiretamente, à Internet, telecomunicações e redes de computadores. [62]


The digital domain is the conglomerate of ICT tools and services and comprises all entities that can be or are digitally linked. [63]

The domain comprises both permanent, temporary or local connections, as well as information, such as data and programme codes, located in this domain where geographical limitations do not apply.

Het cyberdomein is het conglomeraat van ICT-middelen en -diensten en bevat alle entiteiten die digitaal verbonden (kunnen) zijn. [63]

Het domein omvat zowel permanente als tijdelijke of plaatselijke verbindingen, evenals de gegevens (o.a. data, programmacode, informatie) die zich in dit domein bevinden, waarbij geen geografische beperkingen zijn gesteld.

Digitale ruimte: de digitale ruimte is de complexe omgeving die het resultaat is van de interactie tussen mensen, software en diensten op het internet, ondersteund door wereldwijd gedistribueerde fysieke informatie- en communicatietechnologie (ICT) -apparaten en verbonden netwerken (from ISO/IEC 27032:2012). De digitale ruimte wordt ook wel omschreven als het ‘digitale domein’ of ‘cyberspace’. [64][65]

New Zealand

Cyberspace: The internet and everything connected to it – the global network of interdependent information systems, telecommunications networks and information technology infrastructures. [66]

The global network of interdependent information technology infrastructures, telecommunication networks and computer processing systems in which online communication takes place. [66]


Ciberespacio: Ámbito virtual creado por medios informáticos. [67]


Cyberspace is an interdependent network of critical and non-critical national information infrastructures, convergence of interconnected information and communication resources through the use of information and communication technologies. It encompasses all forms of digital engagements, interactions, socializations and transactional activities; contents, contacts and resources deployed through interconnected networks. [68]

Cyberspace: The electronic medium of computer networks, in which online communication takes place. [69]

North Macedonia

Сајбер простор – простор во кој се остварува комуникацијата помеѓу информациските системи. Во контекст на Стратегијата, оваа дефиниција го опфаќа Интернетот и сите информациски системи поврзани со него, како и независни информациски систем. [70] [71]


Cyberspace are those digital infrastructures that interconnect national, regional and global information and communication networks. [72]

(a) An interactive domain made up of digital networks that are used to store, modify and communicate information. It includes the internet, but also the other information systems that support our businesses, infrastructure and services;
(b) A global domain within the information environment consisting of the interdependent network of information systems infrastructures including the Internet, telecommunications networks, computer systems, and embedded processors and controllers;
(c) A global domain within the virtual information environment consisting of the interdependent network of information technology infrastructures including the internet, telecommunications networks, computer systems and embedded processors and control. [73]

Cyberspace used to describe virtual world of computers. [74]


Cyberprzestrzeń oznacza przestrzeń przetwarzania i wymiany informacji tworzoną przez systemy teleinformatyczne wraz z powiązaniami pomiędzy nimi oraz relacjami z użytkownikami. [75]

Cyberspace is a space of processing and exchanging information created by the ICT systems, as defined in Article 3 point 3 of the Act of 17 February 2005 on the informatization of entities performing public tasks (OJ No. 64, item 565, as amended), together with links between them and the relations with users; in accordance with Article 2 paragraph 1b of the Act of 29 August 2002 on martial law and the powers of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces as well as the Commander’s subordination to the constitutional authorities of the Republic of Poland (OJ No. 156, item 1301, as amended), Article 2 paragraph 1a of the Act of 21 June 2002 on the state of emergency (OJ No. 113, item 985, as amended) and Article 3 paragraph 1 point 4 of the Act of 18 April 2002 on the state of natural disaster (OJ No. 62, item 558, as amended). [76]

Cyberprzestrzeń - przestrzeń przetwarzania i wymiany informacji tworzona przez systemy teleinformatyczne, określone w art. 3 pkt 3 ustawy z dnia 17 lutego 2005 r. o informatyzacji działalności podmiotów realizujących zadania publiczne (Dz. U. Nr 64, poz. 565, z późn. zm.) wraz z powiązaniami pomiędzy nimi oraz relacjami z użytkownikami; zgodnie z art. 2 ust. 1b ustawy z dnia 29 sierpnia 2002 r. o stanie wojennym oraz o kompetencjach Naczelnego Dowódcy Sił Zbrojnych i zasadach jego podległości konstytucyjnym organom Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (Dz. U. Nr 156, poz. 1301, z późn. zm.), art. 2 ust. 1a ustawy z dnia 21 czerwca 2002 r. o stanie wyjątkowym (Dz. U. Nr 113, poz. 985, z późn. zm.) oraz art. 3 ust. 1 pkt 4 ustawy z dnia 18 kwietnia 2002 r. o stanie klęski żywiołowej (Dz. U. Nr 62, poz. 558, z późn. zm. ) [76]


[Definição] Ciberespaço: Metáfora usada para descrever o espaço não físico criado por redes de computadores, nomeadamente pela Internet, onde as pessoas podem comunicar de diferentes maneiras, por exemplo, através de mensagens eletrónicas, em salas de conversa ou em fóruns de discussão. [77]

Ciberespaço: Ambiente complexo de valores e interesses materializado numa área de responsabilidade coletiva, que resulta da interação entre pessoas e redes e sistemas de informação. [78]


Cyberspace is a virtual or electronic environment that results from the interdependent network of information and communications technology (e.g., the Internet, telecommunications networks, computer systems, and embedded processors and controllers) that links people with services and information. [79] [80]

Republic of Trinidad & Tobago

Ciberespacio: conjunto de capacidades, tales como sensores, señales, conexiones, transmisiones, procesadores y controladores que generan una experiencia virtual interactiva a la que se accede con fines de comunicación y control, sea cual fuere la ubicación geográfica. El ciberespacio permite a la red interdependiente de infraestructuras de tecnologías de la información, redes de telecomunicaciones tales como la Internet, sistemas de informática, sensores integrados, redes de control de sistemas y procesadores y controladores integrados comunes realizar actividades de control y de comunicaciones globales. [81]


Spaţiul cybernetic: mediul virtual, generat de infrastructurile cibernetice, incluzând conţinutul informaţional procesat, stocat sau transmis, precum şi acţiunile derulate de utilizatori în acesta. [82]

Ciberspaţiu: Cuvânt utilizat pentru prima dată de scriitorul britanic William Gibson, în anul 1984, pentru a desemna spaţiul virtual, fără frontiere şi constrângeri, în care datele circulă prin intermediul Internetului. [83]

Russian Federation

информационной сферой понимается совокупность нформации, объектов информатизации, информационных систем, айтов в информационно-телекоммуникационной сети "Интернет" (далее - сеть "Интернет"), сетей связи, информационных технологий, субъектов, деятельность которых связана с формированием и обработкой информации, развитием и использованием названных технологий, обеспечением информационной безопасности, а также совокупность механизмов регулирования соответствующих общественных отношений. [84]

Information sphere is a set of information objects of information, information systems and websites in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" (hereinafter - the network "Internet"), communication networks, information technology, entities whose activities are related to the formation and information processing, development and use of these technologies, information security, as well as a set of appropriate regulation of public relations mechanisms.

информационное пространство: сфера деятельности, связанная с формированием, созданием, преобразованием, передачей, использованием, хранением информации, оказывающая воздействие, в том числе на индивидуальное и общественное сознание, информационную инфраструктуру и собственно информацию [85]

Information space (raw translation): the activities associated with the formation, creation, transformation, transmission, use, and storage of information, have an impact, including individual and social consciousness, of information infrastructure and information itself.


Cyberespace : le cyberespace est l’environnement global de l’interconnexion des systèmes d’information et de communication. Le cyberespace est plus large que le monde informatique et contient également les réseaux informatiques, systèmes informatiques, medias et données numériques, qu’ils soient physiques ou virtuels. [86]


Cyberspace: The complex environment resulting from the interaction of people, software and services on the Internet by means of technology devices and networks connected to it. It does not exist in a physical form per se. Singapore’s cyberspace includes domain names with “.SG” or Singapore-mentions, Internet Protocol (IP) addresses used in Singapore, and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) located here. [87]


Izraz kibernetski prostor predstavlja globalno omrežje informacijske tehnologije, telekomunikacijskih omrežij in sistemov za računalniško obdelavo. [88]

South Africa

Cyberspace means a physical and non-physical terrain created by and/or composed of some or all of the following: computers, computer systems, networks, and their computer programs, computer data, content data, traffic data, and users. [89]


El ciberespacio, nombre por el que se designa al dominio global y dinámico compuesto por las infraestructuras de tecnología de la información – incluida Internet–, las redes y los sistemas de información y de telecomunicaciones, han venido a difuminar fronteras, hacienda partícipes a sus usuarios de una globalización sin precedentes que propicia nuevas oportunidades, a la vez que comporta nuevos retos, riesgos y amenazas. [90]

Ciberespacio (Cyber space): (OTAN) El mundo digital generado por ordenadores y redes de ordenadores, en el cual personas y ordenadores coexisten y el cual incluye todos los aspectos de la actividad «online». [91]


Cyberspace: The entirety of information and communication infrastructures (hardware and software) that exchange, collect, store or process data or convert data into (physical) actions, and the interactions between individuals, organisations and states made possible as a result. [92]

Cyber-Raum: Gesamtheit der Informations- und Kommunikationsinfrastrukturen (Hard- und Software), die untereinander Daten austauschen, diese erfassen, speichern, verarbeiten oder in (physische) Aktionen umwandeln, und der dadurch ermöglichten Interaktionen zwischen Personen, Organisationen und Staaten. [93]

Cyberespace: Ensemble des infrastructures d’information et de communication (matériel et logiciel) qui échangent, créent, enregistrent et traitent des données ou transforment celles-ci en actions (physiques) ainsi que toutes les interactions permises par ces infrastructures entre des personnes, des organisations et des États. [94]

Cyberspazio: Comprende tutte le infrastrutture informatiche e per le comunicazioni (hardware e software) che consentono di scambiare, rilevare, memorizzare, elaborare dati oppure di convertirli in azioni (fisiche) e tutte le possibili interazioni che ne derivano tra persone, organizzazioni e Stati. [95]


Siber ortam: Tüm dünyaya ve uzaya yayılmış durumda bulunan bilişim systemlerinden ve bunlan birbirine bağlayan ağlardan oluşan ortami. [96] [97]

Cyberspace: The numeric environment composed of information systems spread over the entire world and space, the networks interconnecting these systems or independent information systems. [98]

Cyberspace is the environment which consists of information systems that span across the world including the networks that interconnect these systems. [99]


кіберпростір - середовище (віртуальний простір), яке надає можливості для здійснення комунікацій та/або реалізації суспільних відносин, утворене в результаті функціонування сумісних (з’єднаних) комунікаційних систем та забезпечення електронних комунікацій з використанням мережі Інтернет та/або інших глобальних мереж передачі даних.

{machine translation} Cyberspace - an environment (virtual space) that provides opportunities for communication and / or implementation of public relations, formed as a result of the operation of compatible (connected) communication systems and the provision of electronic communications using the Internet and / or other global transmission networks data. [100]

United Kingdom (UK)

Cyberspace is the interdependent network of information technology infrastructures that includes the Internet, telecommunications networks, computer systems, internetconnected devices and embedded processors and controllers.
Cyberspace may also refer to the virtual world or domain as an experienced phenomenon, or abstract concept. [101]

Cyberspace is an interactive domain made up of digital networks that is used to store, modify and communicate information. It includes the internet, but also the other information systems that support our businesses, infrastructure and services. [102]

United States

Cyberspace is the interdependent network of information technology infrastructures, that includes the Internet, telecommunications networks, computer systems, and embedded processors and controllers. [103]

Cyberspace is a global domain within the information environment consisting of the interdependent network of information systems infrastructures including the Internet, telecommunications networks, computer systems, and embedded processors and controllers. [104]

Cyberspace: A global domain within the information environment consisting of the interdependent network of information technology infrastructures and resident data, including the Internet, telecommunications networks, computer systems, and embedded processors and controllers. (from: JP 3-12). [105]

The White House
The interdependent network of information and communications technology infrastructures, including the Internet, telecommunications networks, computer systems and networks, and embedded processors and controllers in facilities and industries. [106]


Cyberspace: is the complex environment resulting from the interaction of people, software and services on the Internet by means of technology devices and networks connected to it, which does not exist in any physical form. [107]


Cyberspace means physical and non-physical terrain created by and/or composed of some of all the following: computers, computer systems, networks, and their computer programmes, computer data, content data, traffic data, and users. [108]

Regional Definitions

Isle of Man
Cyberspace: the electronic world created by interconnected networks of information technology and the information on those networks. [109]

. It is a global commons where more than three billion people are linked together to exchange ideas, services and friendship


Cyberspace: Een ecosysteem van digitale (genetwerkte) technologieën, waarbinnen allerlei verschillende actoren informatie creëren, opslaan, uitwisselen, gebruiken en delen. [110]

See also



  1. European Court of Auditors, Challenges to effective EU cybersecurity policy, Briefing Paper, March 2019
  2. Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare (2013)
  3. Dokumenti i Politikave për Sigurinë Kibernetike 2015 - 2017
  4. on-line glossary Stay Safe On-line
  5. Austrian Cyber Security Strategy, Federal Chancellery of the Republic of Austria, Vienna (2013)
  6. Österreichische Strategie für Cyber Sicherheit (2013)
  7. Cyber Security
  8. Cyber Security (2012)
  9. National Cyber Security Strategy 2018-2022
  10. 10.0 10.1 „Кибер устойчива България 2020” - Republic of Bulgaria: national cyber security strategy "Cyber Resilient Bulgaria 2020" (2016)
  11. Plan National de Cybersécurité (2010)
  12. Canada’s Cyber Security Strategy (2010). For a Stronger and More Prosperous Canada (2010)
  13. Stratégie de cybersécurité du Canada: renforcer le Canada et accroître sa prospérité. (2010)
  15. Conpes 3510
  17. Estrategia Nacional de Ciberseguridad de Costa Rica (2017)
  18. Nacrt prijedloga Nacionalne Kibernetske Strategije / National Cyber Security Strategy draft (2015)
  19. Glossary of Cyber terms/Glosario de términos, Centro de Seguridad del Ciberespacio
  20. Výkladový slovník kybernetické bezpečnosti (2013)
  21. Act No. 181 of 23 July 2014 On Cyber Security and Change of Related Acts (Act on Cyber Security)
  22. AGN, Dominican Republic
  23. Dubai Cyber Security Strategy (2017)
  24. استراتيجية دبي للأمن الإلكتروني(Dubai Cyber Security Strategy - Arab version) (2017)
  26. (DRAFT) The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia National Cyber Security Policy and Strategy (2021)
  27. Vocabulary of Comprehensive Security. Helsinki (TSK 47) (2014)
  28. La Stratégie de la France en matière de défense et de sécurité des systèmes d’information (2011)
  29. Information systems defence and security: France's Strategy
  30. Cyber-Sicherheitsstrategie für Deutschland 2021
  31. Cyber-Sicherheitsstrategie für Deutschland 2016
  32. Cyber Security Strategy for Germany (2011)
  33. Cyber-Sicherheitstrategie für Deutschland (2011)
  34. La Estrategia Nacional de Seguridad Cibernética (June 2018)
  35. Government Decision No. 1139/2013 (21 March) on the National Cyber Security Strategy of Hungary (2013)
  36. Information Technology Act Ammendment (2008)
  38. National Cyber Security Strategy of Afghanistan (2014)
  39. 39.0 39.1 CERT.IL Glossary
  40. Advancing National Cyberspace Capabilities (2011)
  41. National Strategic Framework for the Security of Cyberspace (2013)
  43. CYBERSECURITY STRATEGY 2015 (provisonal translation)
  44. サイバーセキュリティ戦略
  45. National Cyber Security Strategy (2018-2023)
  46. Kenya's National Cyber Security Strategy
  48. Developing National Information Security Strategy for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia NISS draft 7
  49. Strategjia Shtetërore për Sigurinë Kibernetike dhe Plani i Veprimit 2016 – 2019
  50. National Cyber Security Strategy and Action Plan 2016 – 2019 (2015)
  51. الاستراتيجية الوطنية للأمن السيبراني لدولة الكويت (2017-2020)
  52. National Cyber Security Strategy 2017-2020
  53. СТРАТЕГИЯ кибербезопасности Кыргызской Республики на 2019-2023 годы
  54. Latvia's National Cyber Security Strategy
  55. Lebanon Cyber Security Strategy v2
  56. Government of Liberia’s Policy for the Telecommunications and Information Communications Technology (ICT) sectors
  57. via CCD-CoE
  58. Estragia Nacional de Ciberseguridad (November 2017)
  59. Strategia naţională de apărare 2017
  61. Estratégia Nacional de Segurança Cibernética de Moçambique (2021-2024)
  62. Estratégia Nacional de Segurança Cibernética de Moçambique (2017 - 2021)
  63. 63.0 63.1 National Cyber Security Strategy 2 (2013)
  64. Nederlandse Cybersecurity Strategie 2022-2028: Ambities en acties voor een digitaal veilige samenleving
  65. Cyber Security Beeld Nederland 2020
  66. 66.0 66.1 New Zealand’s Cyber Security Strategy (2019)
  68. National Cyber Security Strategy Nigeria (2014)
  71. National Cyber Security Strategy of the Republic of Macedonia (2018)
  72. Philippine National Cyber Security Plan 2005
  74. National Cyber Security Plan 2022 (May 2017)
  75. Strategia Cyberbezpieczeństwa Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej na lata 2017-2022
  76. 76.0 76.1 Warsaw (2013)
  77. Glossário Centro National de Cibersegurança Portugal
  78. Quadro Nacional de Referência para a Cibersegurança
  79. QATAR National Cyber Security Strategy (May 2014)
  80. الاستراتيجية الوطنية للأمن السيبراني QATAR NCSS - Arabic version (May 2014)
  81. Government of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago, National Cyber Security Strategy (December 2012)
  82. Hotărârea nr. 271/2013 pentru aprobarea Strategiei de securitate cibernetică
  84. Указ Президента Российской Федерации от 05.12.2016 № 646 "Об утверждении Доктрины информационной безопасности Российской Федерации"
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  98. Turkey's National Cyber Security Strategy 2016-2019 (2016)
  99. Turkey's National Cyber Security Strategy and 2013-2014 Action Plan
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  101. National Cyber Security Strategy 2016, HM Government
  102. The UK Cyber Security Strategy Protecting and promoting the UK in a digital world (2011)
  103. DHS/NICSS Glossary
  104. NIST Special Publication 800-53 Rev 4: Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations (April 2013)
  105. Joint Publication 1-02: Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms (2016)
  106. The White House Cyberspace Policy Review, May 2009
  107. National Cybersecurity Strategy 2030
  108. National Cyber Security Policy
  109. Isle of Man National Cyber Security Strategy (2018-2022)
  110. Cybersecurity Woordenboek 2021